Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(69)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(69)
Author: Bree Wolf

She had been a victim once.

She would not be one again.

As Gillingham charged toward her, Leonora changed her footing, barely noticeable under the wide folds of her gown. Still, the moment his hand flew toward her head, she ducked out of reach, then spun around, her own fists raised to protect herself.

Gillingham blinked, looking completely dumbfounded by her evasive maneuver. Yet, Leonora did not waste any time. She moved toward him, fists raised, and only a second later, her punch landed where it ought. Her right fist collided with his throat, and she immediately swung and added another punch to his midsection for good measure.

Again, the small crowd gasped, and for a moment, Gillingham seemed frozen in shock, staring at her. Then a deep groan fell from his lips as he clutched his injured body and fell to the ground. He wheezed and coughed, trying to draw in breath as Leonora stood over him, watching him with utter disdain.

Drake smiled. He smiled in a way he had not in a long, long time. He was utterly proud and delighted to see her stand tall.

In front of all these people.

In front of her own family.

In her own eyes as well.

No matter what Gillingham had done to her, she would not allow it to break her. No, Leonora had found the strength to get back onto her feet and face the demon of her past. Her fists were still raised as she looked down at him, her blue eyes narrowed into slits, fury upon her face, making her look like a vengeful fury, powerful and strong.



Chapter Forty-One



Lady Leonora Stands Her Ground



Leonora could hear the blood humming in her ears. Energy seemed to be buzzing up and down her limbs, her body all but vibrating with strength and a deep sense of accomplishment. Yes, her right hand hurt, a dull ache crawling up her arm, but Leonora hardly felt it. Never would she have thought herself capable of what she had just done.

Fortunately, the evidence was still writhing in front of her on the floor, clutching his throat and gasping for breath.

Leonora felt countless eyes upon her. She knew her family to be close, standing around her in what felt like a protective circle. Yet, they had not interfered. They had allowed her to handle this on her own, their restraint telling her that they trusted her, her abilities.

And then there was Drake.

Leonora could all but sense him behind her. Strangely enough, she did not need to see him to know that he was proud of what she had just done. Always had he encouraged her. He had been the one to teach her the tools she had used tonight to defend herself. Yes, when Gillingham had surged toward her, there had been a moment when Leonora had wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground and hide.

But she had not.

Was it not the essence of bravery to face one’s fear? Those who never encountered fear would never learn how to be brave.

What a pity! For it felt wonderful. Never before had Leonora felt the way she did in this very moment. Her gaze rose to look upon the faces around her, faces she had known all her life and faces she had only ever seen here and there. Rarely had they paid close attention to her for Leonora had never been one to draw it to her person. Yet, tonight she was, and in a way she would never have expected.

This was her chance, and she would make the most of it.

Drawing in a deep breath, Leonora tried her best to remain calm in order to be heard by those around her. “You call me a harlot?” She glared down at Gillingham, taking a step closer, showing him that she would never again allow herself to be intimidated. “Well, I call you a demon. A devil.” She laughed, shaking her head. “But certainly not a gentleman. Noble birth or not, you are a vile sort of man and everyone should know that, should know your true face for you can no longer hide.”

As his coughing began to ease, Gillingham stared up at her in utter disbelief. She could still see fury and outrage swirling in his eyes, but Leonora no longer cared. He was no longer a threat.

Lifting her head, Leonora looked around at the guests assembled in the drawing room and crowding the doorway. Her eyes sought those of other young ladies attending tonight’s ball. “Women are always deemed unfit to make their own decisions, are we not?” She looked from one face to another, speaking to those she wanted to reach with her words. “All our lives, we are ruled by our fathers, brothers, and husbands, and the law deems it right that it should be so. We are ever dependent upon their judgment and goodwill, never free to choose for ourselves.”

Leonora could not help but think that understanding sparked in the eyes of many young women looking back at her. Indeed, they knew her words to be true, and that knowledge encouraged Leonora to continue on, to say her piece. “Yet, when a man, by all deemed the stronger sex, lays a hand on us against our will,” she glared down at Gillingham, feeling no small measure of satisfaction when he all but flinched upon finding her eyes returned to him, “it is we who are considered at fault. Is that not so?”

Straightening, Leonora took a step back and looked around the room, this time looking at the many men among the guests. Some glared back at her, furious that she would dare upset their world. A world that granted them power over others. Nevertheless, there were also those whose eyes radiated approval and understanding and compassion. “Is it not strange?” Leonora continued, looking around the room, once more seeking the eyes of women like her. “When it suits men, they deem us weak, incapable of making our own decisions. However, whenever there is blame to be assigned, it always falls upon us as though we are the ones who rule the world and can be found at the core of every decision.”

A dark chuckle rumbled in her throat, and she let it escape. She wanted it to be heard. “I made a mistake leaving the house that night,” Leonora admitted openly, knowing that it was the truth. “I was curious, and I wanted to see beyond the world open to me. Since birth, I had been shielded from the ugliness of the world and I was unprepared to face it. I could not even imagine it to be the way I found it. It came as an ugly shock.” Her gaze returned to Gillingham, one hand moving to point at him accusingly. “It was he who took advantage that night. He attacked me. He did not care what I wanted or did not want. I was there to observe, nothing more, and no, that night I was not prepared to protect myself. It never even occurred to me that it would be necessary. Yes, it was foolish, but without knowledge of the world, how can one make the right decision.”

Despite a feeling of inevitability that fell over Leonora, she could feel her heart beating strong in her chest. “I know that I’m ruined in the eyes of society, of you,” she continued, feeling a deep sense of pride despite the consequences that would soon descend upon her. “He attacked me, and yet, I am the one punished. I ask you, is that right? Should he not be the one to suffer the consequences? Is this truly the world we want to live in? A world where the weak are punished by the strong simply because they can, not because they are right?” Again, Leonora looked at the many young women around the room, knowing that they all faced the same choices. “You might think me a fool for admitting to my own mistakes openly. Yet, I am doing so in order to spare others what I have suffered.” Her gaze moved around the room, and she saw tears on some faces and fear in others, but also the awakening of something powerful. “Ladies, I know you have been taught since birth that marriage and a suitable husband is all you are to desire. You have been taught to look for title and reputation, for fortune and family standing.” Imploringly, Leonora shook her head. “But do not allow yourselves to be fooled, for a marriage to the wrong man,” she glanced down at Gillingham, “is worse than a lifelong prison sentence.”

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