Home > Flipping Love You(67)

Flipping Love You(67)
Author: Erin Nicholas

“It is really nice to meet you, Jill,” Dana said.

“You too,” Jill said honestly.

“And Zeke will have to come to erotic romance book club,” Addison said with a sly smile.

Jill felt her cheeks heat as her first thought was, Zeke doesn’t need an erotic romance book club for ideas.

Addison noticed her blush and gave her a wink.






Addison and Dana left, and Tori got up as Ella started fussing. “This support group stuff will be fun,” she said.

“I think so too. Thanks for introducing me to them.”

Tori squeezed her shoulder. “Of course.”

Jill focused on Ella. The baby was squirming and fussing against Tori’s neck, but Jill had a sudden sense of contentment herself.

“And maybe, if you’re willing, I could get some babysitting practice in with Ella sometime.”

Tori’s face lit up. “That would be amazing. We have tons of babysitters, of course, but our kids are going to be so close in age and are going to grow up together. I’d love for you to be close to Ella.”

Jill felt her throat tighten and she had to swallow hard before she said, “Yeah. That’s true.”

Oh, God. Their kids were to be close in age and were going to grow up together. Ella was going to be her child’s closest cousin. Reality slammed into Jill as Tori gave her a bright smile and then headed for Josh.


Jill took a deep breath and turned to look at Naomi, the only person remaining at the table with her. Naomi was so quiet and unassuming. She just sat back and watched the people around her, taking everything in, not needing to interject or ask a million questions.


“Want to take a walk?”

Jill so wanted to take a walk. How did Naomi know that?

“I would love that.”

Naomi scooted her chair back and stood.

Jill glanced over at Zeke. “I’m going to take a walk with Naomi,” she called.

Somehow she knew he’d be pleased that she’d enjoyed her talk with Dana and Addison and Tori and he’d be really happy she was spending time with Naomi.

He looked surprised, but said, “Okay, but don’t you be havin’ any plantano frito without me.”

Naomi laughed. “Fried plantains,” she explained to Jill. “A Haitian dish my grandmother makes. Zeke loves them.” She looked at Zeke. “If we get any, we’ll bring you some.” She dropped her voice so only Jill could hear her. “We’re not going to my grandma’s.”

“Fair enough.” Zeke gave Jill a long look and she knew he was asking if she was okay.

She gave a little nod.

He gave her a satisfied smile in return.

And all of that was the strangest wordless exchange she’d ever had with another human being.

And it made her chest feel warm.

Jill followed Naomi out of Ellie’s. They took a right at the front path, which would lead them away from the swamp boat tour company offices and the petting zoo.

They walked for several yards without speaking.

It was nice to find someone here who knew how to just enjoy a quiet moment.

That lasted for about twenty more steps.

“I know you’re worried about—”

“I know you’re friends with Zeke —”

They spoke over one another.

They stopped walking and turned to look at one another with mutual smiles.

“I am friends with Zeke,” Naomi said. “He’s a great guy.”

“He is. I didn’t want to give you the impression back there that I’m unhappy about being with him or about the baby. I’m not. I’m…actually really happy to be with Zeke. And I’m adjusting to the baby news.”

“I’m glad to hear that. But I didn’t want to take this walk to talk about Zeke or the baby,” Naomi said.

“Oh.” Jill frowned. “Then what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Well.” Naomi shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Doing what?”

“Sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

“Now I’m really curious.” She hadn’t been around Naomi LeClaire much, but Jill got the impression the other woman was thoughtful and considerate. If she had something to say, Jill wanted to hear it.

Naomi took a breath. “I wanted to tell you a story about a polar bear.”

Jill faced her more fully. That wasn’t even close to what she’d been expecting the other woman to say. “A polar bear?” Jill repeated.

“Yes.” Naomi tucked her hands into her pockets. “There was this polar bear, Hugo, on my show. He and his trainer, Greg, worked together for about two years. Then Greg’s wife, Tracy, got cancer. Greg, obviously, was very stressed and sad. And as Tracy’s illness progressed and Greg’s depression got worse and worse, we noticed that Hugo got depressed too. It was like he was feeding off of Greg’s emotions. When Tracy had a good day and Greg was in a better mood, Hugo would have a good day. When Greg was especially sad, Hugo would have a terrible day.”

Naomi paused. Jill didn’t say a word.

“When Tracy passed away and Greg was in mourning, Hugo wouldn’t do anything for us for almost two weeks. And even after that it took a really long time for him to get back to normal. It was crazy and I don’t know if I would’ve believed that if I hadn’t seen it myself, but it seemed that Hugo was feeling what Greg was feeling.” Naomi met Jill’s gaze directly as she spoke. “That was the most remarkable instance, but I saw animals and humans bond in really amazing ways over the years.”

Jill knew she was staring, and she sincerely was trying to focus on what she knew Naomi was really trying to tell her. But she was distracted.



“Did you hear me?”

“Every word,” Jill said with a nod. “Like…the words ‘your show’.”

Naomi sighed, but smiled. “I figured you’d notice that.”

“What did you mean by that?”

Naomi studied her for a moment. Then nodded. “The TV show I was on.”

“You were on a TV show?”

“From the ages of eight to fourteen. It was called Zoey At the Zoo.”

Jill gasped so hard she thought she’d probably sucked in a mosquito or two. “Oh my God. You were Zoey.”


“You’re Naomi Williams?”

Naomi lifted a shoulder. “A stage name.”

Now that Jill thought about it, she vaguely recalled knowing that Naomi Williams had been originally from Louisiana. “I’ve seen some of the show. I’m…” She cleared her throat. “…a little older than you. But the show was huge. I definitely knew of it.”

“Yeah. It was huge,” Naomi agreed.

“I just…I’m stunned.”

“It’s the best kept secret in Autre,” Naomi said. “I was born here. My family is from here. For generations, really. When I got cast on the show, Mom and I moved to California, but everyone else stayed here. When the show ended, I was fourteen. I retired and we came back here. But Autre keeps the secret. If anyone ever comes through and asks if I live here now, they lie.”

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