Home > Kill Game(120)

Kill Game(120)
Author: D.D. Prince

I rush unnecessarily with her to get her to stop asking questions and get us to the plane.







We’re in a private plane. And Killian is looking at me with what I think is mischief.

I’m flummoxed. And he’s acting like he thinks it’s funny.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“We’re going to a very wealthy couple’s wedding, so we’re getting the star treatment.”

“What? This is crazy, isn’t it? Who’s flying us to Vegas on a private plane?”

A young, male flight attendant comes over. “I’m Alex and I’m here to help make your flight as comfortable as possible. We’re about to take off. Can I ask for your drink orders now? Then I’ll serve you when we’re in the air.”

“Champagne,” Killian says, smiling. “And strawberries.”

“Absolutely. I’ll get it ready for you as soon as the pilot gives us the green light. We’re getting ready to take off now. Can I ask you to buckle up?”

I turn to him. “Killian? What’s going on?”

“Buckle up baby,” he says, smiling.

I do and then I wait and listen while the flight attendant does the typical safety spiel before going to the cockpit, closing the door.

This is crazy. A private plane to Vegas.

“Who’s getting married?” I ask.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black velvet box and sets it on his knee.

“Kill?” I whisper.

We’re moving. The plane is moving.

What the heck is going on here? I’m in a beautiful plane, all black and white leather, and he has a ring box on his knee.

“We are,” he says.

“We are what?” I ask, staring at the ring box, feeling my heart galloping.

“Violet, I love you,” he says. “I can’t get on one knee right now because…”

“Oh my God,” I whisper, wide-eyed.

“Because, obviously, we’re about to be airborne, but I want to ask you if you’d do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending the rest of your life with me.”

He opens the ring box and there’s the prettiest, most sparkly diamond I’ve ever laid eyes on.

I gasp and then cover my mouth with my palm.

And now we’re off the ground, soaring toward the sky like a bird.

“Will you marry me, Violet?” he asks.

I stare at the ring. And then my eyes dart to meet his.

He waits.

“This is really fast,” I whisper, finally.

“It’s not. It’s a long fucking time coming, baby, and you know that.” He’s gone serious.

I blink at him.

He lifts the ring out of the box and holds it up in front of us.

“Do you love me?”

I nod. “I love you so much.” My voice cracks when I say that.

I’m feeling emotional. I do love him. I really, really do.

It hasn’t been that long, but he’s been amazing to me. He’s brought me back to feeling like me. I feel attractive. I feel confident most of the time these days. I laugh a lot. I have a social life again.

He’s gorgeous and funny, smart, and protective. He takes care of me and seems so appreciative when I try to take care of him.

“Do I make you happy?” he asks.

I nod again. “So happy. But…” I swallow. “This is really fast.”

“Can I put this on you?”

I find I’m holding my breath. I can’t seem to let it go.

He leans over as much as the seatbelt will allow.

“It won’t bite you. Breathe, baby,” he reminds me. “Can’t have you turnin’ blue while I wait for you to answer me.

I empty my lungs quickly.

“I promise you,” he says, “Promise I’ll be the man who loves you until his dying breath. I promise to keep you safe. I promise to make you happy, give you everything that’s in my power to give you. And if it’s not and you really want it, I’ll get more powerful, Violet, so that I can make all your wishes come true. Did you ever make a wish as a little girl on a dandelion to ask for true love?”

I nod, biting my lip.

“Well, here it is, right in front of you. Take it.”

He puts the ring on my finger but pauses before it goes over my knuckle.

“Say yes, Violet. And then show me those beautiful dimples.”

His eyes are on mine and the look in them? I want to give this man all his wishes, too. Every one of them.

“I’m gonna make a wish right now,” he says and closes his eyes.

I watch for a long moment and then his eyes open. And they’re filled with emotion.

“Say yes, baby,” he requests.

“Yes, baby,” I repeat, barely audible, I think, and then as a smile spreads across his face, my face follows and I smile.

His eyes light up and they’re the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life.

And then he slides the ring over my knuckle and there it sits. He kisses it and closes his eyes while his lips are still on my finger.

“She said yes!” he shouts, making me startle and I hear noise from the other end of the plane. Clapping.

He grabs my jaw and puts his lips to it. “I fucking love you so much, Violet. So much it burns sometimes, threatening to incinerate me. And baby, I would gladly burn to nothing for you. That’s how much I love you.”

Holy cow.

“I love you, too,” I croak out hoarsely. “So much.”

He smiles.

“That’s so lame in contrast, but I’m just… speechless.”

“There’s nothing lame about you saying that, Violet. I feel how much you love me. I don’t need words; I just need the way you look at me. The way you fit into me when I hold you. The way you smile at me. The way you open yourself up to me, how you’ve trusted me. I feel like I’m a man who has everything now.”

A male voice floods the space.

“Good evening Killian, Violet. We’re still climbing but about ten more minutes and you two should be able to take off your seatbelts and sip that champagne. Congratulations!”

I laugh.

Killian kisses me


It’s a few minutes before the flight attendant is back with champagne and strawberries, and also a big smile on his face.

Killian has been leaned back, smiling, holding my hand.

And I’ve been looking out the window and feeling absolutely freaked out. Not about the flight, I love take-off, though not as much as I love the rush of landing as the earth gets closer and closer to me, but I’m looking out the window and freaking out about the idea of being engaged so fast.

“You can relax and move freely about the cabin now,” Alex the flight attendant says. “And congratulations.”

A split second after I hear the click of Killian’s seatbelt releasing, mine flies off me.

“Make yourself scarce,” Killian grits out and the flight attendant scurries away, pulling a divider over as he does, leaving us alone.

Well, as alone as I guess we can be considering we’re in a small plane with the pilot, the flight attendant, and I’m assuming… a co-pilot.

I gasp as I’m pulled out of my seat and then I’m straddling him.

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