Home > Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(34)

Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4)(34)
Author: N.J. Walters

Jamaeh yelled as the door was kicked open. He rolled to his back, ready to return fire, but the first man was already falling. She kept firing at anyone who stepped foot in front of the door. Another incendiary device was tossed inside. Zaxe lunged, caught it before it hit the ground, and lobbed it back. Amid yells, it exploded, blowing out part of the door.

He wanted to roar her name, but that would give away his location. On all fours, he scrambled across the room and grabbed her arm. “Are you okay?” He meant to whisper it, but he might be yelling for all he knew.

When she nodded, he stood and yanked her up behind him. “Stay behind me.” Drawing both blasters, he went toward the door, stepping over the dead men just inside. He stuck his arm out and pulled back. Two shots came toward him. Now that he’d identified the direction of the shooters, he went low, rolling out of the opening, firing as he went.

The men yelled as they went down. Another ran toward him. He corrected and fired. Adrenaline pumped through him, but he controlled it, used it. The ringing in his ears was still a problem, but he could work around it. He trusted his instincts to guide him.

The entire settlement was in an uproar, people running and yelling. It was impossible to tell friend from foe. Their transportation lay on the ground in pieces, victims of the battle. Shit, things could never be easy, could they?

“What do we do?” Instead of waiting inside for him, Jamaeh was beside him, her blaster raised, her gaze darting everywhere.

“We need to leave.” There was no time to wait. Either Qasim had betrayed them or Helldrick had found them. And considering the damage, he’d bet on the second.

She motioned to the scrap metal on the ground. “We need to get new sleds.”

She was right, but most were kept stored in locked sheds or inside family dwellings. People out here didn’t take chances with transportation. There were a few for general community use stored nearby, but they’d likely been disabled. It was what he would have done if he’d been running the operation. But maybe his enemies weren’t as smart. “Let’s go.”

He moved through the shadows, aware of his surroundings, but most aware of the woman following close behind. Her breathing was ragged, but she moved as quietly as possible. He wanted to promise he’d keep her safe, but there was no time.

“Where are they?” someone yelled. Zaxe picked up the pace. There was a time for stealth and a time for speed. Right now, speed was of the essence.

Women and children were screaming and crying. Men were fighting in the narrow streets. People were everywhere. Zaxe yanked his hood over his head and crouched slightly to hide his height. Jamaeh was already covered, her weapon hidden in the folds of her cloak.

The sleds were in sight with no one around. Too easy. He came to a stop and put his back to a wall. She had to have a million questions but kept silent. Giving in to impulse, he spun toward her and kissed her hard and fast. Her lips briefly melded to his. She blinked when he pulled away, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

A chill skated down his spine. Someone was out there. He snapped back to business and let his gaze flow over the area, searching for anything that seemed out of the ordinary.

“There’s no way out,” a male voice yelled. “We have the vehicles surrounded. We have no quarrel with Qasim and his people. This destruction is all on you. You’ll find no more shelter here. Come out and we won’t kill you.”

Zaxe ignored the man, methodically sorting through his options. They’d have to take to the desert on foot. Not ideal, but they could hunker down and hide for a day or two until he could sneak back and steal them transport.

Decided, he turned to Jamaeh, but she was no longer beside him. Where was she? Heart thumping hard, he searched the shadows and found her almost to the vehicles. What in the fiery hell was she doing?

“Don’t shoot,” she yelled. “I’m Helldrick’s daughter. I want to see my father.”



Chapter Fifteen


The hood of her cloak tossed back, she slowly walked forward. Her entire body was trembling, but she fought to control it. Her lips were still tingling from the crazy, hot kiss she’d shared with Zaxe. This was surely a stupid move, but Helldrick was less likely to kill her. She hoped. This would give Zaxe time to get away. On his own, she had no doubt he could evade the searchers.

He’d come for her.

Or if not for her, he’d come to fulfill his contract. That was guaranteed. All she had to do was give him the best chance of actually staying alive.

Blaster holstered and hands up, she stepped closed to the vehicles. “My name is Jamaeh Jerman and Helldrick is my father.” The red and black braids and green eyes would, hopefully, confirm that for them.

What if it wasn’t her father’s men attacking them? Shit, too late now. But who else could have found them? Reman wouldn’t know to send more men, wouldn’t know Baraj was dead.

Two men rushed toward her, the lower halves of their faces covered by bandanas. “Toss your weapon,” one of the men ordered.

She slowly lowered her right hand and removed the weapon tucked into her belt. Once she gave it up, she was helpless. Her fingers tightened around the handle. She had to force herself to release it. The blaster fell to the ground and was scooped up. Rough hands grabbed her by the arms.

“Where is the man with you?”

“I don’t know.” Surely Zaxe had disappeared by now.

“You’re lying.” The man jammed his blaster against her temple. The end of the barrel burned her skin, hot from having been fired. “Try again.”

She jerked her head back, swallowing a cry of pain. “He was here, but ran, leaving me on my own when the shooting started.” The lie made her belly churn, but she kept her eyes level with her questioner. “My father will want the information I have.” Just calling Helldrick that made her skin crawl, but she’d do whatever she had to in order to pull the heat away from Zaxe and find Esau. This accomplished both.

If they didn’t decide to kill her right here and now.

Battle cries drew closer as the men from the settlement fought back. They’d be on them in moments.

“What’s it going to be?” she asked.

Giving a growl of frustration, the man holding her dragged her toward one of the sand sleds. “Get on.”

She wanted to turn and search the shadows for Zaxe. What if she never saw him again? Tears pricked her eyes, but she fought them back as she climbed on the sled.

“If you’re lying to me about who you are, I’ll kill you.”

He might have to get in line. Helldrick might blast her the second he saw her. “I’m not.”

The man climbed onto the driver’s seat. “Hold on,” he yelled. A blast kicked up the sand a foot in front of them. They were taking fire. On a curse, he hit the power. The sled jerked forward, forcing her to grab the man to keep from toppling over.

In spite of the danger, she glanced over her shoulder, but there was no sign of Zaxe. She turned away and buried her face against the driver’s back to protect her face. Her pack with her goggles and headscarf was back in the hut she’d shared with Zaxe.

The small dwelling had been damaged in the fight. She hoped it could be repaired. For a short period of time, she’d found happiness there, a connection to another person that went deep, at least for her. Zaxe might have written her off, considering her actions.

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