Home > The Guy in the Middle (The Underdogs #3)(18)

The Guy in the Middle (The Underdogs #3)(18)
Author: Kate Stewart

“I can’t wait to meet him. Bring him at Christmas.”

“I’m going to try.”

“Ju know I miss ju so much. Is so cold here already. Did I tell ju, I’m with Ricky now?” René’s conversations are always a mile a minute and probably a result of a case of undiagnosed ADHD, but I’m always able to keep up.

“Yeah. He’s the hot one?”

“No, he’s de ugly one. I love him, I tink.”

“You think?”

“I don’t know. I’m feeling a little needy lately. When can ju come to New York?”

“I told you before Christmas.”

“I mean to live, Mami.”

“Two and a half years?” It seems like a lifetime.

“Do jour parents know what dey are doing to ju?”

“They just want me with a diploma before I hand myself over to dance.”

“Ju are de best dancer I know. Dis is a waste of jour youth. School can wait. Ju know Ricky got an audition to do a tour? He won’t tell me who with because he tinks I show up.”

“You will.”

“Does no one trusts me?”

“I don’t. But I love you.”

“Do me a favor, Mami, send me a picture of him shirtless, so if Ricky pisses me off, I can make him jealous.”

“Absolutely not.”

“It was worth a shots.”


“Shots are better.”

“You’re so crazy.”

“I have ta go, Mami, I have chickens in the oven. Love ju.”

“This Jew loves you.”







Coach slams his door, and we all feel the vibration, our heads collectively turning towards the hallway.

Texas in August is hell on earth. Two of the guys threw up today and that ended one of the most hellacious practices I’ve ever had as a ballplayer.

“Hope that ass was worth it, fucker!” Yates tosses his helmet across the locker room as everyone groans in agreement.

“What the hell is he going on about?” Orlando questions to my right, and I shrug as if clueless while dread cloaks me. Orlando taunts Yates on the other side of the room where we all are stripping off our newly ruined knee pads.

“What the hell you going on about, man? You need a tampon?”

“Fuck you. Secret’s out, asshole!” Yates snaps, his accusing eyes landing on a few of us individually before he rips his jersey over his head. Fear courses through me and I know what’s coming.

“What the hell is your problem, Yates?”

“My problem? It’s our problem. Some stupid asshole dicked the coach’s daughter, and we’re all paying for it.”

Stunned reactions circle through the room.

“How do you know?”

“I overheard it,” Yates rants as inside I fight the urge to silence him permanently.

“You’ve got to be shitting me, man. This is why he’s riding us so hard?”

Yates rolls his eyes. “Ya think?”

Voices sound out throughout the room.

“Who the hell would be dumb enough to do that?”

“What’s her name, Parker?”

“Harper,” one of them corrects, “she’s a sophomore.”

“The ugly one?”

That remark has me tensing so tight when Orlando looks over at me, it’s all I can do to mask my fury. Keeping my head down, my hands busy, I take deep breaths to calm myself. There are two ways this can go, and one is off the table. It means outing us both.

“She’s got a decent body,” another voice spouts while I grip the back of my neck and close my eyes.

What in the hell have we started, Harper?

They’re baiting me. And by committing to Harper, I’ve voluntarily thrown myself into the biggest test of wills.

I can’t be a part of this conversation, or I’ll hulk out. Or maybe this situation is just what I need to prove to myself that I’ve changed. That my temperament is different. I can do this. I just have to master control. For her, for me, for my family. Nothing else matters. Even though I’m a part of the team, by deciding on Harper, I’ve alienated myself further. No one can know. I won’t trust a soul with the secret, and that’s to protect us both. And then there’s her side of things. Jersey chasers can be nasty, and if they’re half as cruel as these judgmental assholes I’m playing with, things can get a whole hell of a lot worse. I fight the urge to text her, to warn her.

“I think she’s cute,” a voice sounds from somewhere in the crowded space. Maybe they’re going after her to spite me. That fear has me reeling. Part of me wants to backpedal from the decision we made earlier today. To protect her.

What the hell was I thinking? Surely none of these bastards would dare touch her, hurt her? No way would they be balls enough. If so, Coach’s wrath would only intensify.

“Maybe when you’re done with her, I can get a taste.” Snickers pass through the room as I unlace my cleats.

This is where I make my decision. Not back in that parking lot with Harper, but here in the locker room, where our situation is the biggest threat. By doing what I promised her, promised myself, I’ll keep everyone I care about out of harm’s way. Mind set, I shut my locker and head towards the showers. I know my temperament, and this too shall pass. This will all pass.

“No fun if your friends don’t get none,” someone spouts as a few guys snicker around me. “Come on, be a team player.”

Fists clenching, I reach for my earbuds. Another minute of this and all my good intentions will go straight to shit.

“Didn’t coach just lecture us about respect?” Troy snarls from a few lockers down. “How about you take that advice to heart and shut the fuck up.” He doesn’t look my way. He can’t know. And between these walls, he’s considered a god, and by his record, the only other draft competition in the locker room. And when God speaks, these disciples listen.

I need an ally, but we’re on opposite sides. Though he’s my roommate and on my team, we don’t talk much or run in the same circles. His circle is far larger. While he’s considered ‘the man’ on campus, I do my best not to be seen on anything other than the field. It’s not his house I’m renting, and I owe him nothing. But in this moment, I’m thankful for his gospel and will never be able to show it.





I shoot off a text to Lance and wait. The house is eerily quiet—it’s not late enough for anyone to be asleep. With a Honda sitting in the driveway I assume someone is home, or there would be no need for the Bonnie and Clyde routine.

Harper: I’m here.

Lance: I see you. I’m coming for you.

Harper: That’s kind of scary.

Lance: I’m coming to get you.

Harper: Worse.

Lance: Damn it, woman. I’ll be there in a minute.

Harper: Better. But I can still feel the aggression in your text. We need to work on you.

Lance: Did I say I missed you? I must have hit my head.

Harper: Zero points for today. You’re scoring nothing.

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