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The Marriage He Demands(3)
Author: Brenda Jackson

   “‘I, Ellen Cashen Embelin, hereby bequeath all my possessions to the following. To my son, Cashen Outlaw, I am leaving you the Blazing Frontier Dude Ranch and the acres it sits on. This will include the barns, detached cottages and contents. Cashen, I am also leaving you all the animals, inventory, merchandise and vehicles. Furthermore, I am leaving you all the proceeds from my insurance policies with Mission Care Mutual and one half of whatever funds I have in my checking and savings accounts, my stocks, bonds and investment portfolio. The other half goes to Brianna Banks.’”

   Mr. Cavanaugh paused a minute as he flipped over the sheet of paper. “‘To Brianna Banks. In addition to those things named earlier, I am leaving you the foreman house that your parents lived in, that you are now living in, all its contents and the fifty acres it sits upon. I am also leaving you the additional fifty acres that connect to the Blazing Frontier Dude Ranch and back into the Keystone River. I am asking that both you and Cashen, together, go through my personal things, including the boxes in the attic, and jointly decide how the items will be disposed of. This is not a stipulation but a request.’”

   Mr. Cavanaugh released a deep sigh and then said, “That’s the end of it and should cover everything. I am giving both of you copies of the will.” He handed them packets. “Also included is a land surveyor diagram of the one hundred acres that were a part of the Blazing Frontier properties that you now own, Brianna. Are there any questions?”

   Cash had one. He still did not know what relationship Brianna had with Ellen. While Cavanaugh had been reciting the will, Cash had seen the tears falling down her cheeks. Curiosity got the best of him.

   “Yes, I have one,” he said.

   “And what is your question, Cash?” Mr. Cavanaugh asked, looking at him intently while leaning back in his chair.

   “My question is for Brianna,” he said, switching his gaze from Mr. Cavanaugh to her. “What was your relationship to my mother?”


   Brianna was so touched by what Ellen had left her in the will that she was too overwhelmed to speak. It took her a moment to pull herself together before she could answer Cash.

   “My parents worked at the Blazing Frontier Dude Ranch. My father worked as foreman even before it was a dude ranch, for over forty years, and my mother, close to thirty as ranch manager. As part of Dad’s employment, they got to live in the foreman’s house. That’s the house I was raised in, and the house Ms. Ellen just left for me in her will. Mom died five years ago while I was in college. After college I returned home and replaced her as ranch manager.”

   “What about your father? Is he still foreman?”

   “No. My father died last year.”

   “I’m sorry to hear that.”


   Brianna wondered if he’d asked her because he intended to contest the will. What Ellen had left her—half of her financial assets, the house and one hundred acres of land—had been way too generous.

   Cash then turned his attention back to Mr. Cavanaugh. “I have no other questions, but it would help if you could recommend a good real estate agent in the area.”

   The older man lifted a brow. “Real estate agent?”

   “Yes, I would like to put the ranch up for sale as soon as possible.”

   “But you haven’t seen it,” Brianna said, even though she didn’t have a right to question him.

   Cash evidently thought the same thing when he switched his gaze to her. The smile was no longer in his eyes. “I don’t need to see it, Brianna. I have no desire to own a dude ranch. Is it still even operational?”

   “Not at the moment,” Brianna said, trying to hide her disappointment, but knowing she should not be surprised he didn’t want the ranch. “It was closed down when Ellen’s health began failing. But it can be operational again. When it was open, we operated at full capacity and always had a waiting list.”

   She was certain Cash heard the excitement in her voice, but he merely nodded and said, “All of that is interesting, but I still plan to sell it.”

   “I hate to scurry you two off, but I have another appointment in a few minutes,” Henry Cavanaugh said, breaking into their conversation, as he glanced at his watch. “You are welcome to use one of my conference rooms if you’d like to continue the conversation.”

   Brianna could see Cash’s mind was made up. She was about to say there was no reason for them to continue their conversation when Cash spoke.

   “Continuing the conversation is a great idea, but I prefer not to use one of your conference rooms.” He then turned to Brianna Banks. “Would you join me for lunch?”


   “Is there a place you suggest, Brianna?” Cash asked as they stepped out of Mr. Cavanaugh’s office.

   “There is a café if you like hamburgers. Monroe’s. And they have the best fries.”

   He smiled. “I love hamburgers and fries.”

   “We won’t have to move our cars since it’s in walking distance. Right on the corner.”


   When they were leaving, Lois smiled at them before saying, “I hope the two of you have a good day.”

   “You as well, Lois,” Brianna said when Cash opened the door for her. She had a feeling news about Cash would be all over town by evening.

   “Is it always this windy here?” he asked, tightening his jacket as they walked.

   Brianna tightened hers as well. “Yes, and the wind today is rather mild. There is a scientific reason for all the wind.”

   He glanced over at her. “Is there?”

   “Yes. The town is located right between the mountains. Instead of blocking the wind, the mountains make it move faster. Then the high air pressure across the Great Basin and lower pressure in the Plains make it stronger. This is mild. The worst of it is during the winter. Can you imagine all that wind combined with snow?”

   He chuckled. “I can but I’d rather not. Alaska has its own weather issues.”

   “Yet you like living there?”

   “I love it. It’s home for me, and I’m used to the harsh weather. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Though I did live in Massachusetts while getting my master’s degree from Harvard.”

   “In what field?” she asked him.

   “Engineering.” He looked over at her. “What college did you attend and what was your field of study?”

   “I have a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Clark Atlanta University,” she said when they reached the corner. They paused for the traffic light to change before crossing the street.

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