Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(67)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(67)
Author: Bree Wolf

Leonora could not believe what was happening. A part of her urged her not to allow her sisters to make that sacrifice. Yet, another part of her told her that sometimes sacrifices were necessary for the greater good. After all, men like Lord Gillingham needed to be stopped. They needed to know that they could not simply dominate and intimidate people without repercussions. It was time someone took a stand.

And it seemed that someone was her.

As much as Leonora detested the thought of being the center of attention, of feeling others’ judgmental eyes upon her, she knew that she would always regret it if she refused to be daring and bold and…yes, dauntless…



…in this moment.

It was her moment after all. Hers alone, and she would seize it and say her piece.

Yes, she refused to be a victim any longer.

It would end today.



Chapter Forty



Face to Face with the Wicked



Drake felt the burning desire to step forward and plant his fist in Gillingham’s face.

He did not though.

Instead, he took a step backward, allowing Leonora to take charge of the situation, something he knew she needed to do. Still, he remained at her side, only a step or two away, should the need arise for him to interfere.

A victorious smile upon his face, Gillingham followed Lord and Lady Whickerton across the ballroom toward their daughter. There was something vindictive and malicious in his gaze that told Drake that he was used to getting his way, that no one had ever dared refuse him. Indeed, the look upon his face was one of superiority, like a king who deemed himself better than his subjects, ruling over them without any regard or consideration.

He was the worst sort of man, and Drake found himself agreeing with Lady Christina. He, too, wanted to see Gillingham learn this long-overdue lesson.

“Leonora, dear,” Lord Whickerton addressed his daughter, apprehension upon his face as he exchanged a look with his wife, “Would you accompany us, Dear? There is something we need to discuss.” He glanced at Gillingham, his gaze slightly narrowed.

Leonora nodded, then accepted her father’s other arm.

Forcing himself to remain in the background, Drake watched as Lord Whickerton and his wife led Leonora from the drawing room…her entire family following upon their heels.

Gillingham seemed somewhat uncomfortable at suddenly finding himself surrounded by Leonora’s family. After all, half of them already knew him to be the villain in this story and did not hide their disdain for him, daggers shooting from their eyes.

Particularly from Lady Christina’s.

Drake forced himself to remain in the background, following at a distance. He watched as the family stepped into a drawing room, no doubt hoping for a certain measure of privacy; unfortunately, from the sound of it, it was already occupied.

Stepping inside, Drake saw that Lord Whickerton had led his family to the far corner near the pianoforte whereas a small group of women stood on the other end, locked in what seemed like a heated argument. With any luck, they would not even notice anything!

The dowager nodded to him as Drake stepped forward and moved to stand near Leonora, his gaze fixed upon Gillingham, who still bore such a smug smile upon his face that Drake itched to strike the man down.

However, he did not.

Lord Whickerton turned to his daughter. “Leonora, dear, Lord Gillingham has just informed us of your intention to become his wife.” He glanced at the man in question. “Is that so?” Doubt lingered in his eyes as his wife moved to reach for their daughter’s hands, her eyes sweeping over her face.

Leonora braced herself for what was to come, and Drake saw her eyes linger upon her mother’s, something unspoken passing between them. Then she moved her gaze to Gillingham. A wide sneer appeared on the man’s face that had Drake clench his hands at his sides. “It is not,” Leonora said loud and clear.

Instantly, that smug smile slid off Gillingham’s face, his features contorting into a hideous snarl.

While Lady Christina and Lady Harriet knew very well what was going on, the rest of Leonora’s family remained in the dark. Puzzled expressions came to their faces as they stood in a circle around Leonora. Drake felt her brother’s gaze move to him, a question in his blue eyes that Drake answered with a sideways glance at Gillingham.

“May I remind you, my dear,” Gillingham stated firmly as he moved toward Leonora, “what you said to me earlier this afternoon? You did in fact agree to marry me.” His brows rose, reminding her of the threats he had uttered and all that she was risking by not taking them seriously.

Again, that urge to pound the man into the ground rose within Drake, and he linked his hands behind his back to keep himself from doing so.

Out of the corner of his eye, Drake began to notice that the circle of women at the opposite end of the room was no longer unaware of the drama slowly unfolding in their midst. Their heated argument turned to whispers, muttered behind fans. They craned their heads, trying to see what has happening. Something that promised to be more interesting than whatever they had been discussing amongst themselves. Drake could see that they were straining to hear, knowing that each word would be carried from this room and repeated many times over to any willing ear.

Indeed, Leonora was risking everything by not bowing her head and agreeing to Gillingham’s terms. Still, what kind of life would she have as his wife? The thought alone turned Drake’s stomach, and he was proud to see her stand tall, her gaze unflinching as she met Gillingham’s challenge.

“You are mistaken, my lord,” Leonora said, her voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “In fact, I told you quite clearly that I would never marry you.”

An audible gasp went through the women, and Drake saw Gillingham grind his teeth together as humiliation washed over him. Fury and retribution burned in his eyes, and he moved toward Leonora.

Again, Drake’s self-control was severely tested.

“Is that so?” Gillingham snarled, his eyes narrowed into slits as he came to stand in front of her. “I suggest you reconsider, my lady. After all, is it not true that…?” He paused, his brows rising, urging Leonora to change her mind before it would be too late.

Drake could see a tremor snake its way down Leonora’s spine. Her hands were clamped together, and her chest rose and fell with each agitated breath. Yet, she did not avert her eyes and kept her chin up. “Is what not true?” she challenged him, making it absolutely clear that she would not allow herself to be intimidated any longer.

More and more people passed by the drawing room, pausing in their step, lingering nearby to listen. Voices outside in the hall died down to whispers as glances were cast inside, taking in the unusual sight. Drake could hear whispers, suspicions muttered from one to another. He knew that gossips loved nothing more than the suggestion of a scandal, perhaps even more than the scandal itself. Suspicions provided opportunity, and here, tonight, the opportunities were endless.

“What is going on here?” Lord Whickerton asked as he stepped toward his daughter and wife. He cast a wary glance at Lord Gillingham, then looked over at Drake.

Drake held the man’s gaze, wondering what thoughts were currently going through her father’s head. He clearly had his suspicions, and it was unmistakable where his loyalties lay.

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