Home > The Marriage He Demands(5)

The Marriage He Demands(5)
Author: Brenda Jackson

   Under other circumstances he would be glad to hear that, but from her tone he had a feeling the person Brianna suspected would want to buy it was someone she’d rather not own it. Cash didn’t say anything, refusing to get involved in small-town drama. It didn’t matter to him who bought the ranch as long as the sale was quick.

   When the waitress returned to remove their plates, he said, “Mr. Cavanaugh never did mention the name of a real estate agent. Possibly you can.”

   Her frown deepened. “Are you really going to sell the Blazing Frontier without even taking the time to look at it? It’s a beautiful place.”

   “I’m sure it is, but I have no need of a ranch, dude or otherwise.”

   “I think you’re making a mistake, Cash.”

   Cash lifted a brow. Normally, he didn’t care what any person, man or woman, thought about any decision he made, but for some reason what she thought mattered.

   It shouldn’t.

   What he should do was thank her for joining him for lunch, and tell her not to walk back to Cavanaugh’s office with him, although he knew both their cars were parked there. In other words, he should put as much distance between them as possible.

   I can’t.

   Maybe it was the way her luscious mouth tightened when she was not happy about something. He’d picked up on it twice now. Lord help him but he didn’t want to see it a third time. He’d rather see her smile, lick an ice-cream cone or...lick him.

   He quickly forced the last image from his mind but not before a hum of lust shot through his veins. There had to be a reason he was so attracted to her. Maybe he could blame it on the Biggins deal Garth had closed just months before he’d gotten engaged to Regan. That had taken working endless days and nights, and for the past year Cash’s social life had been practically nonexistent.

   On the other hand, even without the Biggins deal as an excuse, there was strong sexual chemistry radiating between them. He felt it, but honestly wasn’t sure that even at twenty-seven she recognized it for what it was.

   That was intriguing, to the point that he was tempted to hang around Black Crow another day. Besides, he was a businessman, and no businessman would sell or buy anything without checking it out first. He was letting his personal emotions around Brianna cloud what was usually a very sound business mind.

   “You are right, Brianna. I would be making a mistake if I didn’t at least see the ranch before selling it. Is now a good time?”

   The huge smile that spread across her face was priceless...and mesmerizing. When was the last time a woman, any woman, had this kind of effect on him? When he felt spellbound? He concluded that never had a woman captivated him like Brianna Banks was doing.

   “Not sure if today would be okay with you dressed as you are now. Unless you brought a pair of jeans with you.”

   He chuckled, knowing she had a point. “I didn’t, but I’m sure there’s a store in town where I can purchase more clothes.”

   “Of course. Roy’s Circle O is only two doors down and has a good selection of items.”

   Cash nodded. When he returned to Alaska, he would have no reason to ever return here. No reason to ever see her again. So, the way he saw it, he could definitely wait another couple days to leave. “How about if we get together tomorrow morning around ten? Will you be available to show me around the ranch then?”

   If he had thought her smile could not get any more enchanting, he’d been wrong. With that kind of smile, he would give her practically anything just to see it on those sensuous lips.

   “Yes, I’ll be available, and it’s best to see it by horseback. Can you ride a horse?”

   He could not help but return her smile. “Yes, I can ride and I look forward to seeing you again in the morning, Brianna.”


   Brianna was in a good mood when she got home an hour or so later. Ms. Ellen had certainly made her day with what she had left Brianna in the will. Now she was looking forward to showing Cash Outlaw around the Blazing Frontier tomorrow. She hoped that once he saw the ranch for himself he would want to keep it.

   There was no doubt in her mind that once Hal Sutherland heard the ranch was for sale, he would jump at the chance to buy it. Hal was Mr. Van Embelin’s nephew—his first wife’s brother’s son. Hal had never wanted Mr. Van to remarry, hoping that would make him Mr. Van’s heir. Then the Blazing Frontier would one day be his. Hal’s property bordered the Blazing Frontier.

   Needless to say, Hal hadn’t been happy when Mr. Van had married Ms. Ellen. When Mr. Van died, Hal offered to buy the ranch. He didn’t think Ms. Ellen had the grit to operate a working ranch. Ms. Ellen, with Brianna’s parents’ help, along with all the ranch hands who’d become loyal to her, proved Hal wrong. He hadn’t liked that either and tried causing problems.

   When Ms. Ellen became ill, Hal again figured he would be her heir. After all, it had been his family’s land originally. Hal had begun boasting about what he planned to do with the Blazing Frontier even before Ellen had taken her last breath.

   Brianna figured he would know by now—thanks to Lois—that the reading of Ms. Ellen’s will had occurred today and since he hadn’t been summoned to the reading, he was not in the will. Hal probably also would discover, at the same time most of the townspeople did, that Ellen had left mostly everything, including the Blazing Frontier, to her son. A son only very few people knew about.

   Now it seemed Hal might get the land anyway, although he would have to pay for it. He wouldn’t like the fact that Ms. Ellen had left those fifty acres on the Keystone River to Brianna. Ellen had to have known those fifty acres and the waterway were vital if anyone ever turned the dude ranch back into a working ranch for cattle. Without water access, the cows would die of thirst unless the owners came up with another alternative to provide adequate water to their herds.

   If Cash sold the ranch to Hal, she anticipated nothing but endless drama for her. Hal was a mean rascal who was used to getting what he wanted—except from his fearless adversary, Ms. Ellen, who refused to let him bully her.

   After leaving the café, she and Cash had walked back to their cars. Instead of leaving right away as he’d done, she had sat in her car and reread the papers Mr. Cavanaugh had given to her. Everything was legal and final. This house that her parents had never owned was now hers.

   Brianna had known about Cash because Ms. Ellen had confided in her years ago. Brianna had begged Ellen to let her contact Cash when her illness got worse, but Ellen had refused. Before she died, Ellen had given Brianna power of attorney to handle her affairs until the reading of the will, and Brianna had honored Ellen’s wishes and hadn’t contacted Cash.

   Going into the kitchen, she poured a cup of coffee, then grabbed the mail. She frowned when she saw one letter that didn’t have a return address.

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