Home > The Marriage He Demands(7)

The Marriage He Demands(7)
Author: Brenda Jackson

   He had been transformed from an Alaskan businessman to a Wyoming cowboy. It was quite obvious his outfit had cost a pretty penny. When he made it up to the top step, her gazed roamed over him from head to toe. “It appears that Roy laid his salesmanship on thick.”

   Tilting his hat back, Cash grinned down at her. “Yes, you can definitely say that.”

   Brianna tucked her hands into the pockets of her jeans. She couldn’t wait to hear his first impression. “So, what do you think so far?”

   “I’ll admit I was taken aback. I hadn’t expected it to be so large.”

   She nodded, thinking he hadn’t seen anything yet. She couldn’t wait until they covered the area on horseback. “Let me show you the house.”

   The tour inside lasted well over an hour. For someone who hadn’t been interested in even seeing the ranch, he was checking out every single detail. That could be a bad thing if he was noticing the needed repairs. She hoped his intense scrutiny was a good thing and that he thought the ranch was a smart investment regardless of any needed repairs.

   While giving him a tour, she had shared the history of the ranch, including details of the last major renovations that had been done, and answered his questions. He had commented on the beautiful mountain view that was practically out of every window. She took that as a good sign.

   They even went out back to the game center with pool tables, a place to play cards, a theater room and a library. “A number of people bring their kids here to introduce them to the Wild West at an early age,” Brianna said. “A fun way to learn history. Usually those kids grow up and return with their kids. Most of the people who come here are regulars. For the past three years we weren’t accepting any newcomers unless they were recommended by our regular guests.”

   The building next to the game center featured an old-fashioned saloon. On the opposite side of the house was a screen-enclosed swimming pool.

   Cash admitted he had not expected to see that. “Another amenity for the kids?”

   She smiled. “You would be surprised how many adults love to go swimming as a way to relax after riding the range.”

   When they made it back to the front porch, she said, “We can walk over to the barn and have one of the guys saddle up horses for us.”

   “There are still men working here?” he asked as he walked beside her.

   “Only five. Ted Dennis is the man who took my dad’s place as foreman and has worked here for fifteen years. He agreed to stay on until the ranch’s fate was decided.”

   “And the other four men?”

   “They are guys who have also worked here for years. They are hoping you or the new owner will hire them on.”

   “I’d think it would be to the owner’s advantage to do that. They would be getting experienced men who know the land.”

   Brianna didn’t say anything. Evidently, he hadn’t been impressed enough to keep it if he was still thinking of selling.

   All five men were in the barn working and she introduced Cash to all of them. In no time at all, Ted had the horses saddled and ready for them to use.

   They started out at a trot and Brianna had to inwardly admit she was impressed with Cash’s horsemanship. She had to believe that once they got out on the range, if nothing else had impressed him so far, it would.


   He was impressed.

   Cash honestly didn’t know what to say as he rode beside Brianna, so he didn’t say anything at all. Instead, he took it all in. He hadn’t known. Hadn’t had a clue about the size of the spread Ellen had left him. It wasn’t just the size—it was the sheer beauty of the surroundings.

   He recalled the first time he had visited Westmoreland Country with his brothers. Westmoreland Country was the section on the outskirts of Denver where his cousins the Westmorelands lived, and it encompassed eighteen hundred acres. This property here was larger than that. Nearly double.

   And it was the most beautiful land he had ever seen. Numerous streams, several apple orchards, several caverns, rich valleys, glassy plains and an abundance of mountains. Then there was the Keystone River, at least a small section of it. He could see why the Blazing Frontier Dude Ranch had been so popular. It was a Westerner’s paradise.

   They had dismounted to walk to the lake. He tossed a pebble across the waters and watched it skip across the surface. He glanced over at Brianna. She was an accomplished rider. He’d watched how she’d jumped the small streams with the ease. “Where does this river lead to?” Cash asked her.

   She had put on her own hat before they had headed out on horseback, and several strands of hair peeked out haphazardly around her face. He wondered if she knew just how beautiful she was. Even with a hat, she looked jaw-droppingly sexy. There was nothing serene or quiet about her looks.

   He thought now what he’d thought that day he had seen her coming out of the ice-cream shop. There was no way a woman with her looks wasn’t attached, regardless of the fact she wasn’t wearing a ring.

   The one thing he did know was that she’d once been Roy’s cousin’s girlfriend. He’d gotten that much from the man while shopping. Roy had said the two were supposed to get married right out of high school, but things hadn’t worked out. Cash wondered why.

   The reason wasn’t really any of his business.

   “This waterway leads to the bigger part of the Keystone River.”

   “Is that part of the Blazing Frontier property as well?” he asked.

   She glanced over at him. “It used to be. That’s the section of land Ellen bequeathed to me.” She turned and pointed east. “Although you can’t see it, my house is over there, behind those huge oak trees.”

   He nodded. Ellen had definitely been generous to her, and after what she’d told him yesterday, he was glad. Her parents had worked for years for the Blazing Frontier. It seemed fitting that she reap some of the benefits.

   Brianna explained there was another section to show him. They rode awhile. Then suddenly he brought his horse to a stop and she did the same. The view, for as far as his eyes could see, was magnificent. Spellbinding. Simply breathtaking.

   He didn’t say anything for a long moment. He just sat there and took it all in. Moments passed before she finally spoke.

   “So, Cash. What do you think?”

   He looked at her. First of all, he thought Brianna was the most desirable woman he’d ever met. Of course, she wasn’t asking what he thought of her, but he couldn’t let that private thought slip by. Cash knew what she was really asking, but still, he would not tell her anything definite. “I admit I’m impressed, Brianna. I honestly did not expect to see all of this. It’s beautiful.”

   He paused. “Do you know Hal Sutherland?” The tensing of her shoulders and the way her lips tightened were telling. Obviously, Hal Sutherland was someone she didn’t too much care for. An old boyfriend, perhaps?

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