Home > Risking It(16)

Risking It(16)
Author: Madeleine Labitan

I smirk. "Now, wouldn't that be fun?"

"Yeah. For you," he scoffs. Then he's reaching for my hand. "Come on, Beanie, your TV show awaits."

"Wait. I think I'd like to hear more about these intentions."

"Uh-huh. Maybe next time," he chuckles, pulling me out of the kitchen.






The Four Blondes are shooting daggers at me across the cafeteria. They’ve been doing that since I walked in with Duane. If that isn’t an open declaration of hostility toward me, I don’t know what is.

Which makes Heather’s Instagram post a complete lie. As much as she wants to pretend that she isn’t affected, she can’t hold it for long. Her jealousy always shows.

“Ignore them, Allie,” Indie says in a low voice, apparently noticing the girls’ glares as well. “Honestly, what can they do?”

“I don’t know, torment me for life?”

That makes her scoff. “Please. Those girls are harmless. They’re all talk, no action.”

Clearly, she’s remembering Merritt’s empty threats to her. But that’s Merritt. I’m not sure Heather’s the same as her friend. She can be more vicious for all I know. Which means I have to avoid going to the bathroom alone.

Grabbing fries off Indie’s plate, I peek another wary glance their way.

Yep. Still glaring.

“Don’t worry about them, Beanie,” Duane murmurs into my ear. So he notices, too. “I already talked to Heather.”

My back stiffens. “You did? When?”

“I called her the other night. I told her to leave you alone.” He searches my face. “She’s not giving you trouble anymore, is she?”

I shake my head distractedly. What else did they talk about? How long did that call last? Did he call her after he left my house? And has he been calling her every night?

As if hearing my thoughts, Duane tilts my chin with his fingers. “Don’t go there. It was just one call, it was nothing. It didn’t even last long.”

“I didn’t say anything.” But I’m glad he cleared it up because I was already freaking out.

Honestly, I still am.

“You didn’t have to. I can see your wheels turning.” He leans his forehead against mine. “If there’s someone I’d rather be in a long call with, it’s you. Not Heather—not anyone else—just you.”

I bite back a smile. “You don’t have to butter me up, you know. I’m already your girlfriend.”

But damn if his words didn’t make my heart somersault. Why does he always say the right things?

“Oh, I’d butter you up any time, any day,” he says in a low voice, making me shudder and blush at the same time.

He chuckles, then turns serious. “Come over for dinner tonight. I want Mom to finally meet you.”

I freeze. “But your mom already met me.”

We’re neighbors and we grew up together. Hell, his Mom, Eden, is even friends with my mom.

“I mean, officially. I want to introduce you to her as my girlfriend.”

I swallow nervously. “What if she doesn’t like me?”

“Beanie, my mom loves you,” he says with a chuckle. “You’ll see. She’ll be thrilled when you show up later.”

Oh, I know Eden likes me as her neighbor. But as her son’s girlfriend? That’s a different thing entirely. And the possibility of her not liking me is giving me anxiety.

“Relax, babe. It’s going to be fine, I promise.”

I whip my eyes back to him. “Did she like Heather?”

“No. She thought Heather was too-high maintenance.” He bites his lip, trying not to laugh.

And it makes me feel better. Just a little.




“Allie, I hope you like crock-pot ribs. Your mom's crock-pot recipes are better than mine, but I always try," Eden says, smiling at me from across the table.

"Yours taste just as great as Mom's, Mrs. Hollis," I tell her.

"Oh, sweetie, just call me Eden." Eden laughs. "And thank you."

"She's right. Your crock-pot is fine, Mom," Duane assures her then winks at me, as if to say 'told you she loves you.'

I just smile. I know.

I shouldn't have doubted him. Eden was all smiles when I knocked on their door. She didn't seem surprised either. Which tells me Duane already told her I was coming over and that we're now a couple.

I'm both glad and relieved that she seems to be genuinely happy for us. I was seriously terrified that she wouldn't like me. Since Albert, Duane's dad, is no longer living with them—he and Eden got divorced five years ago—I only have Eden to worry about. At least, for now.

But, like I said, it turned out that I had nothing to be afraid of.

"Heather's a lot prettier than you."

The three of us freeze all at once.


"Kendra, what the hell?"

I'd been so anxious to make Eden like me that I totally forgot to consider the nine-year old girl scowling across from me—Duane's little sister. I certainly didn't even think of the possibility that Heather had already won her over. Now, here we are—Duane and his mom are completely horrified while I silently wish for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

Awkward doesn't even begin to cover it.

"What? It's true," Kendra insists, as if I'm not embarrassed enough. "Why did you even break up with her? She was awesome!"

"That's it. Kendra, go to your room!" Eden orders in a stern voice, her face red.

"Fine." Kendra rolls her eyes and shoots up from the table. Then in a low voice, she mutters as she walks away, "This is lame, anyway."

Eden gives me an apologetic look. "Allie, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into that kid."

Heather, obviously.

Who knows? Maybe she's still communicating with Kendra and talking about me and poisoning her mind. I can totally see Duane's ex doing that.

Or, maybe, you're just not good enough for Kendra. And she thinks you're not good enough for her brother.

I tighten my grip on the spoon still in my hand, my heart dropping onto the floor in pieces.

Funny how Heather always has the ability to knock me down without doing anything. It's like no matter what I do, one way or another, I'm unable to escape her.

"You know what? I'll go talk to her."

"Please do, Mom," Duane urges.

Then I hear the scrape of the chair against the floor as Eden gets up from the table and walks out the kitchen, leaving me and Duane alone.

"Beanie, I'm sorry." When I don't respond, he hurries on, "Please, look at me." I wouldn't be able to resist the pleading in his tone in a normal situation.

Right now though, I simply shake my head.

"My sister didn't mean what she said. It's just...she was really close with Heather. Kendra kind of looks up to her."

"That's what I thought, too," I mutter, keeping my eyes on my half-eaten plate.

Eden's crock-pot ribs recipe is so good, but I can't appreciate it anymore. My appetite is gone now.

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