Home > Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(31)

Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(31)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

Human resources had promoted her to my personal assistant when my old one had retired. I’d inherited the woman from Pop and she’d been ancient, but she’d run my business schedule with an iron fist, and I’d appreciated her dedication. CeCe might have proven herself in her previous position within the company, but she’d done nothing but fuck up left and right since becoming my assistant.

I couldn’t tell if she was just nervous to work for me and that made her clumsy and forgetful—or if she was fucking up on purpose.

Either way, she was part of the wedge trying to come between Nova and me, and that was unacceptable.

“Pack whatever is left from your desk,” I instructed, my tone neutral. “You are being moved back to your previous position.”

She blinked at me like an owl for all of two seconds before her light-brown eyes filled with tears. “M-Mr. Vitucci, s-sir. I-I-I—”

“Stop,” I commanded, holding up a hand. “Your performance over the past few weeks is below par for someone in your current job category, but you aren’t being fired. Just sent back to whatever floor you were transferred from. For now,” I added when she seemed to relax somewhat. We’d nearly lost two contracts because of her over the last week alone. That couldn’t be ignored. “Should you continue to fuck shit up, you will be seeking employment elsewhere.”

“Y-yes, sir,” she whispered.

I dismissed her and waited for the door to close behind her before picking up the phone that had been replaced on my desk and calling down to HR, letting them know about the change.

“I’ll get you a new assistant right away, Mr. Vitucci,” the HR director rushed to assure me.

“No, you will not,” I bit out. “I’ll do my own hiring for the position. Just keep an ear open for any more mishaps caused by Miss Booth. One more fuckup like the ones that happened this week, and she is to be released from our employment.”

Hanging up, I pulled my cell from my pocket and texted Nova.

Me: Don’t go off on your own. Not even to Max and Delaney’s house unless they pick you up.

Three dots appeared on the screen, letting me know she was responding. That she was texting me back had some of the tension easing from my shoulders. But when her reply came, it only made me want to throw the damn phone out the window.

My Heart: I’ll make sure Elias goes with me everywhere.

Me: You must not like him much.

My Heart: I adore him, actually.

Motherfuck, she was pushing all my buttons, and she knew it.

Me: Then why are you making my hand twitchy to put a bullet in his gut?

My Heart: You wouldn’t. Because you know he’s important to me. You would never hurt me like that.

Me: Exactly. But if he touches you, there will be no saving him. Not even your tears will keep me from killing him.









I was still pulling my hair into a ponytail as I hurried off the elevator and rushed through the crowd of people in the hotel lobby. Arriving after midnight, I’d taken a long shower and then fallen into bed in utter exhaustion. But sleep had eluded me.

I was excited to be able to put some of my multilanguage skills to use helping Lyric’s aunt Emmie, but I wished it had been in any other city in the world except for New York. It felt weird—and kind of wrong—to be in this city without Ryan knowing I was there.

Other than responding to a few random texts, I hadn’t spoken to my best friend since my birthday. It was the longest I’d gone without hearing his voice since the day I’d met him. With each passing day that I didn’t answer his calls, my heart hurt a little more, but I kept telling myself this was how it had to be. Hurt a little now to avoid more pain later. It would get better. I would get over this infatuation.

I repeated those words each night like a mantra, but the next morning I would wake up, and the pain would seem to double.

In the hotel restaurant, it wasn’t hard to spot the redhead sitting at a corner table, two bulky men in suits across from her. I weaved my way through the other patrons and tables. When she noticed my approach, her green eyes brightened, and she stood to embrace me.

“Nova,” she greeted, her arms going around me in a tight hug that was kind of comforting. I’d met Emmie Armstrong when Lyric married Mila, and she came to visit often with her husband and Lyric’s parents. Apparently, back before my mom had married my dad, she had worked for the Armstrongs as their nanny. It was weird imagining my mom working for rock royalty, but there were pictures to prove it.

“How was your trip?” she asked as she pulled back, her eyes skimming over every inch of me in a way only mothers seemed to do. From the first time I’d met Emmie, I’d been comfortable around her. There was just something about her that set me at ease. Maybe it was that she exuded the same kind of strength most of the adult women in my life did. After the way she’d taken charge and put together Mila and Monroe’s double wedding in just a week, I’d witnessed just how much power she could wield with only a few clicks on her phone. “I’m so sorry you had to take a commercial flight. I ended up having to do the same since the company jet was being used to pick up the guys. I figured it was easier for them to fly private so I could at least attempt to control the situation.”

“It was an experience,” I said with a laugh, taking the seat beside her when she motioned me toward it. I couldn’t ever remember flying commercial before. Ryan always made sure the jet was available if I needed it. If I’d told him I was traveling, he would have sent his pilot to collect me.

But Ryan had no idea I was anywhere but home. Or maybe he thought I was in Paris with Anya since it was the day after Christmas. This was typically the time the two of us would be arriving at the hotel, and then we would have had a light meal before she put me through my paces. Guns. Knives. One stressful situation after another until she was sure that I was leaving with more finely honed skills than I’d arrived with.

That wasn’t going to happen this year, however. Anya knew I was doing a favor for Lyric, but I hadn’t gone into details about what I would be doing or where I would be. She hadn’t been happy, but she’d understood. To her, family was everything, and she accepted that I wanted to help one of the newest members of my extended family.

“I heard your layover was extended by several hours in Denver,” Emmie said with a twist of her lips. “My personal assistant tried to get you on a nonstop, but there weren’t any available out of your local airport. I promise the return trip home will go more smoothly.”

“It’s fine,” I assured her as a waiter filled my water glass and asked if I was ready to order.

“Just toast and fruit, please.”

As the waiter went to put in my order, Emmie introduced me to the two men in suits. “This is Rodger and Marcus. They will be shadowing me all weekend. If you need anything, or for any reason you feel uncomfortable around the guys this week, don’t hesitate to let one of us know. If anyone is inappropriate with you or disrespects you in any way, I want to know.”

My gaze scanned both men. I was used to bulky men in suits following me around. When I was in New York each summer, I had my own detail when one of my cousins or Ryan couldn’t go somewhere with me. I smiled at them both. “I’m sure everyone will be on their best behavior.”

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