Home > Love Me Like I Love You(27)

Love Me Like I Love You(27)
Author: Willow Winters

I shiver, a chill running up and down my spine. Charlie brings his free hand up to cup my breast, the rough pad of his thumb brushing against my hardened peak, as he begins to push inside. I moan as he fills me, stretches me, possesses every single inch of my pussy.

“Charlie,” his name is a strangled whisper from me. My eyes close, and my head falls back at the sweet sting of him pushing himself steadily into me.

“Say my name again, sweetheart,” I hear Charlie say in a lowered voice.

Before I can do as he told me, he slowly withdraws, leaving a deep need in the pit of my stomach then thrusts into me, hard. My unintelligible groan speaks for me as he does it again. I grip the edge of the desk as a cold sweat breaks out over my skin and my body begs him to move.

“Goddamn,” he groans with pleasure. “You’re so fucking tight, Grace.”

Fuck, it’s so good. His gaze on me should be uncomfortable, but it’s not. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever felt. His pace is steady, his thrusts deep. Each hard pump of his hips makes my body jolt, and I struggle not to fall over the edge. Over and over, my body feels hotter and hotter as I climb higher and higher.

Still, I sense that he’s holding back, waiting for me to finish. I don’t want him to hold himself in check. I don’t want him to busy himself thinking of me. I want him unhinged, out of his mind with lust.

I hook my legs around him and dig my heels into his ass, moaning into the crook of his neck as he hits the back of my walls, a sinful mix of pain and pleasure. With a rough groan of desire, he grips my hips and hammers into me, my screams of pleasure getting caught in the back of my throat. I can barely breathe, the intense wave of arousal climbing higher and higher. I don’t even realize I’m not breathing until I let go of the exhale. It feels like something white hot is blooming inside me, something terrifying, but I fucking want it.

“Yes,” I urge him on. “Do it like that, Charlie.”

He kisses me hard, demanding more from me.

He lets loose, fucking me with crazed abandon. More papers fly off the desk, forgotten, but they’re in my periphery as my head thrashes. My body is on fire and then too cold and needing more of his touch.

I rock my hips against his brutal thrusts, yearning for more.

I can feel myself tighten around Charlie, and I think he can feel it, too. He pulls my knee up, increasing the pressure, making me hotter. Oh. My. God. I’m right on the edge, desperate to go over…

Just as I think I can’t, it’s too much, Charlie makes a low sound, rumbling through his chest. Suddenly I’m in freefall. I swear I see stars, thousands of stars of every color. I cling to him as I find my release, burying my head against his neck. He rides me through my orgasm, ripping through me and only making the crash that much sweeter. My nails dig into his skin as his hot breath travels down my body.

He thrusts one final time, uttering a curse as he comes. I hold him, and cling to him as his legs shake for a second. He stills, then runs a hand down my back. We’re both out of breath.

My heart pounds as I raise my head to look at him.

There really aren’t words that describe how amazing that was, so I try to put it in a kiss. It’s short; he breaks it to breathe, but his large hand cups the back of my head, and then he kisses me. Deep and sweet. It’s everything I want and need.

After another moment, he withdraws gently.

I wonder if sex is always like that for him. Wild, rough and demanding. Both people finding their pleasure together.

I’ve never had that before, not ever.

He kisses me again, cupping my cheek. Then he disposes of the condom and pulls his pants up. I pull up my dress, wiggling off the desk and slipping back into my thong.

I just want to be happy. I want to have it all.

Charlie smiles at me as he buttons up his jeans.

I’ve never settled for anything in my life. But I could settle with Charlie.

Even if it’s not the same for him. Even if it’s just a good time. I try to convince myself of that, but if it were true, then I wouldn’t feel this sick feeling now that it’s over.






“I need the needle-nose,” Joseph’s voice snaps me back to the moment.

I clear my throat, feeling like a fucking pervert for getting lost in the memory of Grace’s sweet curves while I’m only a foot away from my brother-in-law.

The rusty toolbox sitting on top of the wooden workbench opens with a bit of protest, and I grab the pliers for him.

“Yeah, here you go.” Stepping back, I let him finish up the job on the furnace. I got lucky that Cheryl married a mechanic. “Thanks for coming and doing this for me,” I thank him for at least the second time today as I grab the six-pack we brought down then take a seat at the bench. I crack a can open, and the snap and fizz fill the silence. “I know you don’t have much time-”

“Shit,” he cuts me off, and his response has my ass right up out of the seat thinking he sliced his hand open or something. The look on his face tells me he’s fine; he tosses the pliers on the bench and wipes his hands on his jeans. “I’m happy to get out of the house for a minute.”

He gives the box a look over before shutting the metal screen and flipping the switch back on. The furnace roars to life as he sags down into the seat next to me. “You ever hear of colic?” he asks as he reaches over and grabs the beer I offer him.

“Colic?” I have no fucking clue what he’s talking about.

“It means your baby cries… a lot.”

A grimace appears on my face and if I’d have to bet, it matches his. I focus on my beer and he focuses on his.

Joseph and I hit it off when he and Cheryl started dating. I never did like her previous boyfriends, but he treats her right. He’s a good fit for her. A good husband, and a good father. Even though he’s working his ass off while Cheryl’s out on maternity.

“Sorry to hear that,” I tell him, the beer right there at my lips. I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know shit about babies.

He lets out a heavy sigh, “It’s alright.” His eyes are distant when I look at him. He’s got a few days’ worth of scruff and I’m only now noticing the dark bags under his eyes. He huffs out a small laugh and takes another sip of his beer.

A chuckle leaves me at his next comment, “My ma said it was karma for how I was as a baby.”

With a long sigh, he adds, “She’s a daddy’s girl, though.” A sparkle hits his eyes, and I finally ease up some.

“Yeah, that’s what Cheryl says.”

Wiping his forehead with the back of his hand he takes a seat beside me. “At like two in the morning, every morning, she’s up and hungry. She doesn’t want me then.” He makes a face with wide eyes and it makes me laugh as he takes another drink. “But any other time, she’s my baby girl.”

The pride in his voice makes me smile. “I’m real happy for you two.”

With a nod and a smile still on his face, he admits, “I always thought you’d have one first.”

I grunt a response, “I’d need a woman to make that happen.”

“You had one when I first met you.” My body tenses some. I know Ma’s always bringing it up around everyone. She’s always pushing me to settle down, but I don’t need to hear it from my brother-in-law. I only put up with it from Ma, cause she’s my ma.

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