Home > Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(4)

Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(4)
Author: L.C. Taylor

“Get your ass home. You hear me? I gotta go pick something up. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Fine, Jasper. Fine.” she pulled free and slipped into her car and watched as Jasper drove off. Putting the car in reverse, she backed out and headed home. The closer she got, the more anxiety she felt. She knew she needed to tell Jasper to leave, but she was afraid he would blow up and make it difficult.

Pulling into the driveway, she knew she needed to end things with him, before he killed her, because deep down, she knew that’s where this was headed. Felicity got out of the car and hurried inside.

Tonight, she would tell Jasper it was time to go.

She didn’t want this life.

♦ ♦ ♦

Jasper never came home. Felicity finally gave in and crawled into bed. When she woke the next morning, Jasper was still missing. Part of her was relieved, hoping he had freaked out learning a friend was a cop, but she knew he’d probably just partied with friends and was passed out somewhere.

Felicity headed in to work, stopping again for coffee. She thought she’d surprise Lila and the rest of the office with caffeine to start the morning. Felicity had managed to stay off Liam’s radar for the last six months, so she was surprised to run into him for the second time in less than 24 hours. Trying hard to get in and get out, she avoided making eye contact with him, hoping not to draw his attention.

She stood at the counter, waiting for her order to be completed, when she felt eyes on her. Glancing over her shoulder she found his gaze lasered in on her. She gave a half smile, relieved when the barista handed her the order. She rushed outside, careful not to spill the drinks.

“Felicity.” His baritone voice cut through her gut, sending a shock through her body.

Setting her drinks down on the roof of her car, turning she shot him a forced smile, “Liam. How are you?”

“I’m good. And you?” Liam appraised the woman standing before him. She was the same girl he’d loved all those years ago, yet she was different.

“Good as can be, I suppose. So… you’re at the police department still?” Felicity couldn’t make eye contact. Partly because she was still trying to hide the bruise she was sporting on her face, but mostly because she was ashamed how she’d walked away from him all those years ago.

“Yeah - since high school.” His tone was clipped as he answered, “I’m a patrol sergeant and team leader on the SWAT team. Heard you were a physical therapist. Why’d you come back, Felicity? You swore you’d never step foot in Clinton again.”

“Wow, straight to the point.” Felicity fidgeted on her feet. As she tilted her head down towards her feet, her hair fell loose into her face. She knew this confrontation would happen eventually… just not in such a public place. “My mom died, and I needed a change. So here I am.”

Liam reached out and brushed the strands of hair hiding her eyes, “Felicity… are you in some kind of trouble?” He could see the tell-tale signs of a bruise hidden beneath the rim of her sunglasses.

“No.” She snapped. “Look, I’m sorry about what I did all those years ago. If I could go back…” the words died on her tongue, “Never mind. Look, it was great seeing you again – but I don’t need this trouble. I hope one day you can forgive me, but I get it if you can’t. I know I haven’t forgiven myself and I’m paying for my bad mistakes now. See you around, Liam.” She turned to get into her car, but Liam grabbed her arm.

“What do you mean you’re paying for them now? If you need some help or someone is hurting you, I can help.”

She tugged from his arm, getting into the driver seat before pulling the door shut, she cast him one last glance, “I don’t deserve your help.” With that she pulled the door closed, forcing Liam to jump out of the way. Liam watched as she sped from the parking lot.

He knew without a doubt she was in some kind of trouble. More so, he knew he was in trouble. He thought he’d buried his feelings a long time ago. But seeing her in pain caused an old familiar feeling to bubble to the surface that wasn’t anger.

Liam’s heart did a weird dance that left him angry for a different reason.

A reason he wasn’t ready to admit to anyone, least of all himself.



Chapter 5

Felicity finished her day and hurried home. She was struggling with the emotions Liam brought to the surface for her. She realized years ago that he was the only man she’d ever loved, but that ship had sailed when she stupidly walked away. Seeing him two days in a row left her feeling confused. She’d expected him to be pissed – maybe even yell at her. And at first, she could hear the anger in his tone, but then he’d seen the bruises on her face and a different side of him came out. An almost protective side. And that was silly – because she knew Liam would never forgive her for breaking his heart. The funny thing was, she’d broken her own heart too. And now, sitting in the dark waiting on Jasper, she knew how much she’d blown her chance at a happy ending.

When Jasper finally came home, it was close to midnight. He came stumbling into the kitchen, the scent of alcohol permeated through the open room.

“Jasper, we need to talk.” she rose from her chair.

“What do you need, Felicity. I’m tired.”

“I’m serious, Jasper, this is important.”

“Well,” Jasper stared her down, “get on with it, I want to go to sleep.”

“This isn’t working.” She swallowed.

“What isn’t working.”

“You and me Jasper,” She closed her eyes. “I want you to leave.”

“You want me to leave?” He moved to stand behind her, gripping her hair in his hand, “That’s it? You want me to just go?” He pulled, causing her to cry out.

“Ow, Jasper.”

He jerked her head, then slammed her down on the table, “I ain’t going anywhere.”

“Please… Jasper…” He tugged her hair harder.

“You. Belong. To. Me. Felicity. Get that through your head.”

Pulling her to stand, he pressed his lips to her neck, “Is this because I haven’t been paying attention to you?” he ran his hand down her side and around to her front. Slowly his hand cupped her sex, pressing against it hard, “Maybe that’s it, isn’t it?”

“No… Please, Jasper. Let go. I don’t want this.”

“Don’t want this?” He laughed, “Too bad. I want to get my dick wet and you need to remember you belong to me.”

Jasper grabbed at her scrubs, jerking them down to her ankles. She couldn’t contain the cry that burst from her lips as he ripped her panties.

“Maybe this will help you remember who is in charge, Felicity.”

Jasper fumbled with his belt as he pressed Felicity into the table. She jerked against him, tears pooling on the wood beneath her chest. “Please, Jasper. Don’t do this.”

She couldn’t stop the scream that tore from her lips as Jasper forcefully buried himself inside her. She pressed her cheek against the wood, gritting her teeth as Jasper grunted behind her. His thrusts were violent and painful. But as quickly as he’d begun, soon he was pulling free and spilling himself on her backside. He released her hair, “Clean this mess up, Felicity.”

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