Home > Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(24)

Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(24)
Author: Allie Everhart

"You did the right thing. It may not have been what he wanted to hear, but you were honest with him, and someday, when he's not so angry, he'll appreciate that."

"I doubt it. You saw him tonight. He's so angry with me. I don't know if he'll ever get over it."

"Give him time. He's not thinking straight right now. Do you really think he's willing to lose his best friend, all because you didn't give him the response he wanted?"

"Maybe. He said it's hard to be friends with someone you love and watch that person date other people."

"He needs to get over it. It's part of life. Things don't always go how you want them to, especially when other people are involved. He can't control how you feel, Riley, and you can't make yourself feel something you don't."

"I told him that, but it didn't seem to make him feel better."

"And how are you feeling?"

"Awful. I hate seeing Nate hurting like this."

"It's not your fault. You can't help how you feel."

"I still feel terrible." I sniffle as the tears start up again.

"Where are you right now?"


"Is your mom there?"

"No. She just left with Dave."

"I'm coming over."



Chapter Ten




"You're coming here? Why?"

"I don't want you sitting there all alone feeling sad."

"I don't know, Brad. You should probably stay with Nate. He needs you right now."

"Are you kidding? He won't even talk to me. I went to his room and asked if he wants to talk and he slammed the door in my face."

"I know but—"

"I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm already in my car. Be there in a few minutes."

He ends the call and I toss my phone down and race to my dresser to grab some tissues. I look in the mirror. I'm a mess. My makeup is smeared and streaked from crying and my eyes are red and puffy. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. It makes me feel better, but I still look like a mess.

I should put on more makeup, but I don't have time. And it's not like I'm trying to look good for Brad. I'm still really attracted to him, and my body still gets all warm and tingly whenever he's around, but I'm getting better at ignoring all that, knowing I can't date him. Being with Brad now would be even worse after Nate just proclaimed his love to me and told me how hurt he'd be seeing me with someone else. If that someone else was his cousin, Nate may never talk to me again.

There's a knock on the door. "Riley, it's me."

"It's open," I yell, coming out of my room.

Brad walks in, dressed in dark jeans and a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He hasn't shaved for a few days so his face is covered in stubble, which I find extremely sexy.

It's starting again. The heat. The tingling. It started the moment I saw him. My body doesn't seem to understand he's off limits.

"Hey," he says, a serious look on his face. "I'm sorry about Nate."

I shrug. "Guess I'm not surprised. People always say a guy and girl can't be friends."

"That's not always true." He steps up to me and wraps me in his arms. "It'll get better."

"I don't think it will," I say, sniffling. "I think it's over."

"It's not over." He rubs my back as he holds me. "When he's had time to cool off, I'll talk to him and make him realize what a huge mistake it would be to give you up. You're amazing, Riley. He'd be a fool to let you go."

"I just don't see how we could make it work now."

Brad pulls away. "Let's go sit down."

We go to the couch, which is so small that we can't help but touch legs as we sit. Brad is a big guy, so he takes up most of the tiny couch, leaving me just enough space to squeeze in beside him. He puts his arm up behind me, giving me a little more room.

"Nate said he wouldn't be able to handle seeing me with someone else. So is he saying if I date someone, our friendship is over?"

"He's being unreasonable. He has to accept you're going to date other people. Threatening to end your friendship if you do is an asshole move. I'm hoping he only said that because he's pissed. That doesn't sound like something Nate would say."

"I didn't think so either, but I think he really meant it. I can't say I'd feel differently if it were me. If I loved Nate that way, it'd be hard to see him with someone else."

"If you loved him, you'd want him to be happy, even if it was with someone else."

"I'd like to think so, but I don't know. It's hard to say without going through it like Nate is right now."

"If it were you, you wouldn't be acting like Nate. You'd be sad and hurt, but you wouldn't be taking it out on him or punishing him for it. You'd want him to be happy, even if that happiness was with someone else."

"How do you know? You just met me."

"I haven't known you that long, but I know what type of person you are and I know you wouldn't want Nate to feel like you're feeling now if the tables were turned. You're a good person, Riley."

"I don't feel like I am." I rest my head on Brad's shoulder. "I just broke Nate's heart. He's hurting because of me."

"He's hurting because the dream he had in his head isn't going to come true. He imagined a future with you before he even talked to you about it. That's not your fault. You can't be blamed for ending a dream you didn't even know about until tonight. And you are a good person. And a good friend, better than any friend I've ever had, and I've had a lot. Nate has no idea what you do for him."

I lift my head to look at Brad. "What do you mean?"

"You give up what you want to protect him and keep him from getting hurt. It's not your job to do that, but you still do. Because you care so much about him."

"What are you talking about? I don't give up what I want."

"What about you and me?"

I sit back, still facing him. "What about us?"

"You ended it before it could start."

"Ended what?"

"Riley, you know what I'm talking about. I wasn't the only one feeling something between us."

I look down at my hands resting in my lap. "I admit there's an attraction there, but to be fair, all girls are attracted to you. You're um...you have good genes."

"You're attracted to my jeans?" he asks in a kidding tone. "You mean the ones I'm wearing now or the ones I wore the night of our date?"

I roll my eyes. "Genes as in genetics. You're hot, okay? As if you don't already know this? And the night at the brewery was not a date."

"Seemed like a date to me."

"We didn't even kiss."

"I didn't think you'd let me." He lifts my chin up and our eyes meet. "Was I wrong?"

"I might've let you," I say, glancing away. "I would've rather had you kiss me that night instead of at the pool during CPR training."

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