Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)
Author: Annabeth Albert


      Chapter One

   Grangeville, Idaho

   “I have a bad feeling about this.” Shane wasn’t kidding. Dread coiled low in his gut, tightening his abs, making it hard to sit comfortably on the hard plastic chairs in the waiting area.

   “Quit being a baby.” Tossing her long hair, Shelby trotted out her rarely used big sister voice. “You never know, you might love it.”

   “You said that about those fire chips too,” he reminded her, memory of the incendiary potato chips making his mouth tingle.

   Shelby was in a great mood this morning, especially considering it was prior to noon and this teeny airport didn’t even have coffee. But then again, knowing Shelby, her good mood was probably precisely because it had been late night.

   “Come on. At least smile. It’s your birthday.” She gave an exaggerated grin like she was coaching him through it.

   Mimicking her, he dutifully pasted on the same smile he used with media and fans when they asked about his love life. “There. See?”

   “That’s not a real smile.” She huffed out a breath, perfectly glossed lips pursing. This idea might be all kinds of stupid, but if they were about to die, at least she’d look pretty doing it.

   “You’re having me jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I’ll smile when we’re on the ground.”

   “I bet you smile before that.” A guy a little older than him and Shelby made his way to where they sat. Long, purposeful strides, the kind Shane associated with cowboys and military personnel. Blond, shaggy hair that was just shy of needing a ponytail to tame it. Rugged stubbly jaw that was somewhere between lazy and beard. Hazel eyes with crinkly lines, like he laughed his way through life. Freckled, tanned skin that said he spent too much time in the sun. In short, he was gorgeous, but everything about the way he carried himself said he likely knew it.

   “Hi again, Wilder,” Shelby simpered, losing her sisterly bossiness in favor of batting her eyes and softening her mouth. Shane should have known that her sudden interest in taking him skydiving for his birthday involved a hot guy. She’d tried hard to drag her friend Macy along, but she’d wisely chosen to sleep in, unswayed by Shelby’s latest obsession.

   “Shelby. Thought I recognized your name on the itinerary. Glad you could come by.” This Wilder guy had a great voice. Shane had heard enough DJs over the years to know Wilder could give most radio personalities a run for their money with his low, sexy voice that managed to be both light and sincere at the same time.

   “I did. And I brought my baby brother, the birthday boy.” Shelby motioned absently to Shane, eyes still locked on this Wilder.

   “Happy birthday, brother.” Wilder had another easy grin for Shane.

   “I’m Shane Travis.” He stuck out a hand because he couldn’t trust Shelby with details like names. And he did have some manners. “My sister’s been talking this up all morning.”

   “Fabulous. Shane, I’m Brandt Wilder. And there’s no better way to spend a birthday than with your head in the clouds.”

   “If you say so.” Shane could think of a whole list of places he might rather be than right here with Shelby’s latest obsession, about to trust his life to a thin piece of nylon and this sky cowboy’s expertise.

   “Okay, so here’s how it works.” Brandt rubbed his hands together. “You’ll watch a training video, then we suit up, and we do some practice exercises, then up we go for the tandem jumps. We already reviewed your waivers. My buddy Dallas, who owns this outfit, will have you in good hands, beautiful. I’ll take the birthday boy.”

   “But I wanted to go with you.” Lower lip coming out, Shelby pouted. She’d win of course. She always did.

   “I know, darlin’. But we gotta go by weight and height. I’m the tallest—”

   “Yeah, you are.” She gave him a blatantly appreciative once-over that made Shane need to look away.

   “Anyway, since I’m taller and stronger but not as heavy, I’ll need to take your brother. We need to balance the weights.” He gestured at another guy, who was shorter and older but ripped, with a rugged face. As far as consolation prizes went, Shelby hadn’t done too badly for herself, but she still managed to pout all through the safety video and lecture.

   For his part, Shane tried to pay attention. No way was he about to die simply because he’d missed some critical tip. He had a show in two nights in Spokane that he couldn’t miss. Thankfully, Shelby and Macy, who was an aspiring folk singer, were headed to a festival outside Bozeman. He wouldn’t meet up with them again until Cheyenne. God bless the start of festival and outdoor concert season. If he was careful with his pennies, he’d be able to afford another winter in Nashville, pounding the pavement in search of his dreams. Maybe sell another song or two in the meantime. Life was too promising to go splat parachuting.

   “Now we’re going to check the equipment and practice body position.” Dallas led them through getting suited up. Wind suits. Webbed harnesses. Helmets, like Shane needed the reminder his noggin was at stake.

   “So, I’m gonna be right behind you.” Brandt’s silky-smooth voice slid over Shane’s strung-out nerves, making it so his body wasn’t sure what it thought of the other man’s easy charm. Or his nearness as he slipped behind Shane, way too close for comfort. He smelled like the beach, salty and crisp with a hint of something botanical. “First thing we want to do check the harness fit.”

   “Uh...” Shane made a strangled sound as Brandt ran a blunt finger between the harness and Shane’s shoulder.

   “Relax, I’m a professional.” Chuckling, he didn’t remove his hands, instead continuing to check Shane’s straps and each connecting point, stopping to review each place where they’d be hooked together. His spiel was probably meant to calm Shane down, but even his glancing touches were electric and had Shane tensing further.

   He forced a laugh to cover for his discomfort. Couldn’t have Brandt thinking he reacted to his presence in any way. “Somehow the fact that you’re crazy enough to do this for a living isn’t as reassuring as you’d think.”

   “Living? Nah.” Brandt gave an easy shrug as he came around to Shane’s front. “This is just a favor to Dallas. And you wanna talk crazy, I’m a smoke jumper. I leap out into active forest fires. This Sunday tourist hop is nothing.”

   Now that made sense. Naturally, Sky Cowboy wasn’t gonna be happy on the parachuting equivalent of the bunny slope. Shane had heard about those smoke jumpers, the guys who risked their lives fighting wildfires, often with only their wits and a chainsaw. He was both impressed and slightly worried as a guy with that kind of danger tolerance might take risks Shane wouldn’t.

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