Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(25)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(25)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“I know, and I worry too. That’s why you heard me repeat the instructions that the kids have heard all their lives. Stay where they can see me. Don’t go to the bathroom without letting me know. And never, ever leave with anyone, no matter what they’re told.”


She glanced down and sighed, nibbling on the corner of her mouth. Another squeeze on her hand brought her attention back up to Ben. Tilting her head slightly, she waited to see what he was going to say.

“You look worried, Violet. Do you want me to go round up the kids?”

She shook her head. “No, the pizza will be here soon and they’ll come over. It’s just… sometimes I wonder if I give too many warnings. If I scare the children with my rules and concerns.”

“Hey,” he said, using his free hand to place his knuckle under her chin and lifting her head slightly so that her gaze was once again on him. “You are a fantastic mom. And, Violet, it’s a scary world out there. You have to make sure your kids are safe and know how to stay as safe as they can.”

“They already know about loss… I just hate making them know that more bad things can happen.” She watched him open his mouth, then hesitate and close it again. Curious, she prodded, “What are you thinking?”

“I… well, Charlie mentioned that nothing was forever the other day. And I just wondered… well… their dad… I saw the pictures… shit, I’m not saying this very well.”

Her heart warmed at his obvious concern but also the nervous way he tried to broach a difficult subject. A server walked toward the table, her arm loaded with a huge pan of pizza. Patting his arm again, she said, “It’s time to eat. But if you can make it through a Pirate Pizza dinner with my kids, then we can talk later.”

He leaned forward with a grin on his face, and she wondered if he was going to kiss her in the middle of the restaurant. Instead, he tucked a wayward tendril of hair behind her ear.

“It’s a deal,” he whispered, and his warm breath coasted over her cheek.

Before she could gain her wits, Lily and Charlie raced over, another little girl with them. “Mom! We found Colleen!”

Violet smiled at Lily’s friend, then her smile widened as she looked up to see Colleen’s mom and dad walking toward them. Standing, she greeted them, drawing the other woman in for a hug. “Tara, it’s so good to see you.” She had only met Tara’s handsome new husband a few times but loved the way he’d adopted Colleen as his own.

“Ben, this is my good friend, Tara… um… Fiske.”

Ben shook her hand as Violet shook her head. “I’m sorry, I stumbled over your married name.” Turning back to Ben, she explained, “Tara and I met several years ago when we lived near them. Her daughter went to the same school as Lily, and they used to wait at the bus stop together. And this is her husband, Carter. He’s a… policeman?” She blushed at her inadequate introduction skills. “I’m so sorry, I should know this.”

“He’s my daddy now!” Colleen announced, grinning as she stared up at him as though he hung the moon and stars for her.

Carter, a tall, reddish-blonde man with an easy smile, stepped forward. “It’s good to see you again, Violet, and don’t worry about the introductions.” He turned to Ben and the two men shook hands. “I’m a detective for the Hope City Police Department.”

“This is Ben Popovich. He’s… um… lives behind us.” Chuckling, Ben placed his hand on Violet’s back, his touch grounding her as she floundered.

“I’m recently out of the military and helping my grandmother with her house.”

“And he’s showing me how to fix houses!” Charlie piped up, climbing up on a chair to get closer to Ben.

Tara’s eyes twinkled. “Hmm, just a helpful neighbor?”

Carter snagged Colleen before she mimicked Charlie and climbed onto a chair. His other arm slid around Tara’s waist.

Violet felt her face heat while making big eyes at her friend. Ben’s attention had already snapped to Charlie, holding him steady while whispering, “Gotta sit in the chair, not stand, buddy.” Looking up again, he smiled at the other couple. “Would you like to join us? Our pizza is just here, and we can share then order more.”

Violet’s heart warmed again at the sight of Ben managing Charlie in a calm way while greeting her friends and accepting them to share their evening. She caught Tara’s bright smile and wink, letting her know her friend approved.

“Thanks so much, but we’ve eaten and were just on our way out.” The two women hugged and Tara whispered, “Call me. I want the scoop!” Before Violet had a chance to react, Tara turned toward Ben. “I hope we have a chance to see you again. Perhaps the kids can have a playdate soon.”

“I’d like that,” he said easily, shaking Carter’s hand once more. As the Fiskes walked out of the restaurant, Charlie and Lily plopped into their seats, clapping as the pizza was placed in the middle of their table and four smaller plates were set next to it.

Serving the kids first, she sat down to see that Ben had placed pizza on her plate. Such a tiny gesture, but it was nice to have someone take care of her for a change. She had to remind the kids to not talk and eat at the same time, and they all dug into the pizza.

“Mom, guess who else I saw?” Lily asked, taking a big gulp of her drink. She began rattling off the names of some friends, soon to be challenged for airtime by Charlie, who wanted to tell what he’d been doing as well.

Looking over at Ben, she grinned and shook her head. “You can now see why I suggested we wait until later to talk.”

He chuckled before turning his attention back to the kids, asking them questions and nodding at their replies. It didn’t miss her notice how desperately they were soaking up his attention. Blinking away the gathering moisture, she smiled at their antics while making sure they ate.

“Ben, can you take me to the restroom?” Charlie asked, wiping his hands on the napkin.

Violet blinked in surprise. “Honey, you can just go with Lily and me—”

“I’ve got him,” Ben said.

She swung her head between the two, seeing Ben’s easy smile and wink and her son’s relief visible in his wide smile, and her heart squeezed in her chest.

“We guys have to stick together, don’t we?” Ben continued.

“Yes!” Charlie exuded, jumping to his feet. “I hate going to the ladies’ bathroom, but Mom won’t let me go into the boy’s room by myself yet.”

Ben nodded, pushing his chair back to stand. “Well, that’s because she cares about you. But if I’m around, you can go with me.”

As the two males headed toward the men’s room, she couldn’t take her eyes off them. Ben’s head was inclined toward Charlie, listening as the little boy talked nonstop. And Ben looked scrumptious in the jeans that fit his ass and thighs and in the front cupped part of him that had filled a few late-night fantasies.

“I really liked helping Ben today.”

Turning toward Lily, she nodded. When serious, her daughter looked so much like her, and Violet once again wished her children could have had a carefree childhood. “I’m glad, sweetie.”

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