Home > Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(31)

Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(31)
Author: Sophie Barnes

One hour later, Charlotte was back at The Black Swan, much to Daisy’s disapproval. Not that Charlotte cared one whit. She needed to see Mr. MacNeil. Blayne. After what had transpired between them last night in the Coventry garden, it seemed silly not to use his given name.

Moving through the dining area, Charlotte let her gaze roam. The tavern was mostly empty at this hour, save for one lone man enjoying a cup of coffee along with a plate of surprisingly tasty looking eggs and bacon. A scraping sound farther back in the taproom caught her attention. She approached until the same young man she’d met here before came into view. If memory served, and she believed it did, his name was Claus.

“Miss,” Daisy hissed. “Maybe we should—”

“Excuse me,” Charlotte said. She waited until Claus turned. His eyes widened with surprise and he suddenly looked like he might drop the broom he was holding. Charlotte added a smile. “I would like to speak with Mr. MacNeil please.”

“He’s not here, miss.”

The excitement that had gotten Charlotte out of bed with haste and propelled her to call on a man she shouldn’t like half as much as she did, in a tavern located in what most would call an unseemly part of Town, dimmed. “I see. And when do you think he might return?”

Claus shrugged one shoulder. “Hard to say. Although he usually likes to be here when the fighters arrive for training. With a match taking place tomorrow evening, he’ll want to spend as much time with them today as possible seeing as he hasn’t…um…”

“Hasn’t what?” Charlotte prompted.

Claus averted his gaze. “It’s nothing, miss. I’m sure he’ll be back any moment. You can wait for him in his office if you like.”

“Thank you. That would be much appreciated.” Charlotte followed Claus while Daisy traipsed behind. She had a niggling suspicion Claus had meant to suggest Blayne hadn’t been spending as much time on his work here at The Black Swan as he ought to have done since she’d swept into his life.

Charlotte frowned. She didn’t like knowing she’d upended Blayne’s life, but of course that was what she’d done the moment she’d turned a job that required only his occasional help into one that demanded he sacrifice evenings as well. Selfishly, she’d even asked him to accompany her on errands that didn’t pose any danger to her. After all, it was highly unlikely she would be robbed between her carriage and the front door of St. Agatha’s Hospital when she went there for her charity meetings. And yet, she’d asked Blayne to join her simply because she’d begun enjoying his company. Not to mention the way he made her feel – vibrant, alive, desirable.

Heaven help her, she was awful.

“I’ll fetch some tea for both of you,” Claus said once he’d shown her into a large room that seemed to serve as both study and library. He smiled at Daisy who instantly turned a deep shade of red.


Thanking him, Charlotte waited until he was gone before giving the room her full attention. There was a wide desk with a single chair on one side, upholstered in burgundy velvet. Two similar chairs intended for visitors faced it. Ignoring them for now, she wandered across to one of the massive bookcases lining the walls. Not a hint of dust could be seen on any of the polished shelves. Instead, neatly arranged collections of reading material seemingly organized first by category, then by author, greeted her gaze. In between, as if to break the monotony, was a potted plant – a violet here and a jasmine there.

“It looks like Mr. MacNeil enjoys the same kind of stories as you,” Daisy said.

Turning away from the fragrant white flowers she’d just discovered, Charlotte noted the book Daisy held up for her to see. Unlike the rest of the books she’d spotted so far, this one appeared to be very well used. Removing her gloves, she took it from Daisy and ran her fingers across the worn leather binding. The title which had adorned the front and spine in gold lettering was scarcely visible anymore.

The Earl’s Secret Escapades.

A smile pulled at Charlotte’s lips as she turned back the cover and found Blayne’s name inscribed to mark his ownership. The pages, which would have been crisp when the book was new, were now slightly wavy along the edges and even creased in the occasional spot.

He hadn’t lied when he’d told her this was his favorite book. Indeed, his love for it was plain to see. The man must have read it at least a hundred times – a thought that filled her heart with tremendous joy. She shook her head. How silly of her to feel such happiness just because he enjoyed her writing.

She set it aside and instinctively searched the shelves for its sequel. Considering Blayne’s appreciation for Mr. Cunningham’s writing, it wouldn’t surprise her if he’d already purchased a copy of her latest release. And read it ten times.

She grinned.

“Daisy, can you please help me find The Viscount’s Clandestine Meetings?”

It had to be here somewhere…

“I havenae managed to acquire it yet,” a deep voice said. Charlotte gasped with the startled jumpiness of being caught doing something she shouldn’t, along with the sensual effect Blayne’s rumbling brogue wrought on her nerves. Her pulse leapt while tiny embers scattered across the exposed skin at the nape of her neck.

Straightening, she turned. And promptly forgot how to speak the moment her gaze collided with his. All she could do was stare back into his smoldering eyes while butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. She’d kissed that gorgeous mouth of his last night, had discovered what the firm lower lip felt like beneath her own, hoped there would be a chance for additional exploration.

“Good morning,” he murmured when she continued to moon over him like a brainless ninny. He added a nod of acknowledgement in Daisy’s direction. “Claus says ye’ve only recently arrived. He’ll be in with the tea he promised ye in a moment.”

“We’ll take it in the taproom,” Charlotte blurted.

Daisy spun toward her. “In the taproom, miss?”

“Yes,” Charlotte confirmed with a resolute nod. “That’s what I said. You should go wait for Claus there. I’ll join you in just a moment.”

“You’ll what?” Daisy looked positively flabbergasted. As if Charlotte had just suggested running naked through the streets.

“There’s something I wish to discuss with Mr. MacNeil in private,” Charlotte said with a pointed look she hoped Daisy wouldn’t dispute. “I’ll see you as soon as I’m done.”

Daisy’s eyes grew impossibly large. “I can’t let you be alone with him, miss. It’s not proper.”

“I promise not to ravish her in yer absence,” Blayne said.

Charlotte attempted the most serene expression she could manage after that comment. “It’s a business matter, Daisy. A rather delicate one if you don’t mind.”

“Very well,” Daisy grumbled. “I’ll wait for you in the taproom then.”

Of course she deliberately left the door open.

Blayne glanced at it and raised a questioning eyebrow. “Should I..?”

“Yes,” Charlotte said. “Absolutely.”

He crossed the small distance, shut the door and, she noticed, turned the key in the lock before giving her his full attention. “Now then, lass. What is it ye wish to discuss?”

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