Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(53)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(53)
Author: Kelsie Rae

“Okay. I’ll be back in a few.”

With an empty tray in hand, I head back to the bar before veering toward the front door when I see a very attractive River scanning the premises. He hasn’t spotted me yet, leaving me the chance to admire him from afar.

Why would a guy like that be interested in a girl like me?

I still don’t get it. It’s like I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it hasn’t. And ever since he stormed out of my room, I’ve felt empty. Lonely. Even though I’m the one who told him that I needed time to think about things.

Because that makes perfect sense.

I roll my eyes before my attention catches on a few tables near the entrance. They’re filled with women who are busy checking River out like he’s a damn library book. Just like I was before my own insecurities got the best of me.

I’d promised myself I would ignore him tonight so that I wouldn’t raise any more suspicion, but my jealousy flares, and I can’t tamp it down no matter how hard I try. Each of them is gorgeous. Each of them resembles the girls I’ve seen sneaking out of River’s room in the past. Like a single carbon copy made for wet dreams. Long straight hair that looks thoroughly teased. Dark lined eyes brimming with interest. Pouty red lips smirking in appreciation.

And they all want River.

But River’s had women like that. Probably more times than he can count. He’s never wanted any of them for more than one night.

But he still wants me.

Or at least he said he did.

With a deep breath, I glance behind me where Milo and Jake are chatting, completely oblivious to River’s presence. Then I saunter toward him.









“Hey,” I greet River, my smile tight.

“Hey,” he returns cooly, though his gaze doesn’t meet mine.

I look back at my brother’s booth. They’re still in their own little world.

Stepping closer, I lick my lips, then reach for his hand and brush my pinky along his clenched fist hanging at his side. “Can we…?” I sigh. “Can we talk?”

“Not sure that now’s a good time.”

“Oh.” The empty tray nearly slips from my grasp before I clutch it to my chest, my shoulders rolling forward. “I guess I should just, uh…” My voice trails off, and my body temperature rises from his not-so-subtle brush-off.

Cocking his head to the side, he studies me carefully with a tight jaw, though I have no idea what he’s searching for.

“How ‘bout tomorrow night?” he offers.

My eyes widen in surprise. “A-are you asking me out?”

“You said you wanted to talk.”

“I do,” I rush out. Then my face scrunches with regret. “But I have plans tomorrow night.”

“You told me you weren’t working––”

“I’m not. I have a girls’ night planned.”

“Girls’ night? With who?”

“Dove?” I offer.

“Who’s Dove?”

I point to her across the bar as she wipes down a table near the stage. Her white-blonde hair almost glows like a halo from the purple lighting and makes her stick out like a sore thumb. How she wound up working at a bar with her upbringing is beyond me. I’ll have to pry it out of her during our girls’ night.

“Oh, yeah, the hot new waitress,” River confirms.

My face falls.

“Sonny’s words, not mine,” he clarifies. “Don’t get me wrong. She’s cute and all, but––”

“You should stop while you’re ahead,” I mutter, slightly offended.

“You didn’t let me finish.” He laughs. The sound makes my stomach tighten. “But…I have my sights set on the other hot new waitress. Unfortunately, she keeps turning me down when I ask her on a date.”

“Keeps?” I quirk my brow and cross my arms. “You’ve asked me once.”

“Which is exactly one more time than I’ve ever asked a girl out in my entire life,” he retorts.

I flinch back slightly, attempting to hide my surprise, though I doubt I’m successful. “Really? You’ve never taken a girl out before?”

“Not with the intention of actually dating her. Just you.”

Digging my teeth into my lip, I try to keep from grinning like a loon, but it’s a losing battle.

“Let me take you out,” he presses, inching closer to me.

“I’ll have to check my schedule.”

“Playing hard to get?”

“I thought you liked it hard,” I quip.

His deep chuckle sends tingles racing down my spine as he leans forward and whispers in my ear. “You’re making me hard right now, Reese, and I’m about to have drinks with your brother. Do you think he’ll notice that I’ll be undressing you with my eyes the entire time? That I’ll be imagining you straddling me, your tits bouncing up and down as you ride me like you did last night?”

I gulp but stay silent.

“Let me take you out,” he murmurs.

My voice catches in my throat as I reply, “Let me think about it.”

His heated gaze rolls over me like warm honey. “Not exactly the answer I was hoping for.”

“I just––”

“Need some convincing. I get it. Have you heard from Ian at all since this morning?”

I shake my head, ignoring the whiplash I feel that he just brought up my ex after asking me out on a date.

With a frown, he says, “I think we should tell Sonny about Ian so he can keep an eye on you when you’re at work.”

“That isn’t necessary.”

“And I think it is,” he answers, looking more determined than ever.

“Even if he shows up here, what’s the worst he can do, River?” I ask. “Cause a scene? Been there, done that. The bouncers will throw him out, and the night will go on like it never happened.”

Inching forward, he brushes his fingertips against my hip, then drops his hand back to his side. “I don’t trust the guy. I just want to make sure you’re okay, but I’m not trying to control you, all right?”

The sincerity in his tone melts a bit of my reservations.

Licking my lips, I whisper, “Thank you. For looking out for me. And for being patient. I’m sorry about this morning. After Gibson’s little words of wisdom, I’ve been…scared? Confused? Honestly, I don’t even know anymore, but I hate how we left things.”

“I don’t blame you.” He reaches up and cups my cheek as if I’m a fragile doll, but I don’t shy away from his touch. Instead, I lean into it, savoring the warmth and slight scratch from his calloused palm as if my life depends on it. Even though I know it isn’t the smart thing to do. Even though I know my brother could see us, and it would ruin everything. Even when I know River has the power to ruin me.

When I’m with him, all of that bullshit seems to fade away.

And it’s going to bite us in the ass one day.

“He gave us both a lot to think about, Reese. I know that things are a little…precarious?”

A breath of laughter escapes me. “You could call it that.”

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