Home > Kill Game(101)

Kill Game(101)
Author: D.D. Prince

And then coming straight to me when the song was over, burying her face in my chest all embarrassed. She was cute. And then she introduced me to her friends and I had a drink with them before I walked them up to my office so I could go do my team meeting. They waited there with more drinks and food and then I sat with them for half an hour before we left, giving them my time, seeing her beam with joy as they spoke to me.

They were a nice bunch. I was glad Dario’s ex wasn’t with them but would’ve dealt for Violet’s sake if she had been.

They seem like a great group even if that tall blonde eye-fucked me for a minute.

Violet told me before the night began that she was nervous about meeting that one, feeling like that was her replacement with Susanna while she’d been in her funk with him.

Speaking of the shit stain, he has no one, no cash, so nobody to pay the bail that was set, letting me feel comfort in the fact he’ll be in there until he goes to court again. He’ll have a public defender and little to no chance of getting off on the charges. And I know somebody who is making offers to the public defender to make sure things go a certain way.

I met Wes after he met with Mrs. Shear’s niece today. The niece wants to put the old lady in a senior’s assisted living building with access to help as her condition worsens. She’s suspected as having Alzheimer’s and there’s a specialist appointment set up. The niece apparently wasn’t close to her aunt so unaware of how bad it’d gotten but is stepping in now and staying at her apartment with her temporarily.

I told Wes to offer her the money that was taken. She wants him to pay it straight to the facility when she gets her aunt in, which makes me feel good, like she wants to do the right thing, not benefit off someone else’s poor health.

I’ve seen my share of louses out there who would take the money and leave the aunt flailing, so I’d already had Wes do a background check on the niece.

I’m satisfied with how all that’s gonna go.

I’m not entirely satisfied with the Raymond situation yet because I’d really like to play much dirtier than letting his own karma deal with him, but I’m also interested in being a good man for the woman I’m falling for.

She didn’t want me to hurt him, she just wanted him out of her life and that’s how it looks like it’s gonna go.

I still can’t help but wanna wrap my fingers around his throat every time she gets jittery or shows signs of the damage he did. But in my non-professional opinion, she’s doing well, all that considered. She’s having fun, going out, she’s into me and this thing we’re building even if she’s telling me she wants to take it slow. I have no doubt in my mind that I’m ready for a commitment with her and that she’s ready for one with me.

I’m gonna give her everything she wants. And if that means letting him rot in jail instead of making his life the living hell I’d rather make it, I can deal. I’ll be able to sleep at night because I’ll have her in my bed.

After fucking her in the parking garage and then again on the kitchen floor, I lift her up and carry her to my bed.

“Is my mascara ruined?” she whispers.

“Not quite. Break you in slow for that…” I tell her.

“Oh, I get it,” she says. “It’s a blowjob thing, right? Deep throating so my eyes water?”

I smile wide.

“I’m down…” she tells me. “I’m pretty good at the deep throating thing. Even if your cock is the thickest and longest I’ve had so far.”

My smile goes even wider.

She’s cute. Leaning toward innocent but completely corruptible, which is a perfect combination in a woman as far as I’m concerned.

She insists she needs to wash her face and brush her teeth, so she goes and does that in the guest bathroom and comes back and then she’s out like a light in less than five minutes, snuggled up to me.

I sleep straight through the night, a rare occurrence for me since the night sleeping in her living room when she was still with him.

I wake up first and move all her stuff over to my bathroom and my closet while she sleeps, looking like an angel in my bed.

A snoring, drooling angel. And I’m pretty sure I’m done for. In love for the first time in my life.







Sunday Night

I had an amazing weekend. I’m on top of the world, actually.

Saturday, I slept late and had a hangover. Killian made me coffee and a bagel and coaxed me to eat the bagel and drink a sports drink, then I slept off and on until mid-afternoon. When I woke up, finally feeling human enough to get up, I opened my eyes to the wish picture over his fireplace in his room.

I almost cried.

He also moved the television over from the guest room and said he was going to buy a mount for it. Temporarily, he’d moved over the coffee table from the conversation nook and put it there.

We spent Saturday night eating Chinese food and watching Halloween movies in his bed.

I almost had heart failure when I went to go to my room to get comfy clothes to change into prior to dinner, but found the closets empty. I knew immediately he’d moved all my stuff over to his closet.

“Um, Killian, where are my clothes?” I’d asked anyway.

“You’re not officially moved in, but you are officially mine, so your stuff isn’t in the guest room, it’s here. Don’t get sassy about it, either,” he warned.

“Officially yours?” I quipped with my hands on my waist.

“Yes. Mine.” He grabbed me and planted a hot and heavy kiss on me. “Got a problem with that, Dimples?”

Killian’s warning was laced with playfulness so I just bit my lip and then I stepped into the master walk-in closet and marveled at how huge it was, at how many pairs of shoes I could potentially fit in the giant shoe section, and how cool it was to have my clothes across from his.

And then I told myself not to burst out and tell him that I’d gladly move in, because really, it’s too soon for that.

I grabbed my best yoga clothes, feeling like most of my stuff was too ratty for this space, and soaked in the heat in his massive shower, taking extra time to shave everywhere that was getting stubbly.

Fast forward to now, Sunday night, and we had a great afternoon at my parents’ house having dinner with them. It wasn’t the whole family with aunts and uncles and Grampa, but we did get to hang with my parents and my brother. I had a side-conversation with my mother to tell her Ray and I were officially done, that he’s officially out of my apartment. I didn’t bother to say he was in jail because that would’ve led to questions I didn’t need to answer.

Dad and Killian got along great. My brother wasn’t around much, other than during the actual meal and they seemed to get along well, too. I heard them talking about chess. Cody challenged Killian to a chess match next time they get together, and it dawned that their conversation in that afternoon amounted to more words uttered between them than Cody and Ray in three years. Ray had no time for Cody and Cody made no attempts to hide that he thought Ray was a dickhead.

Killian was sweet, attentive, and affectionate with me around my parents and they were both friendly with him. And me? I’m having a hard time believing how much my life has changed in a few short weeks.

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