Home > Rock Block(3)

Rock Block(3)
Author: Mickey Miller

Sky laughs and puts a palm on my shoulder. “Lucas, tú eres muy mentiroso. You actually look like you might cry.”

“Is it that obvious I’m lying?”

Sky sits on the empty barstool next to me and leans in with those caring, listening eyes. We go back too damn far for me to put one over on her.

“So what’s really going on?” she asks.

“It’s Ryan.”

“Is he sick?” She puts her hand on my forearm. She’s a toucher. I’ve always appreciated that about her. Probably because I’m not.

I chuckle. “Not exactly. Look, Sky, can I get your female opinion on something? I need to know if I’m taking crazy pills or not.”

“Tell me.” She leans in engaged, blocking out the noise around us.

“What is an acceptable amount for a girl to be pumped about—and show off—their ring? I mean, I get why you would be a little excited about the ring itself. It’s a symbol of commitment, and that’s terrific she’s proud of it. But in some ways, I get the feeling like she’s more pumped about the ring—and having a guy locked down, any guy—than about Ryan, the man inside.”

“And by she, you’re talking about—”

“Let’s not mention names. You never know who’s listening in a crowded bar.”

She nods smoothly. “As far as rings go, personally, I don’t believe in marriage.”

I recoil. “I thought marriage and rings were what every girl dreamed about since they saw their first Disney fairy tale.”

“Well, not me. I don’t know…her…or Ryan very well, so I don’t think I can help you.”

“No, that’s perfect, actually! You’ve got a clean slate with no preconceived notions. Let me introduce you to the two of them, and you tell me what you think her level of pumped-ness of the ring versus the guy.”

I lead Sky over to the area of tables we’ve reserved for the party, her hand in mine so I don’t lose her in the mayhem, then find Ryan and Jennifer.

Skylar gives a cute little chest-height wave to them. “Hi! Congratulations!” Sky says, shrugs, then hugs Ryan. “It’s good to see you again, haven’t seen much of you since last year!”

She pulls away from Ryan, and goes to hug Jennifer but she does a little side-step and holds up her ring finger instead for Skylar to see, seemingly oblivious to the incoming hug.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jennifer says.

“Totally gorgeous,” Skylar answers, still trying to initiate contact.

“It’s a real diamond. Tiffany cushion cut double halo engagement ring with a diamond platinum band. It’s three carats.”

“Wow,” Skylar says, a little dumbstruck. Sky wears little jewelry and the stuff she does wear is more artsy, pieces that look more handmade. “Well, it looks very…big.”

Jennifer gazes at the ring for one more moment. Big is an understatement. I’m pretty sure the thing can be seen from outer space. “Sorry,” Jennifer adds. “One of my friends is calling me. Excuse me.”

Ryan smiles as he watches her walk off, then grabs another beer from the ice bucket stocked specially for the engagement party. He has that dreamy tranced look along with a faint smile on his face.

He’s starry-eyed when it comes to this girl, and I just don’t see it. She’s nothing like the girls he’s dated in the past — in fact, we have similar tastes in women. But he started dating her when I was abroad and then everything happened so fast.

“She’s really wonderful, isn’t she?” he says.

I nod, but I can’t help the pit forming in my stomach. Over the last year I’ve wanted to say something to him, let him know how I see her but every time I begin a conversation I stop short of telling him what I really think. He’s a good friend and I don’t want to piss him off.

Ryan walks off to talk with someone else and I turn to Skylar.

“Okay, that was a little strange,” she says. “After I hugged Ryan she totally shot me dead eyes.”

I pinch my eyebrows together. “Dead eyes? What are those?”

“Like how guys might subtlety flex their muscles in another guy’s direction?”

“Uh, no.”

She laughs. “Yes you do. Maybe you do it unconsciously. Well, girls don’t flex their muscles, but they do make dead eyes, if only for a split second. Maybe she thought I hugged her fiancé a little too tightly or something. She definitely gave me a look. And then she shoved that ring in my face like a guy with a small dick brags about his big truck.”

I snort with laughter. “So you feel it too? I’m not crazy?”

“You’re definitely not crazy. I mean, that doesn’t necessarily mean they shouldn’t get married. I can’t base that on one interaction. To each their own. But something is definitely a little off with their dynamic.”

I scrub a hand across my jaw and lean toward Sky, so she can hear me in the crowded bar. “Since I’m Ryan’s only roommate, I see their couple dynamic up close and personal on the regular. And something is definitely not right with it.”

“I bet you’re the only guy who sees how they act together when they’re totally alone. People act differently in public.”

“Yeah, exactly. It’s like they’re putting on a show for other people. People keep the ugly faces of their personality hidden…but they can’t hide forever.”

I slowly take another pull of my beer. She’s right about that.

“I have an idea,” I add. “What are you doing this weekend?”

Skylar shrugs. “Just getting settled in for winter term classes. Why?”

“Do you want to come over and hang out at my place? Maybe we can catch some more of the two of them in action. You can tell me again if I’m crazy or not.”

“It’s a date.” She smiles, then laughs a little awkwardly. “Saturday?”


I look over at Jennifer, and she’s showing the ring to another one of her girlfriends.

Something definitely isn’t right with her.

I want to do something about it, but I don’t want to act too brashly. Sky’s opinion is going to be essential.

She puts her hand on mine, and grins.

“God it’s good to see you by the way. Is it weird that I thought a lot about us during this break?”

My pulse quickens, and I shrug. She’s touching my hand. Is Sky…hitting on me?

No. We’re not on that level. Plus, she has a boyfriend, and we’ve had lengthy talks about how neither of us is each other’s type. I’m never the guy to be tongue-tied. But right now, I have no idea how to respond to her.

But damn, I will admit she looks good tonight.

“I think I just miss Buenos Aires a lot,” she clarifies, then pulls her hand away. “I’m going to catch up with friends. Catch you on Saturday.”

She leaves, and I’m left with a warm feeling tumbling around inside my chest. I can’t stop staring at her as she walks away.









Even though I get along with Skylar better than just about any girl I’ve known, our friendship has a very clear delineation which stops right at the point of friendship.

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