Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(6)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(6)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “Wake me in ten,” Shane huffed into the pillow.

   Brandt was doing no such thing. As long as the baby stayed sleeping, Brandt could sit here, let Shane rest. The painting would keep. Eventually, he’d need to worry about food, but that seemed far less pressing than getting Shane some rest. Asleep, he looked far younger. More vulnerable too. Brandt had to look away before his sympathies got the better of him. Rest, then maybe Brandt could feed him before...

   Before what? Could Brandt really turn him out? Let him sort out what to do next on his own? He wasn’t sure there was any other option. There was no way this was Brandt’s kid. He might love sex, but he’d always been more cautious than most of his friends, getting tested on the regular, never skipping proper condom use. Shane might be right that they weren’t one hundred percent foolproof, but he’d made it to thirty with no issues.

   Until now. A soft voice pricked at the edge of his consciousness. Hell. Could he live with himself if they didn’t at least do a paternity test? And then there was the little matter of the birth certificate. He hadn’t signed anything, but could he be legally liable for this kid? Shifting the baby, he looked again at the birth certificate. Yup. That was his name. And his birthday, which Shelby had known because they’d been flirting, that way strangers did in bars, sharing random tidbits. She had been all into astrology with some app on her phone and had found his Valentine’s birth date hilarious and cute, calling him cupid like she was the first one to use that joke.

   Fuck. Maybe he was going to have to get this cleared up, get his name off the birth certificate at least. He moved to fish his phone out of his pocket, but the action jostled the baby, who squeaked, an adorable baby mouse noise. Shane had her in a little pink-and-white cotton sleeper with a zipper, and when she stretched, her legs kicked out, little kitties on her feet bopping Brandt’s forearm. His chest did a weird electrical surge past a soft place he’d almost forgotten he had.

   “Shush, shush,” he soothed, rocking a little in place, hoping she’d drift back off. Which she seemed inclined to do, but as she resettled herself in the crook of his arm, her head turned, revealing a large reddish-brown birthmark on her neck, right below the hairline on the left side.

   “No way,” he breathed out. He knew that mark. With his free hand, he rubbed his own neck. He kept his hair on the long side mainly out of laziness, but he’d also been teased enough for the mark as a kid that keeping it covered was a nice bonus.

   Hereditary birthmarks, he typed on his phone. Was that even a thing? Huh. Apparently so. Most weren’t, but some were, and whatever the case, it was damn spooky how much the baby’s spot looked like the one he’d presumably had since birth too. It fucking sucked that there was no one he could ask about his either, but it was there in what few kid pictures he had.

   “Hey there, beautiful.” He looked at her again, trying to see any resemblance beyond the birthmark to the couple of pictures he had of his younger self. Hard to say whether that heart-shaped bow to her lips was the same as that upper lip divot that was hell to shave for him. Ditto trying to figure out if she had the same slope to her nose or curve to her ears.

   Trying to hold her and his phone at the same time was a major challenge, especially now that she was squirmier. Even as he tried a variety of different holds, his eyes kept drifting back to her neck. The resemblance was eerie enough that he found himself doing some research on paternity testing too. Expensive, but he had some savings. It took days though for results, even rushed.

   Damn it. Looked like maybe this was his problem after all. At least temporarily. No way was he sending Shane packing until he knew for sure that this wasn’t his kid. And even if the paternity test showed he was in the clear, his stomach cramped at the idea of letting the system sort out the fate of this little bundle. Shane was in over his head, that much was for sure, and now Brandt had no choice but to join him in these murky, uncertain waters with no clear answers. There were few things he hated more than serious discussion, but as soon as Shane woke up, they were going to have to talk.


* * *


   Shane woke up slowly to the scent of something meaty and spicy. His stomach growled even before his eyes opened. His legs cramped as his feet connected with something solid. He wasn’t in his bed, that much was sure. Too narrow. Too—

   “Baby,” he gasped as awareness slammed into him. He was at Brandt Wilder’s house, having more or less collapsed on the guy, leaving Jewel to a guy who’d been rather clear he wanted nothing to do with this whole situation. How could he be so reckless?

   “Hey. Easy there.” A strong hand landed on his shoulder.

   “Wilder.” Shane blinked a bunch. “Where’s the baby?”

   “Think you can call me Brandt.” Brandt laughed low as he came around the couch. Empty handed. “Seeing as how we’re in this mess together.”

   “We are?” Shane swept his gaze around the room. Baby. Baby. Where was Jewel?

   “Baby’s right there.” Brandt pointed at a blanket rimmed with pillows on the floor, halfway between the seating area and the kitchen, and Shane scrambled to his feet, almost landing on his knees, in his rush to go and find Jewel.

   “She’s awake?” Relief surged through him so fast he almost puked. But Jewel was fine. Lying on her back, kicking her little kitty feet in the air. “How long did I sleep?”

   “Couple of hours. I figured we’d wake you when she fussed, but so far she hasn’t much, not even when I set her down so I could heat us up some food. I don’t know what age they start rolling, hence the pillows.”

   “Smart.” Still practically shaking with relief, he scooped Jewel up, held her close. “She hasn’t rolled yet on me, but safe is good.”

   “She might need changing, but I thought I’d leave that to your expertise since she wasn’t putting up a fuss. Ditto the bottle. Not many things I won’t try, but I’m scared I’d get the temperature wrong.”

   “I hear that. I had to look up the temperature thing myself. She was not amused at the delay.” He went ahead and dragged the bag over to where she lay, settling himself down next to her. Brandt had put her on a thick folded thermal blanket and there was a little wooden animal near her. “What’s this?”

   “Thought she might want something pretty to look at.” Brandt gave him a crooked grin. “Smoke jumper buddy of mine whittles and gave me that bear as a thank-you after I saved his ass from a tree.”

   “Wow.” Shane picked it up and admired the handiwork before moving the baby to the changing pad. “Not sure whether I’m more impressed at the woodworking or that you thought ahead to baby entertainment.”

   “I always think ahead to fun.” Brandt chuckled as he retrieved two plates from the cupboard.

   Not wanting to ruin this surprising hospitality, Shane bit back a quick retort about how everyone knew Brandt was all about the party. Shane had been so focused on keeping Jewel alive that extras like something for her to look at had been beyond him. Hell, even sleep had been beyond him until he’d had help.

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