Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(60)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(60)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “You’re going to be the one advocating patience now?” There were certain depths of optimism that Shane couldn’t reach and this was one. Brandt wanting it to work out made warmth race up Shane’s spine, but there was a Crater Lake–size gap between wanting and having.

   “Guess I am. I’m not giving you up that easily.” Brandt stroked Shane’s hair, and he leaned into the contact. Smart thing would be to pull away, to not chase false hope and to let Brandt go completely. But hell if he could do anything other than close his eyes and let Brandt pet him.

   “The odds aren’t great.”

   “Fuck the odds.” Brandt’s hand stilled and his tone hardened. “I’ve made a career out of taking losing bets and long odds. I’m betting on us figuring something out.”

   “Hope you’re right.” Only a foolish man would put money on that proposition. But what choice did he have? If Brandt truly wanted him to go, then he’d go. He’d sing what was left of his heart out because it was all he knew how to do. But trust? He wasn’t sure he could do that.



      Chapter Twenty-Five

   “Where’s Shane?” The sun was fully shining when Shelby finally migrated from the couch to the kitchen. She didn’t wait for an invitation before pouring herself some of the coffee Brandt had started hours earlier. She was bleary eyed despite the hours of sleep and seemed more focused on doctoring her cup of coffee than paying attention to the baby hanging out in the sling on Brandt’s chest. And she seemed more wary than concerned about Shane’s whereabouts.

   “On his way to Portland.” He hadn’t expected Shane to leave so soon after their talk the night before. He’d thought they might have more time. Hell, that was an entire mood right there. All Brandt needed was more time. More time with Shane. More time to figure out how to deal with Shelby. More time to work out his own future.

   Everything was happening too fast. Including Shane’s quick exit. They’d hung out, miserable together, in the sunroom, and he’d been about to say fuck it and tell Shane to sleep in Brandt’s bed where he belonged when he’d said he’d rather stay in the RV, get an early start to Portland. But seeing as Brandt was the one loudly advocating for him to go, he hadn’t felt he could argue with that. And when Brandt had woken up with Jewel at dawn, Shane was gone.

   “He has a chance at a national TV competition.” He pushed a bag of bagels Shelby’s direction.

   “Oh.” Shelby made a perfect circle with her mouth before exhaling hard. “That and he’s mad at me.”

   Huh. He didn’t know how to respond to that. He really didn’t want to start the morning with an argument, but he also couldn’t lie. “He’s not happy.”

   “I know. I screwed up.” Ignoring the food, Shelby leaned heavily against the counter. She said it like it was an inevitable truth, but Brandt could see the trap looming if he agreed too readily. He took a long sip of lukewarm coffee and patted Jewel a few times while trying for a moderately upbeat tone.

   “The nice thing about mistakes is that you don’t have to keep making them.”

   “Not for me.” Shelby made a sour face. “I always fuck up and make things worse.”

   “But you came back.” And now they all had to deal with her presence, but maybe better now than later. And maybe this was her taking baby steps to making amends.

   “I’m still not sure why I bothered.” Shelby poked a hole in that theory with her gloomy tone. “You and Shane seem to have it all under control.”

   “It hasn’t been easy.” Damn. If she was jealous of their success at baby wrangling, he honestly didn’t know how to educate her. All the late nights. All the times trying different things to keep the baby happy with short-lived results. All the drudgery—the bottles and diapers and endless changes. “It’s a lot of work.”

   And now that he’d done it, he wouldn’t trade it for anything, but he also wasn’t having Shelby think he and Shane had been having some sort of sitcom life either. Which she should know seeing as she’d been doing all that alone, while at least he and Shane had had each other.

   “Yeah. Work.” Shelby made another pinched expression. “I thought it would be fun, having a baby. But it was so hard. I didn’t even make it eight weeks. Maybe my next try will go better.”

   Brandt’s blood went Colorado mountaintop cold, heart slowing as he became hyperaware of each syllable Shelby had uttered. Next. Try. No. Shane had asked him if he was sure what he wanted, and in this instant of stark clarity Brandt had never been more certain of what he had to do.

   “I want custody.”

   Shelby blinked and tilted her head, almost like she was seeing Brandt for the first time ever. “Like you want to watch her here longer for me?”

   “This isn’t babysitting.” One possible future loomed in front of them, a lifetime of passing Jewel back and forth, never knowing when or where the kid might appear, never being able to predict or plan for handoffs. Brandt couldn’t let that happen. “My lawyer has paperwork that will make it official who has responsibility and who makes which decisions.”

   “Wow.” She whistled and her mouth stayed pursed. “Court. I didn’t think...”

   “Trust me, I hate involving the court too, but I have to think of Jewel’s best interests here.” Jewel had fallen asleep in the sling, and he rubbed her little back.

   “And you think best interests means you keeping her?” Shelby sounded more confused than accusatory.

   “Kids deserve a stable home. I know that more than most.” He didn’t want to get into his whole history with her, which was funny considering how easily he’d shared his past with Shane. This thing with Shane was so much more than sex. A huge part of their connection was how good it felt to talk with him. How right. Shane knew stuff about Brandt that people he’d worked with for years had no clue about, and he already missed him so much that it was hard to fully concentrate on what had to be done.

   “Eh.” She made a dismissive gesture. “Shane and I moved around so much I never bothered memorizing most zip codes. We turned out okay.”

   Brandt’s brain supplied an image of Shane on his birthday, the way he’d been so surprised that Brandt had bothered remembering. The pained way Shane spoke about his past mirrored a lot of Brandt’s own inner dialogue. And Shelby herself had certainly found her share of trouble. Okay was relative. Sure, they’d survived, but Brandt would hardly say they’d escaped unscathed.

   “Listen, I don’t want to fight you, but I’m going to do my damnedest to give Jewel what we didn’t get.”

   “You’re a parenting expert now?” Frowning, she broke one of the bagels in half.

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