Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(43)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(43)
Author: Kelsie Rae

I scoff. “Says the guy with the revolving door of women in his room.”

“So you noticed?”

“It’s hard to block out all the moaning,” I answer in a syrupy sweet voice.

Resting his elbows on the counter, he leans closer. “Is someone jealous?”

“Of the girls moaning in your room?” I bristle. “Of course not.”

“You sure about that?”


“Then why are you flushed right now by just thinking about it?”

Another scoff escapes me. “I am not flushed.”

“Just like you’re not jealous,” he notes. “You’re a terrible liar. You know that, right?”

“You wanna discuss lying?” I swivel on my chair and face him fully. “Okay. Let’s discuss it. Tell me the truth. Since when are you not in the mood for sex? You can ask any of your roommates, and they’ll call you out point-blank for being the biggest whore of the group. And that includes my brother, who likes to share women with Gibson, by the way. And what about that kiss, huh? The one between Jon and Kristine,” I spit their names like a curse. “Because that was just acting, right? Or maybe we should mention the one that happened after Brett announced that he’d stopped recording the audition. What about that one, huh?”

My nostrils flare as the memories of his lips pressed against mine threaten to consume me.

“You want to discuss a fucking kiss, Reese? What are you, twelve?” River spits.

I flinch back and try to get a handle on my outrage when I know it’s a losing battle.

Why can’t you see me? Look at me? Want me?

“Twelve? Wow, River. Real smooth there. Tell me, was your cock rubbing against my ass during the photoshoot part of your acting too?”

Now, it’s his turn to jerk away from me. “I’m sorry. Are you pissed at me right now all because my dick got hard around you while you were rubbing up against me?”

“Oh, so it’s my fault that I turned you on? Is that it? Oh, wait. What am I thinking? I didn’t turn you on. It was all for show, wasn’t it? Heaven forbid you’d actually be attracted to a girl like me when you could have anyone you wanted, right?”

I keep my hands clenched around my empty glass instead of rubbing away the phantom pain that’s rooted in my chest at the idea of him wanting someone who isn’t me.

Because no one wants me. Especially a guy like River.

“What the hell is your problem, Reese?” he growls.

Honestly, I don’t even know. I’m being completely irrational right now, but I don’t really give a shit. I am jealous. And I’m frustrated that I’m caught up in a guy that doesn’t look at me the way I look at him. A guy who, under different circumstances, would be swaggering over to that group of girls right now with the intention of sleeping with one or two or hell, maybe even three of them. Yet here he is, hanging out with lil’ ol’ me, his best friend’s baby sister. The thought burns. I need to get away from him before I start to spew more bullcrap that I know I’ll regret in the morning.

Grabbing my purse from the counter, I slide off the barstool and fold my arms. “You know what? Forget I said anything. Go have fun getting laid or whatever it is you want to do tonight. I’m going home.”

I march toward the back exit and pull out my phone to call Jake or Milo or a freaking Uber, for all I care. I just need to get out of here.

As the outside air kisses my cheeks, I try to clear my head and control my breathing when a pair of hands grab me from behind. Clawing at the stranger’s grasp, my adrenaline spikes before my gaze lands on the culprit.

“What do you want from me, River?” I seethe.

The rough brick of the building bites into my back as River pushes me against it. But he doesn’t answer me.

Nope. Instead, I’m gifted with a glare that nearly sets me on fire.

Crowding me with his massive frame, he drops his voice low and bites out, “You wanna talk about my cock, Reese?” He grinds against me. “About the way it gets hard anytime you walk into the room? Is that what you want to talk about? Should we dive into that kiss that’s been consuming my thoughts since the moment it happened? Or maybe we should talk about the fact that I’ve been friends with your brother for years, and he warned me to stay away from you. Should we talk about that?” Again, he grinds against me. The back of my shirt inches up, causing that same cool brick to claw at my skin, but I welcome the slight sting of pain. It’s a stark reminder that our actions have consequences. And this one’s a doozy.

“Do you think he’d approve of my cock rubbing against you right now, Reese?” he rasps into my ear. “Do you think he’d appreciate the mornings I’ve spent in the shower jerking off while envisioning you on your knees in front of me?”

I whimper in response, squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to block out the way his face is so close to mine. The way the streetlight bounces off his strong jaw and his heated gaze. The way I’d give anything to wrap my legs around him and soothe the ache pulsing at my core.

I’ve never wanted something so much in my entire life.

“Tell me, Reese. What the hell do you think we should talk about?” he demands. The heat from his breath is laced with alcohol but only adds fuel to the flames licking inside of me.

Pressing my back into the rough exterior, I turn my head away from him. “You’re right. Go inside, River. Go work off your frustration with some other girl.”

He slams his hand against the building, keeping me pinned between it and himself before he runs his nose along the column of my throat, breathing me in.

And I love it.

The push.

The pull.

The need.

I’m seconds from exploding, and he hasn’t even kissed me.

When he reaches the shell of my ear, he growls, “Tried that already. Didn’t take. Any other suggestions?”

I gasp as he continues his slow torture and brushes his lips against my skin before sucking a piece of the flesh into his mouth. My breathing quickens, but I can’t think straight. Not when he’s doing that. I’m going to end up with a freaking hickey on my neck if he doesn’t stop this, but it’ll be worth it if he just keeps––

“Answer me, Reese,” River demands between sucking and biting. Fingers tangling in my hair, he tugs my head to the side, making my scalp tingle from his punishing grip. But he doesn’t stop his delicious torture.

“U-unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to all of your problems,” I tell him with a moan.

Please, don’t stop.

“You’re right. You are the problem,” he announces. “And I’m done playing games with you.”

What? No!

I freeze as he stands to his full height and looks down at me with an expression that’s a mixture of lust and disgust. I’m just not sure if he’s sickened by me or if it’s our actions that he finds so deplorable. Or maybe it’s our betrayal against one of his best friends and my older brother if we let this go any further.

And I want it to go further. I need it to.

Still, the sting from his comment makes me pause, my forehead wrinkling in confusion. “You’re done playing games with me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

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