Home > The Sweetest Thing (SWANK #2)(59)

The Sweetest Thing (SWANK #2)(59)
Author: Maya Hughes

This was another side of him. The charmer. The showman. The Hunter Saxton.

Most of the people seemed to be business associates, which made sense. He was at work, after all. No wonder he thought I was slowly mummifying myself since I barely left the apartment. If this was what every night was like, I’d imagine staying home with me was boring as hell. Although he never seemed to act that way. He always made it feel like there wasn’t any other place he’d rather be than doing puzzles, teasing me about my music choices or watching trash TV with me.

It moved something in me that I’d seen all sides of him. I’d seen him when he had his guard down, and those quiet moments in the apartment felt all the more special now after finally seeing him in his element.

Watching him in action, I had no doubts about how he pulled off feats of greatness. Anyone would find themselves entangled in his web of warmth, where they felt like he had their full attention throughout the conversation. But the glances he shot me or the way my drink never went dry or how he moved us to seats without a word from me when my toes started to pinch…

Although others diverted his focus over the hours, I had no doubt I had his attention. It was unnerving and exhilarating all at once.

The steady flow of people meant we barely had a moment alone, except on the dance floor. Bodies bumped and jumped around us, but he held me in his arms, dancing to music that only existed in his head. It had a rhythm and a melody he painted across my body with his own, and then it ended. On our walk to the VIP area, the French aristocrat showed back up and needed Hunter.

“Do you want to go?”

My feet were begging for mercy. “I’m going to go sit down.”

He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. “I have to go speak with someone, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Now my stomach was in full-blown acrobatics. If I turned my head, we’d be kissing. I squeezed my thighs together, wanting to know what other plans he had for tonight. He was in perpetual pull mode with not a push in sight, and the magnet strengthened with every second spent with him.

I nodded and climbed the steps to the VIP area rope, which was lifted without me saying a word. It seemed some of Hunter’s shine had rubbed off on me after all.



I spotted an empty couch along the wall, but I was intercepted before I could make it there. “Hello, gorgeous. We haven’t had a chance to talk all night.”

I pinched my lips together before turning and relaxing them. This was Hunter’s friend—well, maybe not friend, but someone he worked with who had showed up earlier with a gorgeous woman. “Trevor, right?” I stopped my retreat to a gloriously padded seat when the guy stepped in front of me.

He lifted an eyebrow with a smirk. “Yes, and you’re Sabrina.”

“That I am.” I rocked on my heels with my clutch in my hands and searched the twinkling and glittering dance floor for Hunter or any other friendly faces, which was crazy since I didn’t know many people in the city. “You and Hunter work together, right?”

He laughed. “Not quite. He and I have done business together, but we don’t work together. My father runs one of the largest sound production and rental companies on the East Coast.”

I hated how he tried to get in a dig at Hunter or pretend working for Daddy’s business somehow made him better than Hunter, who’d created his side of the business with not much else other than his hard work, charisma, and determination to succeed. Where would this asshat be without Daddy’s money?

“That’s awesome for your father.”

The level of smugness and preening from this guy made every attractive part of his exterior wither, but I kept my tone light and reminded myself he was someone Hunter worked with.

“It will all be mine soon.” He gulped from his glass with his gaze on me like he was waiting for me to start fanning myself and squealing with delight at being in his presence.

“That’s great for you.” I crossed one arm over my chest and sipped from my drink, scanning the dance floor where Hunter had disappeared.

“I’ve never seen you around with Hunter.”

“Probably because I’ve never been out with Hunter before.” I hoped Hunter would be back soon and kept my gaze pointedly away from Trevor. Where the hell was this Trevor’s date? Not that I could begrudge her wanting to get as far away as possible. I also didn’t want Hunter to come back with us standing so close and get the wrong idea.

Trevor’s arm brushed against mine.

I glanced over my shoulder and jerked away facing forward, my skin crawling, but I tamped down the urge to shove him away. This was Hunter’s work event. I needed to play nice. I took a half step to the side, trying not to be obvious in how much I didn’t want to be near this guy.

He didn’t take the hint and moved in closer, using the volume as an excuse to tell me all about how he’d be taking a trip to Bali soon before bringing things back to me and Hunter.

He was close like we were packed in at a concert, not in a VIP area with plenty of seats and tables for the other people enjoying their time in the space.

“Hunter has been known to enjoy the company of many different beautiful women. Maybe he’s trying something different.”

I wasn’t sure how to take what he said. Granted, I’d been trying not to pay attention. “What Hunter did before he met me and what he’ll do after me are none of my business.”

“I could certainly find some entertaining options for you after Hunter’s had his fun.”

Ew! The balls. “I’m not a hooker or plaything, and one thing I know for sure…” Leaning in, I held his gaze, wanting him to know exactly how much I meant my next words. “Under no uncertain terms will whatever I do after Hunter be you, Trevor.”

His nostrils flared, and his hand shot out, hooking my elbow before I could back off. “And why the fuck not? You should be happy I’ve even spared you a glance when there are gorgeous, thin, and classy women here tonight.”

And playing nice just went out the window. Trying to jerk my arm from his grip, I spoke through clenched teeth. “Then why the hell don’t you go bother them, asshole. Get your fucking hands off me.” I tugged my arm again, but his grip tightened.

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, you fat bitch?”

“Don’t you fucking talk to her like that.” Hunter grabbed Trevor’s hand, jerking it away from me, and from the noise Trevor made, Hunter wasn’t holding back an ounce of the rage pouring off him in waves. His hand shot out, and he grabbed Trevor by the throat like he was going to carry him out by it.

Trevor grunted and stared at Hunter with wild eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?” he gurgled and flailed at Hunter, who had his fingers around Trevor’s throat.

“Hunter, stop!” I shouted, grabbing his shoulder.

He looked from Trevor to me and released his grip.

Trevor stumbled back, his hand shooting to what had to be a sore throat. “What the fuck, Hunter? What’s your problem? I tell a fat chick she’s fat and you lose your fucking mind?” He stared at Hunter, bewildered, like he couldn’t understand why anyone would kick up such a fuss over me. His acid gaze cut to me.

The delicious food and drinks I’d been indulging in all night curdled in my stomach. Bile churned, burning its way up my throat.

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