Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(17)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(17)
Author: Bree Wolf

Leaning forward, Grandma Edie looked at her imploringly. “Always have you been one to overthink every step,” she said affectionately. “Perhaps now the time has come for you to learn how to trust your heart. Sometimes, the answer we seek cannot be found through reason. If someone makes your skin crawl, even if you don’t know why, even if there is no good reason, listen to your instincts and get away from that person. But also, if someone makes you feel safe,” leaning back in her seat, she sighed, a warm smile coming to her face, “don’t push that person away simply because it doesn’t make any sense.” Her grandmother slowly pushed to her feet, and leaning on her cane, she walked over to her, placing a wrinkled hand upon Leonora’s. “Don’t be afraid to trust that feeling deep inside you. I promise, it is rarely wrong.” She gave Leonora’s hand a gentle pat and then turned and left.

Leonora listened to the sound of her grandmother’s footsteps receding as she sat on the edge of her bed, staring out the window. Always had she loved the pursuit of science, of exploring the world and furthering her understanding of it. Nevertheless, what had happened to her as well as all the consequences she had not foreseen had shown her that science was not enough. It was her passion, yes, but it could not replace love and family and children.

Unwittingly, Leonora’s thoughts turned to her eldest sister Juliet. For a reason Leonora did not understand, Jules seemed to be content to be their grandmother’s companion. She never spoke of marriage and children, of what she wanted for herself, for her own future. Perhaps she simply did not wish for these things. People, after all, were different. What made one happy meant nothing to another. Still, although Leonora had not been one to daydream about marriage and family since her girlhood days, she now realized that she did want it after all. Now, that it seemed all but impossible. Was it too late for her? Was she now damaged beyond repair? Or was there still a chance for her? Was there any way for her to overcome or even master her fear?

Leonora’s thoughts strayed back to Lord Archibald’s house party, and she remembered Lord Sedgwick and Lord Gillingham seeking her out, signaling their interest in courting her. She had danced with Lord Sedgwick on occasion during the previous Season and always found him to be quite amiable. Lord Gillingham, too, possessed impeccable manners as well as a pleasing countenance. They were both decent men, Leonora was certain of it, and if she had not attended that masquerade, she might already be well on her way to being married soon.

Truth be told, though, when Leonora tried to think of a man who would make her a kind and respectful husband, only one face entered her mind and it belonged neither to Lord Sedgwick nor Lord Gillingham.



Chapter Nine



The Essence of Strength



Drake could not help but be surprised to find Phineas calling on him only a few days after his wedding. For one, Drake would have expected his friend to be otherwise occupied, and for another, he could not help but recall that they had never been the closest of friends. After all, at least a decade had passed since they had last seen one another. Of course, not counting Lord Archibald’s house party.

“Already tired of marriage, Barrington?” Drake asked with a raised brow as he poured his old classmate a drink.

Phineas grinned rather widely as he took the proffered drink and then sat down across from Drake’s desk. “Was that meant to be a joke, old friend?” A bit of a frown came to his face. “I do not recall you making many of those.”

In truth, Drake could not answer that question, and so he chose to simply ignore it. Seating himself, he leaned forward, resting his elbows upon his desk, and met his friend’s eyes. “What brings you here?”

Phineas cast him a knowing look, but then set his glass down, his features becoming serious. “My wife,” he couldn’t help but grin at the word, “is planning to set up a program for those struggling with literacy. Ever since she found the courage to stand up for herself and no longer hide that side of her, she has been most motivated. She has already made the acquaintance of a Lady Agnes, I believe, who confided in her about her own struggles.”

Drake nodded in approval. “I commend her on her plans. I admit I did not believe her one to go to such great lengths in order to offer her assistance to others. I am glad I was mistaken.”

Phineas laughed, affection lighting up his eyes. “Oh, she’s a force to be reckoned with. If my dear Lulu sets her mind on something, more often than not she will see it through no matter what it costs her, and if you’re fool enough to stand in her way…” His voice trailed off; however, the grin upon his face remained while his brows arched up in meaningful innuendo.

“I have no intention of doing so,” Drake assured his old friend as a sneaking suspicion began to form in his mind. “I am certain you did not call on me today simply to inform me of your wife’s plans, did you?”

“I came to request your help,” Phineas replied without another thought, “as I have before.”

Drake shook his head. “As you are aware, I have never been one to communicate easily with others. I assure you I would not be of much help.” His gaze narrowed. “Is that truly why you’re here?”

Now, Phineas did shift a little uncomfortably in his seat. “I came to ask about Leonora.” His dark gaze remained on Drake’s, a question there that Drake could not help but consider a personal insult. “The day of our wedding, Louisa and I saw her sneak through the hedge.” His brows rose in question.

Leaning back in his seat, Drake did his utmost to appear calm. “Whether you believe me or not, I myself was surprised to see her.”

Still watching him most carefully, Phineas nodded. “Why did she come to see you? Did anything…happen between the two of you?”

At the suspicion in his friend’s tone, Drake almost cringed away. “I would never dare lay a hand on her,” he gritted out through clenched teeth. “I am not such a man.” Indeed, he was not. He was merely one who had looked away for far too long.

His friend’s gaze narrowed. “Do you…know?”

Of course, Phineas could not be any more specific in his questioning; however, he did not need to be.

Drake nodded.

Surprise lit up Phineas’ eyes. “She told you?”

Drake inhaled a deep breath, not certain how much to share without betraying her trust. “She did.”

Clearly, Drake’s answer did not satisfy his friend. “Why?”

“Perhaps you should ask her that.”

For a long moment, the two men sat across from one another, each assessing the other’s position in this. “Louisa is very worried about her sister,” Phineas finally said, his voice having lost its sharper edge. “She’s particularly worried about your intentions.” The ghost of the smile danced across Phineas’ face.

“My intentions,” Drake began, “are simply to offer my assistance.”

Phineas frowned. “Your assistance with what?”

“With finding her attacker, of course.”

His friend’s eyes grew round. “Why? How?”

Drake steepled his fingers, his elbows braced on the armrests of his chair. “I’ve hired an investigator to compile a guest list of the night at Hamilton house.” His gaze narrowed as it swept over Phineas. “Is there any information you could contribute?”

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