Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(75)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(75)
Author: Bree Wolf


Upon waking, Claudia Davenport, sister to Viscount Ashwood, found her head throbbing with such intensity that she feared it would split in two. Groaning, she rolled onto her side, her hands reaching up to cover her face in a futile attempt to shield her from the blinding sun penetrating even her closed lids. Had the world gone mad?

Never in her life had Claudia awoken to such pain. Never had the sun been her enemy. Never had she felt sick to her stomach.

Not quite like this.

Pinching her eyes shut, Claudia buried her face in the pillow, slowly forcing one deep breath after another down her throat and into her lungs. To her relief, she found that holding her head still eased the pain somewhat, and so she simply lay there for a long while, breathing in and out.

After a small eternity, her ears began to pick up on various sounds drifting in through the closed windows as well as the door to her room. The sounds of people going about their business. And yet, the sounds were not quite as she remembered them.

As they ought to be.

Something was different, and a frown emerged on her face.

Slowly, she cracked open an eye and peered at her surroundings.

A moment later, Claudia bolted upright in bed.

Instantly, her head rebelled at such treatment, sending jolts of pain through her being that would have brought her to her knees had she been standing. Her hands flew up, pressing hard onto her temples in the hopes of easing the pain. Still, it took a long while before she dared open her eyes again.

Squinting, Claudia took in the small chamber, the simple and sparse furnishings, the lack of luxury. “What happened?” she whispered to herself. “Where am I?”

For this was definitely not her bedchamber back at Farnworth Manor.

This was a room she had never seen before.

Swallowing the panic that began to rise, Claudia closed her eyes once more, trying to remember how on earth she had ended up in this place. The last thing she could recall was attending Lord Campton’s ball.

Once more, she heard the soft notes of the music drifting through the large rooms. Again, she found herself standing with the other young debutantes, eyes gliding over the gentlemen in attendance until−

“William,” Claudia gasped as his face took form before her inner eye. “We danced. We laughed. We−” Again, a gasp tore from her throat, and one hand fell from her temple covering her mouth in shock. “We ran off.”

Trying to swallow the lump in her throat, Claudia once more glanced about the room as though William might have been hiding somewhere in plain sight all along. But he was not. She was alone.

Careful not to move too much, Claudia inhaled a few deep breaths, allowing her mind to wander back to the night before. Slowly, images returned of her taking William’s hand and following him outside into the dark night. She remembered him helping her into his carriage, the way he had held her in his arms as the horses had pulled them toward their destination, his assurances that all would be well.

“We eloped,” Claudia mumbled, her eyes drifting around the room. “This is…this is an inn…in Gretna Green. It must be.” The breath caught in her throat, and she slowly turned her head to the left, her eyes focusing on the other side of the bed.

It was empty, and yet, someone had lain there. There was an unmistakable indentation, and…a warmth lingered that sent a shiver down her back. “What have I done?” Slowly, she pulled back the thin blanket and her heart slammed to a momentary halt.

In the bright morning sun, a few droplets of blood shone on the white linen like rubies.

The air rushed from Claudia’s lungs, and the nausea in her stomach sent her flying from the bed. Her body tensed, revolted, and she sank to her knees, one arm reaching for the chamber pot. Then her insides contracted expelling last night’s dinner−and drink! −into the small bowl.

When it was over, she sank down, head resting against the side of the bed, her mind momentarily focused on drawing fresh air into her body. Her hand pushed the chamber pot away as the stench of its contents threatened to overwhelm her delicate hold on her body once more.

In her weakened state, Claudia felt numb and strangely detached. Her mind moved slowly as though it did not have the strength to provide her with what she sought: answers.

Still, despite an almost desperate desire to curl up into a ball and hide in a corner, Claudia knew that she could not pretend this had not happened − whatever this was!

Had she married William? Had they arrived in Gretna Green, sought out an anvil priest and−?

Claudia froze as an image drifted to the front of her mind, an image of William hanging his head in defeat, his eyes downcast and apologetic…as he had stepped away from her…and followed his elder brother, Viscount Crowemore, to their waiting carriage.

Again, panic welled up as her memories cleared.

Yes, they had come to Gretna Green, but they had not gotten married. William’s brother had found them first, ending their adventure by ordering his brother to return with him.

And William had complied.

He had bowed his head.

He had left her.

Shocked beyond words, Claudia stared across the room at the plain wall, reliving the moment disillusionment had set in. She remembered her feeling of betrayal when William had abandoned her, complying with his family’s wishes and a long-standing contract. He was to marry a duke’s daughter.

Not her.

Despite his promises, he had abandoned her.

Left her behind in Gretna Green.


A distant part of Claudia’s mind tried to remind her that she had refused to accompany them back to England, cursing and yelling at the top of her voice. However, that part was soon shushed by the sense of betrayal and disappointment that washed over her.

Closing her eyes, Claudia wept for a dream ruined, for a life that was not to be, for the harshness of the world. Still, her emotional turmoil only managed to keep her mind silenced for a short while. Before long, it piped up once more, asking questions Claudia now feared to know the answer to.

If William had indeed returned to England with his brother, then who had slept beside her? Who had spent the night in her room? In her bed? Who had she been intimate with? A complete stranger?

It had to be, for what other answer could there be?

Gritting her teeth, Claudia pushed to her feet, doing her best to ignore the throbbing pain behind her temples as well as the slight swaying of the room. She glimpsed her clothes hanging over the back of a chair and slowly hobbled toward them.

Dressing proved to be quite a challenge in her state, and yet, it provided a momentary relief from the panic that threatened to consume her. Once that was taken care of though, her thoughts immediately refocused on that which she did not know.

And panic returned.

“No!” Claudia snapped, forcing herself not to succumb to this line of thinking for it would lead her nowhere.

What was to be done? Now that was a productive question. A question that needed an answer. Here and now.

“I need to get home,” Claudia said, feeling her mind clearing as she spoke. “I need to get back.” For no matter how angry her brother would be once he learnt what she had done, he would never turn from her. He could be a cold-hearted and unfeeling bastard, but he would not forget his obligation to her, his duty to see to his family.

Of that she was certain.

How to get home, on the other hand, was a different matter. After all, they had come here in William’s carriage, and as far as Claudia was aware, she did not have any money on her.

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