Home > Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(29)

Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(29)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

“What plan?” she demanded, her brows lifted like she didn’t understand what I was talking about. “You mean how I’ve always talked about going to college in New York? Trinity is as good a choice as any East Coast school, Ryan.”

“No. It’s not about college, damn it. This is about our future together.”

Her mouth dropped open, her green eyes like jewels blinking back at me. “Stop it, Ryan,” she snapped after a long, silent moment. Reaching behind her, she opened the door and got out of the car. Unable to stand the physical distance she was putting between us, I jumped out after her and followed as she stomped toward the little pond.

“Stop what?” I yelled, causing her to halt in her tracks.

Nova turned to face me, her hands on her hips, her breaths coming in angry pants that caused her tits to bounce and my mouth to water. “Stop giving me hope when I know there is none. I’ve tried so hard not to let what I feel bleed over into our friendship. But it’s impossible. I can’t pretend anymore. And now…” Her voice drifted off as she lowered her gaze to the ground. “I’m not a robot, okay? As much as I wish I could flip a switch and turn it off, I can’t. I’m only human.”

Were we even having the same conversation?

Not a single word that had left her mouth made sense to me, but the tears I could see glittering in her eyes made my knees weak. “What’s impossible? Tell me, and I’ll make it possible, Nova. Just say it, and it’s yours.”

She closed her eyes. “You—”

My phone ringing from my pants pocket cut her off, and her mouth snapped shut. Cursing, I pulled out the phone and sent the caller to voice mail without looking at the screen. But no sooner did the noise stop than it started again.

Annoyed, I flipped it over and nearly growled when I saw it was my personal assistant. Wondering what she’d fucked up this time, I answered. “What now?”

“M-M-Mr. Vitucci, s-sir,” CeCe stuttered at my sharp tone. “Th-there was a…”

“Spit it out already!” I bit out, impatient to get this over with so I could get back to Nova and more important matters.

“There was a break-in at the office, sir. Th-the cops are here and waiting to speak with you.”

“What was stolen?” I demanded.

“That is unclear at the moment. But both your office and my own were turned upside down.” Her voice still held a quiver, but she seemed more confident in speaking by the second. “Security is showing the cops the video feed right now.”

“Who the fuck called the cops to begin with?” Any theft would be handled in-house. The cops were worthless and would only put their noses in shit that was none of their business.

“I-I did, s-sir. I…I th-thought—”

“You didn’t think, period, CeCe,” I bit out. “We will discuss this when I return.”

“Y-yes, sir,” she muttered meekly. “What should I do in regard to the police?”

“I’m on my way. Tell them I will meet them at the police station tomorrow morning. Get their information and tell them to get the fuck out of my building.” I hung up even as she stuttered out another affirmative.

Frustrated with my idiot personal assistant, and now having to deal with cops on top of it, I thrust my phone back into my pocket and focused on Nova. “I have to go.”

She wrapped her arms around herself like she was cold and started back toward the car, making sure to keep several feet between us as she passed me. “I heard. I’ll get you back so you can be on your way.”

“That can wait. This is more important.”

She stopped and turned around to face me once again before reaching the car. “Is it?”

“Of course it is. Nova, you are the most important person in my life. Nothing and no one comes before you.” It was crazy that I even had to remind her of that. She knew what she meant to me.

Didn’t she?

She touched the little charm around her neck, her fingers holding it as if it were a lifeline. Seeing that damned thing only made my jealousy rear its head again. I’d wanted to tear Elias apart when he’d put that necklace around her neck. Mom grabbing my arm and reminding me not to spill blood had been the only thing to stop me.

I’d been so pissed, I hadn’t even given her my present yet.

Reaching into my pocket for the gift, I quickly realized it wasn’t there. Shit. Had I dropped it? Then I remembered where it was, and I had to bite back a growl. I’d left it on the jet!

“Tell me the truth Ryan,” Nova commanded in a small yet steady voice. “Was CeCe the reason you didn’t come with the others yesterday?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. “Something came up and—”

“I don’t need to know the details.” Straightening her shoulders, she lifted her chin and met my gaze. But the emptiness that stared back at me sent ice through my veins. “We should hurry. Whatever is going on with CeCe is obviously important.”

“CeCe can wait.”

“She didn’t wait yesterday, and there is no reason to wait now.” She walked around the car and slid into the driver’s seat.

At the bite in her tone, things began to click into place like missing puzzle pieces, and I had to fight back a grin. The fact that she was jealous of my incompetent personal assistant was almost laughable. But I couldn’t figure out why she would be jealous to begin with. I didn’t even remember mentioning CeCe to her.

I got into the passenger seat and leaned my head back, enjoying just watching her for several minutes. She was so beautiful, it was hard to believe she was real at times. Without allowing myself to think about it, I skimmed my fingertips down her cheek, and I was rewarded when she leaned into my touch with a contented little sigh.

But all too quickly, she jerked back, shooting me a glare.

“We will talk about this whole not moving to New York nonsense after I take care of this bullshit at the office,” I informed her. “And since everything is moving up by a year—which I’m happy about, in case you didn’t know that already—then we need to move up everything else as well. I’ll get the architect started on the plans for our house as soon as I land tonight.”

She huffed, keeping her eyes locked on the road in front of her. “I think you must have fried your brain fucking CeCe so hard all weekend. Staying home where I belong is not nonsense. And no, I couldn’t tell you were happy about my early graduation. You seemed pretty pissed off about that, actually. When I tried to tell you over the summer, you were too busy to listen, so excuse me for thinking you wouldn’t have cared one way or the other.” She shot me a quick glare before directing her gaze forward again. “As for plans for our house, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but you might want to see a doctor about that bizarre delusion you have going on in your head.”

I was so lost in sitting there savoring being with her that it took a moment for everything she’d just thrown at me to click. “Who told you I was fucking CeCe?” I bellowed, making her jerk and the car swerve.

Her fingers tightened until they were bloodless around the steering wheel. “I’m not having this conversation.”

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