Home > Possessed by Passion(184)

Possessed by Passion(184)
Author: Bella Emy

Lost in our conversation, I hadn’t been paying attention to things happening around me. The moment I do, I instantly regret having allowed Arwen to convince me to leave the house. It isn’t me I’m worried about. She is the one in the most danger.

“It’s Belial. He’s near.”

“That’s him?” she questions. I can hear the fear in her voice. Until you feel the power radiating from a Prince of Hell, you can’t fully fathom the depths of their depravity.

“Yes, unfortunately.”

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Heaven’s angel all by himself with the powerful Phoenix.”

I turn, unwilling to allow him to feel as though he has an upper hand. With the promise I have made to Anala, I will die at his hand if that’s what it takes to keep Arwen safe. “Ah, the Prince of Hell has decided to once again grace me with his presence. Sad that it seems you have nothing better to do with your time than follow me around.”

“Funny. If I recall though, you were the one sent scampering home by the Phoenix last time I saw you. She knew you were outmatched and didn’t want to see me defeather you, I suppose.”

“If that is what you wish to think. Where is Lilith? It seemed to me she kept you on a short leash. I can’t imagine she’s letting you out to play without supervision.”

The roar of laughter makes poor Arwen beside me tremble with fear. I cannot fathom what low level demons like her must feel when in the presence of one so well-known in the hellish realm. If I were to compare to it anything, it would be angels like me when the archangels grace us with their presence. Luckily, however, even the highest-ranking angels in the heavens treat us as their kin. Belial clearly doesn’t care what other demons think of him or that they even exist. He’s barely acknowledged the Hell spawn standing beside me cowering in fear.

“Never fear, angel. I’m never far away.”

Her sing song voice is intended to be more of a lure to humans. In my ears, it is nothing but annoying and sad. I know what lies beneath the beautiful façade Lilith has chosen to show the people of Earth. I also know it’s working. I can smell death on her. It wreaks from her very essence. She’s devoured souls and left heartache in her wake. Sending her back to Hell is quickly becoming my most anticipated quest.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Arwen. I barely recognized you it’s been so long. The last time I saw you, your sister was clawing her way through the fire and brimstone while you followed behind her. I heard about what happened. It sucks for Anala and the angel that you were the one who lived. Darwen was always the better twin. She at least had some balls to her. You always talked a good game but stood behind your sister when the time came. I liked how she was quieter, more reserved, but always more powerful than you. Kind of like me, in a way, I suppose.”

I can feel the anger in Arwen. She wants to lash out. She wants to put Lilith in her place about her sister, but everything she knows about the Queen of Hell is holding her back. I wasn’t around Darwen long, but I do wonder if she would’ve had the gusto to go at Lilith full force.

“That’s why I sent my children after Darwen. That was their orders. If they could take you both out, great. If they could only get one of you, I wanted it to be her. I knew she would stand by Anala to the end. You, on the other hand, I expect you to tuck tail and run when things get too gnarly. It’s your character. I’m sure even the angel notices it.”

Bewilderment settles on Arwen’s face. Lilith knows how to defeat her. The demon doesn’t do well with being told she is second fiddle. I imagine it’s part of life when you share everything with the one who was born only moments before you. I’ve seen the twin’s lives. The moment I met them; their entire existence flashed in my mind. Yes, Darwen was the oldest, the most dedicated to her craft, but Arwen was no lightweight.

“That is where you are wrong, Hell spawn.” I step forward slightly, placing myself between them and Arwen. “You only see what you want to see in her. I see everything. I know how loyal she is to Anala. I know how much she despises you. I also know the love she has for her sister, even though she is a demon. This tells me two things. One, Arwen is much stronger than you give her credit for. And two, Hell isn’t as bad ass as you make it out to be. If it were, she wouldn’t be standing beside an angel, ready to defend Anala, and avenge her sister. You didn’t break her like you have so many.”

“You’ll die for speaking to my queen in such a way, angel.”

Belial’s words fall on deaf ears. I’m not concerned with the Prince. Yes, Anala fears for me when it comes to Lilith’s henchman, but considering her birth, it is hard for her to understand my true power. Instead of giving him the attention he craves, I leave my focus solely on Lilith.

“I was sent here to see where the Phoenix stood. I know the answer to that question. Now, I have a new mission.”

“Oh really,” she snarls as Belial readies himself for a fight beside her. “And what exactly is that?”

“To defend her from scum like you,” my answer comes defiantly and aggressively as I slowly pull the blade I carry from my back. “I may not be able to dispel the two of you back to Hell like your low-life soldiers, but I can send you back with a blade forged in the heavens. I’m tired of playing games. It’s time you left Earth and the Phoenix alone.”

“You’ll die trying to get your way on that one, angel.” The smile on her face is snake-like and exudes nothing but pure evil intent.

I brace myself, ready for whatever she or her henchman throws my way. It is Belial who makes a move first. With a speed that would be invisible to the human eye he launches toward me, sword at the ready. The burst of light that ignites the moment the two blades connect is something none of us expected. Arwen is tossed backward across the sidewalk as Lilith recoils from the sheer magnitude of it.

“I’ve been itching for a fight, angel. This is going to be fun.”

“I’m glad I can give you a last dying wish, Hell spawn.” If returning to the heavens a fallen warrior is my destiny, so be it. The time for allowing these Hell spawns free reign on Earth is over.



Chapter Eleven


I watch as the last demon falls at my feet. I can still smell Darwen’s blood on their hands. They’ve tried nothing to hide what they did to my friend, one of the few I truly I have. Just the thought of the pain they’re experiencing as they burst through the gates of Hell makes things slightly more bearable. I’ve seen humans suffer loss. I know it lingers. I know it remains long after the passing of time. I can handle that part. The part that didn’t sit well with me was knowing those who killed my sweet friend were still wandering the Earth without being punished. Now, that burden has been put to rest.

With a flick of my wrist, I watch the bodies lying on the ground ignite. Within seconds, there is nothing left but ash. The flames, the fire that burns deep within me is far greater than an earthly flame. Being born of Hellfire, no substance on Earth can withstand my flame.

The flames before me die down, then extinguish completely. I exhale, glad to be rid of the bastards who invaded my home and our lives. Before I can rejoice in the revenge, I feel a disturbance in the air. Although far away, I can instantly tell who it is. Belial and my mother. They have made their presence known yet again, and Sebastian is using his heavenly powers to take them on.

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