Home > Lemon Drizzle Mondays at the Little Duck Pond Cafe (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 9)(37)

Lemon Drizzle Mondays at the Little Duck Pond Cafe (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 9)(37)
Author: Rosie Green

‘More than your smelly old motorbike?’

He nods. ‘Much more. I’m a man of few words, my love, but if you let me, I’d like to make it up to you. Over dinner.’

Bertha is just staring at Ron, blinking rapidly.

‘So where are we off to, then? The chippy?’

He laughs. ‘Arcot Manor?’


‘Really. And we’re not just going for dinner. We’re staying overnight and I’ve booked you into the spa for a massage and a hairdo.’

‘What?’ Bertha shrieks, and everyone giggles.

‘Hope you have a fabulous birthday, Bertha,’ I call from behind the counter as she heads for the door, and Hope echoes this.

‘Oh, I will. Don’t you worry.’ She takes Ron’s arm. ‘Come on then, old man, take me to paradise!’

She turns and winks at us. ‘I might never return!’




It’s Tuesday night and Matt is due in a matter of minutes. And I’m still rushing around, rearranging cushions and spraying my new home scent, in between mashing potatoes and grating cheese and changing my mind about what to wear.

Eva, in her best dress, is sitting on the sofa, staring in slack-jawed wonder at ‘Moon and Me’ on the TV. It’s her new favourite thing.

I stop briefly to watch, but the idea of freaky-looking dolls coming to life when the moon comes out frankly makes me shiver. At least Eva is happy, I think, as I rush through to the kitchen and hide the scratched surface of the table with a cloth. Standing back, I assess the look. The tablecloth is an old one of Mum’s. It’s pink and loudly floral with a lacy edge – enough to put us off our shepherd’s pie, really – but if it covers up the sad, rickety old table, it has to be a good thing.

I look around with a sigh. Why am I bothering? Anyone with half an eye can see the place is a dump, and trying to disguise the fact is only drawing attention to its limitations!

Right, that’s it! I’m going to stop worrying about what Matt thinks. If he likes me, he won’t mind. And if he minds, I don’t like him!

And then the doorbell rings.

He’s early. Must be keen (I wish!)

Suddenly breathless with excitement, I straighten my top, check my rosy-cheeked reflection in a knife (good tip, Patrina) and rush through to answer it.

I pull the door open, a smile spreading across my face.

The sickening thud of my heart when I see Jaxon standing there is actually a physical pain.

‘What are you doing here? It’s rent day tomorrow.’ Instinctively, I cross my arms over my chest. ‘You can collect the cash then.’

‘Well, that’s nice, I’m sure. Aren’t you going to invite me in?’ He pushes past before I can stop him, striding through to the kitchen. ‘Something smells good.’

Hearing him opening the oven, I rush through, and he turns with a smirk. ‘Expecting company, are we? Is that why you’re all dressed up?’ He nods, running his eyes over my body and making me squirm. ‘You scrub up well, I’ll give you that. Very well.’ He walks towards me and I back away until there’s nowhere to go. He grabs my arms and pins them to the wall with a vice-like grip, and I struggle to escape but that just angers him, and his grip tightens. His foul breath is inches from my face and I turn my head away in desperation, but he takes my chin in his hand and forces me round to look at him.

‘I think it’s time you paid up in full, Molly Hooper,’ he murmurs, and panic roars in my ears at the evil glint in his eye.

The doorbell rings.


His grip on me slackens and I slip free of him to make a run for the door. But he grabs my wrist and yanks me towards him. ‘Get rid of them,’ he snarls. ‘If you don’t, you’re out on the streets tonight.’

I shake my head. ‘You wouldn’t do that.’

His laughter contradicts me. I glance at the door, fearful that at any minute, Eva will come through to see what’s going on. Thank God for ‘Moon and Me’!

‘I think that lovely little daughter of yours should know the truth, don’t you?’ he whispers, obviously having spotted my scared glance at the door. ‘That she has a waste of space for a mother, who can’t even afford to keep a proper roof over her head.’ He glances around with a sneer, then starts pulling me towards the door.

‘No!’ I start struggling, desperate to protect Eva. ‘Bully me all you like, you bastard, but just leave her out of this.’

My words enflame him. He lets go of my wrist and shoves me – so hard that I fly backwards and land on the floor. As I sit there, panting and staring up at him, the doorbell goes again, and Jaxon hisses, ‘Get rid of them or you and your precious daughter will be homeless tonight. And that’s a promise.’

Slowly, I get to my feet, his words echoing inside my head.

Homeless tonight. And that’s a promise.

I start towards the door, and he grabs my wrist again. ‘I mean it,’ he grunts in my ear.

When I finally open the door, Matt is standing there with a puzzled look on his face. ‘Everything okay?’

I force a smile, knowing that Jaxon is standing close, but just out of sight. ‘Er, no, not really. I’m…not feeling too well, actually. I think I’m coming down with something again. Would you mind if we did this some other time?’

He takes a step towards me, looking concerned. ‘Of course. If you’re not well, you need to rest. Can I do anything? Get you anything?’

The look of concern in his eyes almost breaks me. I want to just fall into his arms and tell him everything, but I know I can’t. I can’t risk Jaxon’s reprisals if I don’t do what he says.

So I shake my head. ‘No. Thank you. I’ll be fine.’

He lingers. ‘Well, if you’re sure you’re all right?’

‘I am.’ I force another smile, my heart breaking to see him go, and I gently close the door.

‘Mummy? Was that Matt at the door? Where has he gone?’

I turn and Eva is standing there. She looks up at Jaxon. Then she curls into me, hugging my waist and burying her face there.

‘Right, I’m off. Have a nice night,’ grins Jaxon. ‘I might pop back later, though. Just to make sure you’re keeping to the terms of our agreement. And don’t bother with the safety chain. That won’t protect you if I want to get in.’

He goes out, slamming the door behind him, and I quickly slide the chain across. Then I take Eva’s hand and lead her through to the sitting room. We curl up on the sofa, clinging to each other for comfort.

‘Jaxon is bad, isn’t he, Mummy?’

I swallow. ‘He’s not a very nice man at all, my love.’

I think of what Carrie said. She wanted me to go to the police about Jaxon and it’s time I did. I need to do something because tonight just proved how dangerous he is. He’s not just toying with me now. I could cope with that – just about. But the physical violence has just taken his abuse to a whole new level.

It’s not just sexual harassment or mental abuse any longer. I feel for the first time that our lives might be in danger…

The problem is, I don’t have any evidence. I can’t prove he assaulted me. But I’ve got to do something. What if he returns tonight, as he threatened? I won’t sleep a wink waiting for the ring of that doorbell.

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