Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(5)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(5)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   Shane wasn’t going to dispute that. He had no real clue why Shelby would trust him with this other than the fact that he was always the one batting cleanup on whatever her latest mess was, this one included. “She was pissed about fighting with my mom and the commune leadership. What’s surprising is that she lasted this long there. She’s allergic to routine, and I doubt they had enough excitement for her. And Macy just booked a Canadian tour. No way was Shelby gonna miss that. I thought she was taking the baby though, until I woke up and she’d split.”

   “But she left a note you said?”

   “Yeah.” Shane fumbled with the now-sleepy baby to get the note and the birth certificate from the bag. Damn. He was exhausted too. He’d kill for a nap himself. Just thirty minutes even. These had been some of the longest days of his life.

   “Here’s the note.” He passed over both pieces of paper. “And as you can see, the commune midwife put your name as the dad. Apparently, Shelby thought your last name was cooler than Travis, decided to use it for the baby.”

   Brandt blinked a couple of times. “She named the baby Wilder?”

   “This is Jewel Pearl Wilder.” Shane made the baby wave her arm. “I know you don’t believe me. Hell, I don’t want to believe me either.”

   “You’re not wrong,” Brandt muttered, folding forward again. “And you seem like a stand-up guy in a bad spot. But there’s been a mistake. I swear there was a condom. I’m not an idiot.”

   “You found a magic brand with a hundred percent guarantee?” Shane countered, staring him down. But his snark was undone by a huge yawn. “Look, if alcohol and Shelby were involved...”

   “I wasn’t drunk.” Brandt frowned, hands clenching and unclenching. “I was scheduled to jump the next day with Dallas. I was mildly buzzed, if that. Which is how I know for sure that the kid’s not mine.”

   His certainty hit Shane like a punch to the solar plexus, stealing all the wind and adrenaline he’d been running on the past few days. Whoosh. Gone. Leaving only utter exhaustion. If Brandt wasn’t the father, then that left him few options, each more horrible than the next.

   “Fuck,” he whispered, drawing the word out. Then he remembered he was holding a baby and cursed again. “Shit. Sorry. I’m... I don’t know what to do.”

   Hell, he could barely keep his eyes open and here was Brandt so sure he wasn’t involved, and it was all too much.

   “Police?” Brandt asked. “Missing person report? If she’s in danger...”

   “She’s not in danger. She’s with Macy. Likely in Canada by now. And like it or not, she’s still my sister. Police...they’ll want to charge her with something bad.”

   “Yeah.” Brandt nodded and looked away.

   “And they’re likely to haul in a social worker to take the baby. I’m a single guy with no address other than that beat-up RV. Like you said, no one’s trusting me to keep an infant. So, after I read the note, I figured the best plan was to track you down first.” His eyes started to burn, the audacity of his own stupidity having him closer to tears than he’d been in years. “See if... Hell. I don’t even know now what I was thinking. Not like you’re in a much better position than me to keep the kid from the system.”

   “I get it.” Brandt surprised him by slipping from the chair, coming to crouch next to the couch and putting a hand on Shane’s knee. Damn. He must be in rough shape if Brandt thought he needed comforting. “Trust me, I know better than most how rough the system can be. I don’t want you to have to make that call either. I truly don’t.”

   “Gonna have to.” Shane bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. No way was he crying in front of this man. But the second his eyes shut, exhaustion started winning again, and another yawn escaped his lungs. Didn’t help that the baby was snoozing away, bottle finished and her little warm body in his arms working as some sort of sleeping potion.

   “Not right this minute.” Brandt’s voice was as soft and comforting as a towel right from the dryer. “You’re going to rest a few. I’m gonna sit right here and watch her while you sleep. Promise I’m not going anywhere. We’ll all hang out while you rest. I’ve been where you are, strung out on no sleep to the point nothing made a lick of sense.”

   “Okay.” It spoke to how exhausted Shane was that he was agreeing to this plan. Not like he had much choice. He was in no shape to drive, that was for sure. Maybe when he woke up, some new solution would present itself, one where this wasn’t all on his shoulders. He knew better than to count on Brandt Wilder for help, but right then, he was all Shane had.



      Chapter Three

   Brandt knew exhaustion. He’d seen it enough in himself and his fellow smoke jumpers. He well knew that wall where a person simply had no more to give. No energy to even eat or hydrate. It was a special level of hell when sleep was hours away and putting one foot in front of the other was a herculean task. He’d heard from his friends with kids that parenthood could be like that too, taking everything one had to give and pushing the limits on how far someone could go without rest.

   Shane was at the point now, eyes shut, skin even paler than usual, shoulders slumping, head falling forward as if it were too heavy for his neck. His grip on the baby hadn’t loosened, but Brandt wasn’t sure what would happen when sleep finally claimed the poor guy in earnest. Thinking fast, he lined up his arms with Shane.

   “Let me take the baby. You don’t wanna drop her,” he whispered.

   “Mmm. Okay.” Shane made a sleepy noise as he handed her over.

   Miraculously, she didn’t wake up, didn’t even make one of those unhappy noises she seemed so good at. Sitting back on the rug, Brandt adjusted the tiny package in his arms. She was small and warm. Maybe ten pounds, less than a lot of Brandt’s power tools and definitely less than most of his smoke jumper gear. The weight was nothing at all, and yet, the baby also felt like the heaviest thing he’d ever held.

   It had been years, possibly decades, since he’d last held a baby, and he tried to create a mental checklist. Head support. Little blanket for warmth but not close to her face. What else? With a jump, he had a very clear list to work through to ensure a good outcome, but here he had only very foggy memories. He didn’t dare risk putting her back in her little carrier. She didn’t seem to like that place, not that Brandt could blame her.

   “I wouldn’t want to be strapped into a plastic bucket either.” He laughed softly at himself for talking to a baby.

   On the couch, Shane snorted like he’d heard the joke, then shifted around, stretching his long body out, head on the throw pillow against the arm of the couch. Brandt had the strangest wish for a quilt, something to cover him with. What the heck? He wasn’t exactly the caretaker type. He’d provided a safe place for buddies to crash countless times, and never once had he thought about ways to make things cozier for them.

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