Home > Pretty Wild (Boys in Makeup #3)(50)

Pretty Wild (Boys in Makeup #3)(50)
Author: Christina Lee

“So tasty,” his mom said, digging into her plate. “What do they call these?”

“Who knows,” I replied with a shrug. “I’m sure it’s some fancy name for water chestnuts wrapped in bacon.”

Skylar graced me with his first genuine grin, and it instantly calmed me.

“Your parents’ house is really nice, and to have this view every single day…” He glanced out at the water.

“But imagine cleaning all the bathrooms,” I teased, reminding him of an earlier conversation we’d had when he’d accompanied me to an extravagant house I was showing.

He arched an eyebrow. “But there’d be plenty of space to practice our handstands.”

“What are you two going on about?” his mom asked absently as she people-watched and sipped her mixed drink.

Skylar grinned at me again, knowing his mom was enjoying that aspect of this party, at least. There were several handsome men to keep her eyes peeled as well.

When Jasper and his date passed by, I motioned them over.

“This is Jasper, and his date, Johnathon.” Skylar tensed in my side view, and I had to admit I liked that he’d been a bit jealous at one time. But I certainly didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. “And this is Skylar, and his mom, Aura.”

They stayed and chatted a while, so I felt better about leaving them for a few brief minutes to fill up our drinks and greet some guests along the way.

By the time I got back, people were dragging chairs and blankets onto the grass to face the fireworks display, which would start any minute.

That was when my dad spotted us and came over to introduce himself, which went off without a hitch. Not that I had any doubts. Dad likely didn’t even note how much I fidgeted through the greetings.

My mom followed suit, and my stomach clenched. Fuck, this was about to get awkward.

“Skylar, nice of you to join us,” Mom said as she formally stretched out her hand.

“Thanks for the invite.” He threw a glance my way, knowing full well I’d been the one to extend it to them. “You have a nice home.”

“Thank you,” she replied, then turned to his mom, and he reintroduced them. “It’s been years. Nice to see you again.”

“You as well. Oops, sorry.” Skylar’s mom wiped her hand on her skirt when she couldn’t place her napkin, which had likely blown off in the wind. Skylar slipped her his, which she quickly used, but Mom didn’t flinch, thank God. Ugh, all these ridiculous conventions and niceties were utter bullshit. “The food is delicious.”

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Mom said, then waved to someone over their shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me.”

I supposed that hadn’t been so bad after all. I lifted my glass to clink Skylar’s, who seemed just as relieved to have gotten that part over with.

As I pointed out what direction the fireworks would be coming from, Aura began chatting up a man I recognized as one of Dad’s old college buddies, who’d recently gotten divorced. Overhearing little bits of their conversation, they were discussing the influx of boats on the water to watch the show.

Aura was always like that—Skylar too—way more personable and outgoing than I ever was. But I got why Skylar suddenly seemed overprotective as he listened closely, and maybe after noting the innocent exchange, finally seemed to relax.

And just as I was about to say as much to Skylar, there was the initial pop of the fireworks show about to begin. A hushed murmur fell over the crowd as gazes turned skyward.

There were plenty of oohs and ahhs, including from Skylar and Aura, who was pointing out the spectacular colors to the man standing beside her.

“Does this make it worth it?” I asked Sky, pressing our shoulders together.

“What do you mean?” He glanced at me briefly before looking back up at the burst of lights. They were certainly spellbinding.

“The fireworks. Can’t beat this view.”

“Icing on the cake. I was just glad to spend more time with you.” My stomach turned all mushy as he smiled. He spared a glance at his mom on the other side of him, then lowered his voice. “And helping Mom get her mind off stuff. I have a feeling she’s gonna talk about all the awesome food and the handsome men the whole ride home.”

“Glad to help.” I grinned. “Hey, wanna get closer?” I tugged on his hand, motioning toward the fence line, which was only a few feet away. It would be awesome to get more privacy with him, but not be too far away that he couldn’t still keep an eye on his mom, whose laughter had rung out, no doubt over something the man had said.

Once we reached our new spot, we stood there looking up at the sky, our fingers knotted together for a couple of precious minutes. It was such a small moment, but to me…it was everything.

I sighed when our hands separated, already missing his warm skin.

And then I heard my mother somewhere behind us, talking in a raised voice, possibly so she could be heard over the booming fireworks. No doubt she was speaking to one of the posh society ladies—I could always spot the tone she reserved for her snooty friends—and I barely kept from rolling my eyes.

Sky had just pointed out his favorite firework that looked like glinting diamonds when I heard a voice ring out from the direction of my mother again. “Is that Clark’s newest boyfriend?”

I tensed, my entire body flushing. Did they not realize how their voices carried? Or was I just hypersensitive to my mother tonight? Sky was still focused on the fireworks, so it could’ve just been me.

“No, thank God. They’re only friends,” Mom replied, and I felt the heat of shame crawling across my cheeks. I stood motionless, still hoping like hell that Skylar wasn’t tuning in to the same conversation, but I couldn’t bear to look at him right then.

The friend made some sort of noise, half laugh, half snort. “He could definitely do better. And who’s that he brought along with that annoying laugh?”

My stomach bottomed out, my feet feeling cemented to the ground.

“His mother. Does she actually think Brock is enjoying her company?”

“He’s clearly only tolerating her.”

What. The. Fuck. The ground felt like it had shifted, there was a roaring in my ears, and all I saw were angry red slashes in front of my eyes. I could barely contain my fury as I turned to glare at my mother.

“What?” she mouthed as she caught my eye, seeming perplexed.

“Be right back,” I told Sky, trying to keep my voice steady.

I stepped toward my mom and lowered my voice, trying not to draw attention. “You know I can hear you and your pretentious bullshit, right?”

“Clark, language.” Her hand briefly covered her mouth as if I was the rude one, while her friend seemed aghast. I would’ve laughed at the hypocrisy if this wasn’t about my life and the guy I loved.

I glanced over my shoulder, hoping against hope that Skylar was still busy looking at the display over the water, especially since the finale had just begun and it was always spectacular.

But I couldn’t concentrate on any of that because Skylar was no longer standing where I’d left him. My gaze searched the yard frantically for Aura, but the man she’d been speaking to was now alone. Goddamn it!

Was this my worst fear realized?

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