Home > Possessed by Passion(186)

Possessed by Passion(186)
Author: Bella Emy

“Thank you for that.”

“No, Anala, thank you. Thank you for taking care of your home. I appreciate it.”

I smile lightly as I see the frail, drug ridden body slumped gracefully to the ground. When her eyes open, I see the confusion. “How did I get here?”

“And just like that, you believe everything he said?”

I turn to look at the old man whose body my father has a hold on. “No, just like that, I realize you and my mother are the only ones trying to ruin the life I’m leading. Just so you know, though, I won’t allow it to happen.”

“We’ll see, Anala. On that one, we’ll see.” His laughter fills the area sending chills down my spine and causing the young drug addict clutching her ears. “Until we meet again dearest daughter.”

The change in atmosphere is almost instant. A sense of relief floods through me. I know the rules. My father cannot walk the Earth until time. Unfortunately, he’s never been one for rules and neither has my mother.

“Can you help me?”

I look back at the girl still lying on the ground. The confusion of what took place while her body wasn’t her own has her completely out of sorts. Before I can reach her, I feel a new unease settle into place. Something isn’t right, but I can’t give it my attention just yet.

“Yes, I can help you. Let’s get you to a hospital, okay.”

“Thank you,” she smiles as I gently help her to her feet. “My life changed today. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

“You’ve got this, sweetie. Trust me, you have someone looking out for you.”

I push my worries about what’s happening in the distance away. For now, getting this human the help she needs is my priority. I know, for the first time, it’s what I’m meant to do.



Chapter Twelve


The Prince of Hell is a far greater warrior than I gave him credit for. In the heavens, my brothers have teased their weakness, talked of their faults, and even joked about their failures. His time in Hell, preparing for this assault, has allowed Belial the chance to enhance his abilities. Or my brothers like to boast a little too much. The gash in my side is proof of his skills with a blade.

“Belial, are you simply playing with him. This is taking far longer than I expected.”

Lilith’s words seem to only enrage him more. He advances again, this time moving faster than before. He’s been holding back. Now I understand why Anala was so concerned with my safety when it came to him. I suppose I should be thankful the other Prince’s are not here with him.

I sidestep one of his lunges and bury my blade into his side. The wail of pain echoes through the night, and I see the anger rage on Lilith’s face. Instead of giving her my attention, I wheel around once again, and slice Belial across the chest, seeing the black goo pour freely onto the ground.

“Looks like your prince isn’t everything you thought he would be.” Arwen unable to resist the chance to rub my strikes in the Queen of Hell’s face giggles in glee at the blood spewing from Belial. Unfortunately, her words do nothing but make things worse.

“Do you really think I need a prince to do my bidding, whore? If you do, you’ve been gone from my graces far longer than I realized.” Lilith’s words are harsh and precise as razors, the same as her movements as she rushes forth in a shadow of darkness, latching her hand around Arwen’s throat and raising her off the ground. “Putting you out of your misery would be a gift. What I would do to you in the pit would be my reward for being so giving.”

“No,” I call out as I attempt to make my way toward Arwen. I can see the fear in her eyes and feel her terror coursing throughout my being. If Lilith ends her quickly, I’ll have no chance of granting her the life in Heaven I promised.

“You’re too late, angel. The little demon is going back to Hell where she belongs.” Belial’s hand snakes out quickly, burying his blade into my back. Arwen’s safety was the distraction he needed to advance again.

“Isn’t it funny to see an angel fighting so hard to save a spawn from Hell,” Lilith giggles as her eyes turn dark and the power she possesses begins to radiate around us. The pain of Belial’s attack is nothing compared to the sorrow flooding me at the thought of losing Arwen back to the pit.


The bellowing cry is far greater than any sound I’ve ever heard. Instantly, I drop to my knees as heat radiates through my being. Struggling to do so, I look behind me to see Belial in the same position, screaming from the pain he’s experiencing.

In the distance, I see movement. It is surrounded by power, flames, and anger. The aura is pulsating with rage, and I can sense an anger like I’ve never felt in my existence. For the first time in my creation I cannot pinpoint what is moving our way. My immediate thought is Lucifer, himself, has managed to break the confines of Hell and is moving freely on the Earth.

As I crawl across the ground, my blade lost, I try to adjust my eyes to the immense fire raging around him. There’s no other creature in creation capable of this. It is like the pits of Hell have flooded the Earth and the realms master is walking through the flames relishing the carnage is about to bring.

“No, you can’t be here,” managing to mumble the words is harder than I expect, but they come, “Back to Hell, Satan.”

“Satan?” Lilith scoffs. I hear her, yet I can’t see clearly enough to make her out. “You honestly think this weak display is Lucifer? You must be joking.”

“Put her down, NOW!”

“Anala,” I whisper unable to believe the sight in front of me. It’s her, the Phoenix born of Hell. The closer she comes, I see the wings. Beautiful colors dripping with flames. The human façade she has worn so many years is almost gone. I still see her image, but it is overshadowed by the creature she was intended to be shadowing her every move. The bird-like face is nothing but fire. It burns within its eyes; it drips from its mouth. The beast within in her is perched and at the ready to take on anything that crosses her path. It is beyond magnificent. It is beyond terrifying. It is beyond beautiful.

“Do you truly think calling to your birthright scares me, Anala?”

I crane my vision toward Lilith. She is no longer holding Arwen. The demon is on the ground, cowering in fear and pain like Belial. Lilith, however, is unphased. She is standing tall, the skin dripping from the vessel she’s chosen as the heat Anala is emitting slowly burns it away as it would inside the pit.

“I’ve had enough of your games. You will not bring forth this battle, Mother. Do you hear me?”

“You can’t stop me, Anala. It is my destiny to be the one to open the gates and let Lucifer run free. It has been written. It had been whispered for eons. A brat having a temper tantrum won’t stop me.”

“You think this is a tantrum? That’s hilarious. What’s even better though, you truly think this is all I have to offer. Do you really think I’ve shown you what I can actually do? Do you think I would exhibit my true potential inside the pit? I held back with you, Mother. I knew what you would do if you saw what was truly inside me. I would’ve never lived one normal life. I would have been chased, attacked, and sought after by you and those mindless minions you control. I’m done now, though. I’m tired of holding back. I’m tired of you and that monster that calls himself my father thinking you still have a chance of controlling me. My time has come. You’re on my turf, and you’ll pay for what you’ve tried to do here.”

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