Home > Tangled Sheets(377)

Tangled Sheets(377)
Author: J.L. Beck

“Is that what you think this is between us? Friends who fuck?”

“I mean, I’m fine with what we have. I like hanging out with you—”

“Are you trying to say I should take someone else with me to meet Khalil?” he growled, his grip on her chin tightening.

“I mean, if—”

“Don’t you dare say any crazy shit, Alana,” he bit out. “If you haven’t noticed, I love the way you look. These curves of yours are sexy as fuck.” He ran his hands along her torso, stopping at her waist. He had gotten to know her body just as well as he knew his own.

He knew what made her moan, what made her gasp, and what she sounded like coming on his cock.

She was out of her damned mind if she thought he wanted someone else. He’d had no desire to be with any other woman since meeting her.

Everything about her drew him to her.

Her smile. Her personality. Her quirkiness.

She was everything he wanted.

“I don’t want anyone else to go with me. I want you by my side.” Easing her stance, she laid her forehead against his chest, allowing him to hold her. “I enjoy spending time with you. If you want me to take you out to expensive restaurants and out on the town just so you know how much I like spending time with you, then that’s what I’ll do.”

He had been content to do all the things she wanted to do. He was getting to an age where partying all night was getting old.

Now that he had someone to occupy his evenings, he’d rather be with her than out in the streets.

“I don’t need that,” she mumbled into his chest.

“I don’t either. What we’ve had has been perfect. But wining and dining clients is part of my job.” He gently lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I would love to have you on my arm. Please say yes.”



“Yes,” she groaned, rolling those pretty brown eyes of hers, a smile appearing on her lips before a yawn replaced it.

“Not only are you going to have fun, you’ll get to see me work my magic.” Hugging her tight, he whispered against her hair, “Let’s get you to bed.”

He started leading her toward his bedroom.

“But what about work?” she protested.

“I have more pressing things to take care of at the moment,” he replied, his hand sliding down to the curve of her ass.

He was going to show his woman how much he appreciated all her curves.






“London, you’ve been holding out,” Khalil Roads declared with a laugh.

London winked at her. “She’s a gem.”

Alana felt her face warm at the compliment. Dinner with the NBA star was going well. She didn’t know what to expect when meeting him, but finding out they shared a love for certain comic book movies was a plus.

“I just got London to start watching all the movies with me,” she announced proudly.

“In order of release or chronological order?” Khalil asked, glancing at London.

She laughed at the pained look on London’s face. He had been a good sport watching the movies with her. They had made their way to the first Thor movie, and he appeared to be enjoying them.

“We’ve been watching them in order of release.”

Alana was enjoying herself. Finishing off her glass of wine, a waiter arrived at her side with another. They were at a fancy restaurant located in downtown Cleveland, one she had never been brave enough to go to.

It was so expensive, they didn’t put prices on the menu.

“So tell me, Khalil. What are you looking for in an agent?” she inquired.

Did she really just ask him that?

It had to be the wine.

Khalil burst out laughing. She laughed as well, hoping she wasn’t too forward with him.

Khalil wagged a finger at her. “I really do like her.”

“Being curious by nature, I was just wondering. I’m a financial analyst, and in my line of work, I have to decide if my company would be taking risks on certain ventures.”

She was good at what she did, and she hoped to be up for a promotion soon. Her goal was to become lead analyst.

“Is that so?” Khalil’s smile faded as he looked between London and her. “What are things you would look for if you were in my shoes?”

“Being wined and dined doesn’t matter. You can afford to pay for this place yourself,” she began. Khalil had been a professional athlete for a few years now and had made a buttload of money. “What you should do is analyze the past results of the agency trying to recruit you. What are your long-term goals? Can they meet them? Does their drive meet yours?”

Khalil grew silent.

He stared at Alana so long, she grew nervous, wondering if she had just ruined London’s chances of signing him.

“You must do well at your job,” Khalil pointed out.

At London’s nod, she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she had gone too far.

“I believe I am,” she replied honestly.

“Look over the papers I prepared for you. I think you’ll be extremely happy with what my company and I can do for you,” London said. He reached over and took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

“I think I will.” Khalil’s gaze rested on London. Alana sat back and remained quiet. This was a pivotal moment. Was Khalil going to sign with London? “And you would be handling me?”

“Absolutely,” London replied smoothly.

The waiter, Tom, returned to their table and began clearing the dishes. “I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Anyone up for dessert?”

“Oh, I couldn’t,” Alana gushed, patting her belly. Khalil and London declined as well.

“Then I’ll be back around with the check.”

It had been fun watching London interact with Khalil and see him at work. At first, she’d had reservations about coming to dinner with them, but it turned out to be fine.

“The night is young. Why don’t we head out and have some fun?” Khalil suggested.

Tom returned with the check. London pulled out his wallet and slid his credit card into the black leather receipt folder without even looking at the total.

“Where do you have in mind? Alana deserves a night out,” London insisted, giving her a wink.

“Oh, um… sure. Whatever you guys want to do.”

She didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer on an important night for London. If Khalil signed with him, it would net London millions of dollars.

She bit back a sigh and stood from her chair, London immediately rising at her side. The waiter had returned, and London finished taking care of the check.

Khalil gave them a wide smile. “I have just the place in mind.”

They made their way out of the restaurant where a few people unashamedly stopped Khalil, requesting selfies and autographs.

Before long, they were in London’s luxury vehicle, driving through the city toward the Flats. Alana knew they were heading to one of the most popular clubs in the city.

London and Khalil were deep in conversation about what London could offer him. Apparently, Khalil had read the files that were sent over days ago.

London pulled up to the valet in front of a fancy nightclub.

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