Home > Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(11)

Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(11)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Grabbing my silk robe, I tie it around my balloon-sized belly as I slip my feet into my slippers. I keep dialing his number as I head out of our bedroom, wondering what to do. Fear raises goose bumps on my arms and lifts all the tiny hairs on the back of my neck. Please let nothing have happened to my husband.

I’m just about to end the call and call Reeve’s publicist when I hear the sound of a phone ringing coming from one of our guest bedrooms. Another familiar sound tickles my eardrums as I approach the room, and a layer of stress instantly flitters off my shoulders.

The door is ajar, and I push it open, almost collapsing in relief when I discover Reeve, fully clothed, facedown, sprawled across the top of the bed, snoring like a freight train.

Whisky fumes tickle my nostrils as I softly step into the room. Edwin and Reeve obviously indulged in a few drinks after their meeting, and it’s just like my husband to sleep it off in one of our spare bedrooms rather than risk disturbing me.

He knows my sleep has been erratic lately. He’s always so thoughtful, and as I stand staring at his sleeping form, I’m almost overwhelmed with the love I feel for this man. Powerful emotion sweeps over me as I contemplate losing him. I pray he’ll be able to forgive me for all my sins and we emerge on the other side stronger and more united. I’ve got to believe that, or I’d be an even bigger basket case.

He looks much younger in sleep, but his features aren’t at peace. An almost pained look contorts his handsome face, even in slumber. Seeing him vulnerable like this hurts because I know the next few weeks are going to be hard for him. Reeve already senses something is wrong, but it’s still going to come as a big shock.

Kneeling on the carpet beside the bed, I carefully brush strands of hair back off his face, pressing a gentle kiss to his brow. Tears prick my eyes as I peer at him with a heavy heart. He’s in a deep sleep. Not even budging when I set another kiss on his cheek. Breathing softly, I stand and walk out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

Easton wakes me a few hours later, jumping on our bed, full of boundless energy. “Mommy! Wake up! Can we go swimming? Puh-lease.” I pry my eyes open, smiling when I see he is wearing his swim shorts back to front.

“Sure, sweetie. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.” I ruffle his hair before pointing at my face. “And I need kisses. Lots of kisses to help me get out of bed.”

Easton peppers my face with a slew of sloppy kisses, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close. “I’m gonna kiss my little sister too. Just like Daddy does,” he adds, pulling the comforter back and gently kissing my tummy through my silk nightdress. I thread my fingers through his hair, offering up silent thanks for my precious son. Even on dark days, he always brightens my world.

Ten minutes later, we are walking hand in hand along the hallway, ready for swimming. I check on Reeve, making Easton promise not to make a sound. It’s early, and he needs more sleep. If the alcohol fumes still wafting around the room are any indication, he’ll have one hell of a hangover today.

Easton and I take a swim in our indoor pool, and we have fun messing around until hunger attacks us both, and we get out to grab breakfast. We are both wearing bathrobes and flip-flops when we land in our large kitchen where Charlotte—our live-in housekeeper—is busy making pancakes. “A little bird told me someone was swimming,” she says, leaning down to kiss Easton on the cheek. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“I’m always hungry for pancakes,” E says, climbing onto a chair beside me at the kitchen table. “Especially if you have strawberries and chocolate.” He rubs his tummy, his eyes popping wide as Charlotte slides a plate with two pancakes, chocolate, and strawberries in front of him. “Yummy. Thanks, Lotty.” He blows her a kiss, making my heart melt.

Charlotte smiles affectionately at E before turning to me. “I can make you an omelet, or would you like some fresh fruit and yogurt this morning?”

I pour fresh orange juice into a glass for Easton. “Fruit and yogurt would be perfect though I expect Reeve will need something more substantial.” My lips twitch.

“Oh. Mr. Lancaster has already eaten and left for the day. He said to tell you he’d be home in time to pick you up for the charity event.”

I frown. “Reeve’s already gone?” Prickles of apprehension tickle the back of my neck. Reeve never leaves without kissing me and Easton goodbye. He would only do this if he was deliberately avoiding me.

Something has happened, and I need to find out what.

I spend most of the day pacing the floor in my office, panicking as all my calls go straight to Reeve’s voice mail. After lunch, I finally hear from him, but his text is brief, telling me he’s in meetings with Margaret and Edwin all day and he’ll talk to me later. His words do little to reassure me.

Later that evening, Carole and her hairdresser wife are just leaving, after helping me to get ready for tonight’s event, when I receive another text from my husband, informing me he’s running late and Leon will drive me to the hotel. Now I know for sure Reeve is avoiding me, and I almost empty the contents of my stomach all over my bedroom floor.

Does he know?

Has he somehow found out?

Wrapping my arms around myself, I fight tears as there’s a knock on the door.

“Vivien?” Leon’s deep voice booms through the door. “There was a delivery for you.”

“I’m coming.” I force myself to my feet and walk across my bedroom, opening the door. “Thank you.” I slap a fake smile on my face as I take the envelope from him, hoping he doesn’t notice how badly my hands are shaking.

“You don’t look so hot. Are you feeling okay?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as he examines my face.

“I’m fine,” I lie. “Just trying to psych myself up for tonight. It’s hard to wear heels and a constant smile for hours when I’m carrying a giant watermelon in my tummy.” I run my hands over my swollen stomach, and where it’s normally soothing, right now, nothing could quell the storm rising to catastrophic proportions inside me.

“I’ll have Charlotte send up some water and a snack. Why don’t you rest up until we have to go?” He glances at the watch strapped to his wrist. “It’s still early. We don’t need to leave for an hour.”

An hour to compose myself—when this envelope might contain news that will upend my world—is nowhere near long enough, but Leon is being sweet, and I don’t want to worry him. “Thanks, Leon. I’ll do that.”

I close my door and pad in my bare feet to my dresser, sitting down in front of my mirror, staring at my reflection with mounting horror. I hold the envelope in my trembling hands, terrified to open it. This will either help soften the blow or make it ten million times worse. I’m tempted to shove it in a drawer to deal with tomorrow, but the knowledge Dillon has received a similar envelope means I need to look at it now. I know Dillon will, and I won’t remain in the dark and give him additional power over me.

But I can’t do this alone, so I grab my cell and call my bestie, praying she answers. Audrey is the only person who knows exactly what’s going down because I needed someone to help keep me sane.

“Hey, babe.” Audrey sounds breathless when she picks up.

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