Home > Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(14)

Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(14)
Author: L.C. Taylor

“When Jasper…” she took a deep breath, inhaling Liam’s scent. It seemed to calm her as she slightly relaxed into his arms, “Rob was in the room.”

It took Liam a moment to let the words sink in, “You mean to tell me that mother fucker was in your house when Jasper did this to you?”

Felicity stiffened against him; Liam’s anger palpitated through the room. He jerked from her, standing, “Liam… please.”

“I’ll be back in a minute.” Liam stepped from her bed and left her in the empty room. As soon as he stepped outside, he found Rob sitting in the chair where he’d left him. Liam moved with a ferocious speed, fisting his shirt at his neck. Lifting him from the chair, Liam pressed him against the wall.

“YOU MOTHER FUCKER!” Liam spat in his face, “You saw Jasper doing this and did nothing.”

Several nurses and Felicity’s doctor rushed to their side, “Whoa, son put him down.” The doctor called out.


The doctor managed to separate them, pulling Liam off him. Hospital security had arrived, detaining Rob while Liam paced. He pulled his phone out, calling his supervisor, Arden. He pushed his finger in Rob’s face, “I hope you rot in jail.” Spitting on his feet as he walked away. Liam took several deep breaths, staring at Felicity’s door.

It hit him instantly. His dad and Hanson were right. He loved the woman sitting on the other side. He nearly came unhinged when she told him Rob was there – but more, his body craved her touch, and just holding her like he had, cracked away the remaining wall barricading his heart. He had to talk with her. She needed to know how he felt.



Chapter 19

Felicity could hear him bellowing in rage just outside her door. She had been so scared when she woke to find Rob standing at the foot of her bed, but then Liam burst in and saved her again. When he’d pulled her close, she felt shame, then something else. No longer was she worried about what he thought, instead, she was relieved to be in his arms. And that made her feel guilty. She didn’t deserve his kindness after breaking his heart all those years ago.

Felicity pushed the sheet from her body and swung her legs off the bed. Grabbing her IV stand, Felicity pushed to a standing position. The room swirled, causing her to tilt briefly. She slowly trudged towards the bathroom, nearly getting knocked over by Liam as he pushed into her room again.

“Umpfh…” Felicity huffed out as she walked into his steel frame.

“Shit – Felicity… are you ok?” Liam gripped her arms, steadying her body. He pushed her back, checking her over as he stepped out of her way, “Why are you up?”

“I needed to use the restroom.” Felicity slid her stand between them, using it as a buffer.

“Let me help you,” Liam took her elbow and guided her into the restroom. He swivelled around her and helped situate her IV. “Ok, I’ll be outside, holler when you’re done.” He darted from the tiny space, leaving Felicity standing in shock. Snapping from her confused state, she did her business and stepped out. Liam was sitting on her bed, seeing her he jumped up.

“Liam,” Felicity said his name, “stop. I can do it myself.” She pushed at his hand when he tried to help her onto the bed.

“I know you can do it yourself… but Fels, you don’t have too. Let me help – please.” His eyes showed worry and something else. Felicity squeezed her only good eye, appraising the man standing before her.

“Why are you here, Liam?”

Liam scooted in next to her after she got situated. He brushed his fingers down the side of her face that was hardly swollen, “does it hurt?”

“Liam,” she growled, grabbing his hand, “Why. Are. You. Here?” she asked again.

He rubbed his face, sighing into his hand, “When I saw you, tied to that bed,” Felicity stiffened at his words, but Liam laid his palm onto her leg, “I was so scared, Felicity. Scared you wouldn’t wake up,” he took a breath, “but mostly, I was scared I wouldn’t be able to tell you how I felt.”

Felicity sucked in a gasp, fear, shock, a myriad of emotions rushing through her, “What do you mean… how you feel? Liam, you should hate me. I was so selfish all those years ago – I’ve lived with regret and heartache for so long. And look at me now, that mistake has led me here. I deserve where I sit.”

Liam grabbed her good hand, “Don’t you say that, Felicity. You don’t deserve anything that asshole did to you. And yes, when you left it hurt me deeply, but almost losing you made me realize that even though you left me hurt and angry, I still love you. I don’t know what that means, but you needed to hear me say how I felt. And I am here for you – anything you need, I want to be the one to get it for you, ok?”

She was still digesting what he told her when the doctor came in, interrupting her thoughts.

“Felicity,” came in pulling her chart from the door shelf, “I have some great news.”

Turning from Liam, “what is it?”

“Your blood work looked great this morning, and you are farther along than I expected in your recovery. I am going to have the nurse take you upstairs for some x-rays to see how the rest is healing, but if it comes back as I suspect, you can go home tomorrow.” He smiled, “Have you thought about where you will stay?”

“My house,” Liam and Felicity spoke at the same time.

“What?” she turned to Liam, “No… absolutely not. I want to be in my house.”

“Well…” the doctor chuckled, “Looks like you two need to talk. I’ll leave you for now. The nurse will be in in a little while.”

Liam turned to Felicity, “You should stay with me and my dad.”

“No. Liam,” she shifted in the bed, “I need to go there. It’s important I don’t let Jasper ruin my home for me too. Plus, you don’t really have any control over this.”

The nurse came in, saving Felicity from his response. She was still confused over his revelation of still loving her, so she was grateful that the nurse had arrived when she did.



Chapter 20

Everything about being in her house made her skin crawl. But there was no way in hell she would tell Liam. The day she’d been released she insisted she needed to be in her house. After arguing for thirty minutes he conceded and agreed to take her home. When she walked through the door and saw the destroyed living room, red stained floor, and tattered remains of her couch, she fell to the floor in the most ungraceful manner and cried. Liam picked her up, carried her to her parent’s room laying her in their bed, and left to clean downstairs. He spent over an hour scrubbing the floor and removing the damaged furniture, leaving the living room empty but clean. Once he finished, he simply held her while she cried.

Then without warning, he walked her downstairs and made her some food.

Now, nearly three weeks later, she stared at the brand-new couch he’d bought for her. Liam never left. At first, he slept in the spare bedroom, but moved to the floor of her parents’ room when her nightmares kept waking him. Felicity told him she was fine, and didn’t need him to worry about her, but every time she woke screaming, he was there, patting her back and helping her get back to sleep.

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