Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(71)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(71)
Author: Bree Wolf

In an odd way, Mr. Sharpe reminded Drake of Phineas. Perhaps that was why he had a hard time disliking the man. Yet, other things quickly crowded his mind, and so he took his leave, returning home as quickly as his carriage could convey him.

Once there, Drake found himself pacing his study yet again. It had become somewhat of an annoying habit, one he hoped to break soon. However, in order to accomplish that, he needed to sort through the clutter in his mind.

At least now, Drake knew what he wanted. He knew that he loved Leonora, even more so now after seeing her daring spirit tonight. She, and only she, was the one for him. Did she feel likewise, though?

“Quit stalling!” Drake snapped at himself, his feet drawing to a halt. “You know what you want. So, go and speak to her.” Still, it was easier said than done. After all, night had fallen long ago, and Leonora had no doubt retired by now.

“Then first thing in the morning.” Drake nodded to himself, knowing that he did not want to postpone this. He needed to know. “First thing in the morning.”



Chapter Forty-Three



A Father’s Counsel



Unable to sleep, Leonora rose with the sun the following day. She dressed quickly and then found herself hurrying downstairs, without knowing where she was headed. The previous night, she had relived the confrontation at the ball over and over again until she had considered it from all angles, finally able to put it aside and simply accept what was and what had been. Yet, with the new morning, her mind turned to yet another pressing matter.

“Oh, no!” Christina called as Leonora turned toward the drawing room, which would lead her out into the gardens and to the gap in the hedge. “You are not sneaking off again.” She hastened down the stairs to catch up with Leonora, Harriet quick on her heels. “Not before you tell us everything.”

Before Leonora knew what was happening, she found herself walking arm in arm with her two sisters down the pavement toward Hyde Park. The sun was out, and the park lay almost deserted this early in the morning. They bought a warm pastry from a street vendor and then settled themselves onto a bench near the Serpentine. There, Leonora revealed everything she had thus far kept to herself, every detail, every thought, every emotion.

About Drake.

Of course, it was him her sisters were curious about. “Then you should simply ask him,” Harriet suggested with a huff. “Tell him how you feel, and ask him if he loves you as well.”

Christina laughed. “That’s a bit daring, don’t you think? What if he says no?”

“Then at least she knows,” Harriet reasoned. “The truth is never the wrong path. Never.”

Leonora smiled at her youngest sister. “I never knew you to be so wise, Harry.”

Harriet grinned, then shrugged. “Well, it comes and goes.”

“So, will you go visit him?” Christina inquired, her blue eyes watchful.

Leonora sighed, feeling excited and nervous at the same time. “Honestly, I was about to visit him when the two of you dragged me away to the park.” She looked from one sister to the other.

A bit of a sheepish look came to Christina’s face. “Oh, I had forgotten about that.”

“Then go visit him now,” Harriet urged, pulling Leonora to her feet.


“Yes, now!” Harriet dragged them back to the path. “You’ve wasted enough time, and honestly, even I can no longer bear the suspense.”

Leonora felt a shiver dance through her at the prospect of seeing Drake, speaking to him, of revealing to him how she felt. Of course, she wanted him to reciprocate, but she knew that he might not. He might simply see her as a friend.

Yes, Harriet was right. She, Leonora, could no longer bear the suspense, either.

With Harriet dragging them onward, the three sisters found themselves back home in no time. “Go,” Harriet urged Leonora as she dragged Christina toward the stairs. “Then come and tell us.” With a last glance at Leonora, Harriet turned to Christina. “You won’t believe what King Arthur learned to say.”

Christina moaned. “I assume it is something inappropriate.”

Harriet merely laughed in answer.

Leonora shook her head at her two sisters, considering herself fortunate to have them in her life. Yes, they were unconventional, but wonderful and priceless, nonetheless.

Leonora turned toward the drawing room, knowing that if she did not go now, she might not go at all. Her nerves were still aflutter, and she felt a strange squirming sensation in her belly. Her hand fell upon the doorknob, and she was about to step across the threshold when her father’s voice called to her. “Leonora? Do you have a moment?”

Hanging her head, Leonora exhaled a slow breath. “Of course, Father.” She stepped away from the door and headed down the corridor to her father’s study. He stood waiting at the door and gestured her inside, closing it behind her.

“Are you all right?” He moved around her, offering her a glass of water. “You look a bit flushed.”

Leonora laughed. “Oh, that. Harry just dragged us to the park and back.” She took a sip from her glass. “She’s not a patient girl, is she?”

Seating himself behind his desk, her father laughed. “That is quite the understatement.” For a long moment, he regarded her, something thoughtful in his gaze.

“Is something wrong, Father?” Leonora could feel his gaze upon her, and it gave her pause. “Is Mother all right?”

“Yes, of course! I’m sorry if I worried you. I suppose I was lost in thought.” He cleared his throat, and his gaze settled upon her in a more attentive manner. “In fact, there is something I need to discuss with you.”

Leonora frowned. “Something good or bad?” Considering what she had done the night before, she assumed it was something bad.

Her father paused. “I suppose that depends.”

“On what?”

The beginnings of a smile began to show upon his face. “On how you feel about Lord Pemberton.”

Leonora felt her jaw drop, unable to prevent it.

Her father laughed. “Now, I suppose that is a favorable sign.”

Leonora tried to swallow past the lump in her throat. “Why…why do you ask?” What could possibly have happened that would have given her father reason to ask such a question? Had he observed something last night at the ball? Of course, she had hinted at a...deeper meaning between them the night she had told her parents about Gillingham’s attack upon her, but...

Leaning back in his seat, her father smiled at her. “Because he just left.”

“Left,” Leonora echoed like a fool.

“Yes, he came to speak to me,” her father elaborated. “In truth, I suppose he came to speak to you. However, since you were at the park, he asked to see me.”

“You,” Leonora heard herself say, wondering if perhaps her mind had suffered some kind of shock.

“Yes,” her father confirmed, then leaned forward, his elbows coming to rest upon the desktop. “He asked for your hand in marriage.”

Leonora felt as though she was about to slide off the chair. Perhaps it was simply the strange spinning sensation in her head. However, in that moment, she could not tell. All she did was stare at her father, his words echoing in her head as a distant little voice kept arguing that she had to have misunderstood.

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