Home > Unforgiven Includes a bonus novella (Loveless, Texas #2)(7)

Unforgiven Includes a bonus novella (Loveless, Texas #2)(7)
Author: Jay Crownover

The implication was clear. I better have a damn good reason for breaking her hallowed rules.

I shrugged a shoulder. “I do need a couple minutes of your time.” For the investigation and for my own peace of mind.

Kody nodded, but the movement seemed uncoordinated and sloppy. I agreed with the biker. She needed to leave work for a few days and get some rest. However, I knew that if I suggested such a thing, she’d freeze me out and ignore the advice out of pure spite. One surefire way to get Kody Lawton not to do something was to tell her she should be doing it.

Very subtly Kody reached for my arm. I felt her fingers curl into the fabric of my shirt, showing a vulnerability she rarely allowed. The mere fact she hadn’t kicked me out of her precious bar was telling. She was putting on a brave face, but on the inside she was crumbling, finally reaching her breaking point and having to face her emotions.

I shifted my weight just enough to block her small movement from view. These people didn’t need to smell blood in the water. If there was even a hint that Kody was no longer in control of the unpredictable crowd, all hell would break loose.

“Let’s go to your office. I promise to keep things quick and get out of your hair as fast as possible.” It was on the tip of my tongue to apologize for showing up unannounced when she was so clearly at the end of her already frayed rope, but I didn’t. There was no doubt in my mind that she would’ve ordered me to stay far, far away from her if she had known I was coming. Then I would have been denied the opportunity to touch her, to hold her, to take care of her in some small way.

It would have been obvious to anyone who knew her that Kody was not in her typical fighting form when she quietly nodded and wordlessly allowed me to guide her to the stairs. The woman wasn’t one to capitulate to anyone, let alone someone she openly despised.

The wooden stairs creaked under my boots, but once the intricate barn-style door slid shut, all the sound from the noisy bar down below went quiet. The office was set up more like a living room than a stuffy place for a boss to work. There was a huge teal couch against one wall, a television mounted to the one across from it, and a wooden coffee table complete with fashion magazines and abandoned soda cans on the surface. There was also a desk covered in scattered paperwork and a fancy computer setup in one corner. Once again the design seemed to be a perfect reflection of Kody’s personality. She was determined to do things in her own way. She ran her business with little to no help from anyone else, but she was still a free-spirited, dynamic soul. She liked color and comfort, even while she was being the boss.

As soon as we were inside the room, Kody released my arm and stumbled her way to the couch. She threw herself onto the soft-looking fabric with an exaggerated groan and covered her eyes with her arm. Her feet landed on the coffee table with a thud as she whispered, “I don’t want to talk to you about my father, Hill. I don’t want to talk to you about anything, but especially not him.”

I took my hat off and used my free hand to pull at my flattened hair. “You’re going to have to talk to me about him in an official capacity sooner or later. Right now I think you need to get some rest and sober up. You’re no use to my investigation in the state you’re in now.”

She let out a bitter-sounding laugh and peeked at me from underneath the bend of her arm. Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin pale.

“You hated my father, Hill. Everyone did. Is there anyone who isn’t a possible suspect in his murder? Are you actually going to try and find the person responsible for killing him, or are you going to say good riddance like everyone else is whispering behind my back?”

I sighed and shoved my hat back on my head with more force than necessary. This woman…she made me want to hug her and strangle her.

“I’m going to do my job. A victim is a victim regardless of who they were or the things they did while they were alive. My personal feelings don’t have any place in finding the truth.”

She snorted again and re-covered her eyes. “Aren’t you a little close to this case? Do you really think you can remain impartial?” She sounded doubtful. The same way my boss had when I insisted on assisting in the official investigation.

“I’m not the person in charge of the actual investigation. I’m just lending a hand because everyone knows people in this town are more likely to open up to a local. No matter what you think, I’m here to help.” It felt like I was forever trying to prove myself to her. I wouldn’t be the one making the arrest or getting the Lawtons justice, but I could help the process along. I was damn good at my job.

I waited for her rebuttal or another snarky reply, but after a few seconds of silence and no response, I called her name and got nothing back.

A moment later a soft snore drifted up from where she was sprawled.

“Did you really fall asleep in the middle of our argument?” I asked the question to her still form, biting back a grin as her head suddenly flopped heavily to the side. “I guess you’re going to get the last word no matter what, aren’t you?”

Shaking my head, I found a colorful blanket folded up next to the couch and grabbed it. I debated taking her boots off for her, but decided against it. She obviously needed the rest, and I didn’t want to do anything that might wake her up. Tucking the blanket up around her chin, I took a minute to look at her face. Even in her sleep there was a tiny furrow between her brows. She was always scowling at me, always looking at me with scorn and disdain. There were times I honestly felt I would give up a limb just to see her smile at me.

When she was a teenager, I was drawn to her when I realized she immediately saw through all of Aaron’s swagger and defense mechanisms. She saw the kind, soft heart he harbored. I admired the way she remained unfailing Kody in the face of constant criticism. She never hid how hard her life was or how she was hurting, and that unfiltered honesty was beautiful. Especially when I was avoiding my own hardships at home like my life depended on it…Unfortunately, I fell into using the same tactics when things starting going south with Aaron.

When we got older, it was her unwavering loyalty, and the way her love never changed, no matter what my brother did, that hit my heart hardest. Kody never once gave up on Aaron, or even thought about walking away, even when it was pretty clear he was going to hurt her. I loved her love, and was envious none of it was meant for me. I’d never had anyone I could rely on like that. Never had anyone accept me wholeheartedly, faults and all.

It was a question that had haunted me to this day. What would it be like to be loved by Kody Lawton?

Rubbing a hand over my face, I turned and headed back the way I had come. There would be time to talk to her about the investigation when she was in better shape. Right now I wanted to make sure her bar stayed in one piece so she didn’t find another reason to hate me when she woke up.



Chapter 3





I wasn’t sure what time it was when I finally pried my eyes open, but the sun from one of the windows was hitting me in the face. I could hear my staff clinking glassware together downstairs, letting me know the day shift crew had already shown up. I stretched my arms above my head, which was pounding. My eyes were scratchy and my neck was stiff. My stomach was angry at being empty, but also felt like it would revolt if I dared put anything inside it. All in all, it was a hangover for the record books. Thankfully I was no longer dizzy, and some of the hollow emptiness I’d been trying to fill with whiskey had dissipated. I was still mad my father had gone and gotten himself killed. And I was still pissed Hill was right back in the middle of the tragedy taking over my life.

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