Home > Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(2)

Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(2)
Author: L.C. Taylor

“You won’t talk to me like that. We’re going out – only because I don’t want to deal with your embarrassing attitude right now.” Jasper turned and left her crumpled frame on the floor. Felicity stayed huddled on her side, trying to make sense of what just happened. Jasper had never laid hands on her before, usually he was just verbally abusive. Once Felicity heard the front door shut, and silence fill the air, she pulled herself up to her hands and knees. Crawling up the stairs, she made it into her room and pulled herself onto the bed. She knew she probably had a bruise on her hip, and likely her cheek, but she couldn’t make herself look. Closing her eyes, she pulled the covers overhead and cried herself to sleep.



Chapter 2


Liam glanced around at his teammates as they sat shooting the shit at the local bar. He’d been the assistant commander for the Special Weapons and Tactics team for the last three years. Joining the police department right out of high school had been the best thing he’d done. Of course, he started out in the tiny jail, but at twenty-one, finally went to the academy. He’d been working the road ever since. Being on the SWAT team was the highlight of his career. Even though there weren’t many major incidents, any opportunity the team got to serve the city was good with him.

“You going to drink up, or nurse that beer all night, Sarge?” Bradley poked at him, breaking him from his thoughts.

“Fuck off, Bradley – not all of us have to drink ourselves silly to have a good time.” Liam smiled at his friend, as he tossed a peanut at him.

“Well, I was talking to you, but you seemed lost inside that glass. Did you even hear what I asked you?”

“No…sorry, what’d you say?”

“Damn, brother… you need to get laid. I asked you what you thought about going to New Orleans for a guy’s trip.” Chase suggested, glancing at the guys.

“Oh – that. Sure… sounds like a plan.”

“Yeah – maybe you could finally get your dick wet. You need to loosen up.” Bradley laughed.

“Look, Bradley, just because I’m not a man-whore like you, doesn’t mean I don’t get pussy. I just prefer mine less used.”

“Pussy is pussy, Liam. Unless you’re looking for true love.” Bradley quirked an eyebrow at him, watching his reaction.

Liam winced at Bradley’s statement. The truth was, he refused to get close to anyone again. The last time he’d given his heart to someone, she crushed it when she left this town and never looked back.

“I don’t believe in love.”

“Well, I do. So I’m going home to my wife.” Arden stood and tossed money on the table as a group of girls burst through the entrance in a fit of giggles.

“Well, looks like your chance for some adult loving just walked through the door.”

Glancing at the group, Liam shrugged his shoulders, “Fuck, Bradley, they look like their barely out of high school.”

“Hey – legal is legal if they’re over eighteen.” He chugged his beer and stood, “Ladies,” he called out, turning towards Liam one last time, “you sure you don’t want to hit on that?” he jerked his head towards the girls heading towards them.

“Nah – you go ahead. I’m heading out anyway.” Liam stood and threw some cash on the table, “See you tomorrow.”

Liam watched as Bradley wrapped his arm around one of the girls, part of him wanted to go with them, but the other part, the part that wanted something real, tugged him away. Bradley and Chase could have fun without him. He wasn’t interested.

♦ ♦ ♦

Liam pulled into the house he’d grown up in. The walls held so many memories for Liam. As he shut off the engine to his truck, he saw his dad standing in the open door.

“Liam! What are you doing home? Shouldn’t you be out on the town?” He laughed pulling him in for a tight hug.

“Nah – I have to work tomorrow, so I’d thought I’d come chill out with my old man – I do live here after all.”

“Who you calling old? I was just about to watch the game.” Liam followed his dad inside. Pictures of his mom and their life littered the wall. His dad caught him staring at one of the many photos, “Your mom would be proud of you, Liam.”

Nodding, “Yeah. I still miss her.” Liam remembered the day she died. No one was expecting the call. She’d had a heart attack at the local grocery store. The clerk tried to do CPR, but it was a massive event – so the doctors said. His dad had been devastated for months. Liam feared he’d lose him too, so he sold his place and moved back home with him. Now, his childhood home was a bachelor pad. Well, if you could call it that. His dad didn’t seem interested in dating, and ever since his high school sweetheart shattered his heart to bits, he had no interest in dating either. Sure, he fucked a few random girls here and there, but as soon as they got attached, he cut them loose.

“So, what’s new at the department?” His dad popped the top off a bottle of beer and handed it to Liam.

“Not much. Been pretty slow.”

“That’s a good thing I guess… just means you’re safe.”


His dad threw is hands up, “I know… but I worry about you. The world isn’t as safe as it used to be.”

“True, but this is Clinton. Not much happens here except a few warrants and domestics.”

“Oh… that reminds me. You’ll never guess who I ran into.”



Liam’s ears rang so loudly he wasn’t sure he’d heard his dad correctly. Gripping the bottle in his hand, “Who did you say?” He must have heard his dad wrong; Felicity swore she’d never come back to this town or to him.

“Felicity Jones. She’s been back about six months. She works over at Dr. Borne’s office as a physical therapist. You know… your mom always thought you two’d get married.” His dad watched, waiting for his reaction.

Liam had thought the same thing once. Until she ran away from town and never glanced back. “Yeah, well people change.”

“Liam.” His dad’s voice held warning, “I don’t know what happened between you two. Your mom would never let me ask. She said it wasn’t my place and that you two were young and needed to learn life. But that girl was your sun. I just figured you’d know she was back.”

“You figured wrong. She left and never looked back. I don’t think she ever really loved me. Maybe we were just too young to know what love was.”

“Nah – I saw how you two looked at each other. That was love. Maybe you should reach out to her… see what she has to say.”

Liam stood, downing the last of his drink, “Nah – Felicity is a history I’d rather not relive. Thanks for the beer, dad. I’m gonna turn in.”

“Son,” his dad turned to watch him walk up the stairs, “sometimes people run out of fear. It doesn’t mean they love you any less – just means they were scared.”

“Thanks, dad, but we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. See you in the morning.”

Liam climbed the steps and shut himself in his room. Stripping his clothes, he found himself standing under the warm spray of the shower. Bracing his hands on the wall, he closed his eyes and rested his head against the cool tile. His emotions were all over the place since learning Felicity was back. Part of him filled with anger, but a small flicker of love was buried beneath it. Felicity was supposed to be his forever girl – until she left, without him. Turning off the water, Liam stepped out and dried off. Pulling on a pair of boxer briefs, Liam slid beneath the cool sheets of his bed. He stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity, before finally falling off to sleep.

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