Home > Totally Folked (Good Folk : Modern Folktales # 1)(50)

Totally Folked (Good Folk : Modern Folktales # 1)(50)
Author: Penny Reid

I’m sure my face betrayed my disbelief. “That sounds absolutely, batshit crazy.”

“Yes. I know. But people will buy it.”

“Then they’re batshit crazy. No one is going to buy that.”

“Maybe so. In any case, I’m going to stay in town and help sell the story until everyone buys it, or at least rents it.”

That had me coming to attention. “You are?”


My heart wanted to gallop, I reined it back. “How long?”

“I don’t honestly know.” She twisted her fingers in the fabric of her skirt. “At least until gossip about you and me and Charlotte dies down, and people lose interest. Why?”

I shuffled a step closer to her, compelled. “You can spare the time?”

“Actually, yes.”

“You don’t have a movie to film? An interview to give?” If she could spare the time, then why had she been planning to leave in the first place?


Why couldn’t we—

Why had she only asked for one more night together?

“No. I, uh, was going to film a movie this summer but—” She huffed, shaking her head, a flash of irritation or pain or something like both behind her eyes.

“What?” Unthinkingly, I reached out and encircled her forearm, a shock of awareness and heat traveling up mine at the contact. “What happened?”

“Remember my friend Lina?” She slid her arm through my fingers until our hands met, held. “From the wedding reception?”

“Lina Lestari? I know her. I mean—I don’t know her know her. But I’ve seen her movies.”

“She stole the role.”

I flinched. “No!”


“That’s reprehensible.”

“Right?” Her hand tightened around mine. “I—I trusted her, you know? I told her about it, how excited I was for the part. Then she did some maneuverings behind the scenes and got me ousted.”

“You deserve better friends than her.”

Her gaze flickered over me, one of her eyebrows lifting a scant inch.

“Wait. Not that you need me to say that.” Oh, damn. First I’d lectured her about Harrison, now her choice in friends? I rushed to try and fix my misstep. “I value you as a person and as a woman. I know my opinion isn’t one you need or want and what I say doesn’t—and shouldn’t—have any bearing on—”

“You’re wrong.”

“I know. I always get it wrong.” I shoved my fingers into my hair, frustrated with myself and my big mouth.

“I mean, you’re right, but you’re wrong.” She drifted closer. “I don’t need your opinion. But I do want it. I value it.”

“You do?”

“I do.”


She cocked her head to the side, her eyebrows pulling together. “I don’t know.”

I chuckled. “Good enough for me.”

She grinned, dazzling me while she adjusted our hands such that our fingers threaded together. “Thanks Jackson.”

“For what?” I had the overwhelming urge to touch her cheek, so I did.

She leaned into my touch, closing her eyes. “For accepting my help, I guess. For being you.”

I loved this, being connected to her, touching her, talking to her. “Thank you, Raquel.” The words slipped out of me, unpremeditated.

Her lashes fluttered open, her soft smile returning. “For what?”

“Oh.” My eyes dropped to her mouth, to the slight part of her lips. “Things.”

“Things?” Her voice low, she tilted her head back and pressed closer, an invitation.

I slid my thumb along her jaw to just under her chin, angling it up for my mouth. I was going to kiss her now, and I would think about the wisdom and repercussions of it later. Much, much later.

“Yes. Things,” I whispered, lowering my face, brushing my lips against hers. Hot. Soft. Sweet.

She shivered at the contact, letting go of my hand, her arms coming around my neck, the front of her body aligning delectably against mine. “What kind of things?”

“All good things,” I said, licking the—

“There you are! I’ve been—aaahhck!” Sienna Diaz’s yelp was like a bucket of ice water and a punch to the kidney.

Rae and I jumped apart, withdrawing from each other, and faced Sienna. And Jethro. And Cletus. And Jenn. And Charlotte. Everyone but Sienna and Cletus seemed to be wearing their unique version of a smirk.

“You two are not supposed to be kissing right now!” Sienna stomped forward and grabbed Rae’s hand, sending me a glare the whole time. She paused just in front of me, lifting a finger. “We are trying to help you. Please. For once, keep your hands to yourself.”

I nodded, hoping I looked contrite instead of massively disappointed. “Yes, ma’am.”

Her usually pretty eyes narrowed into dangerous-looking slits, and in the next second she was gone, dragging Rae behind her. “Come on, Charlotte. Let’s get started.”

I met Charlotte’s gaze. She still wore a smirk.


“Coming!” With one more cheeky glance at me, she quickly walked to catch up with Sienna.

“Seriously, Rae? Seriously? What kind of silver tongue does Jackson James have?” I heard Sienna ask.

Rae made a choking sound and then began to cough. Charlotte, meanwhile, laughed hysterically.

Jenn—Cletus’s wife—walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder, giving me a sympathetic smile and leaning in to say, “Cletus told me everything. Y’alls secret is safe with me.”

I fought a sigh, deciding to give her a closed-mouth smile and a tight nod. She was kind and trustworthy, but I was irritated that Cletus had told her.

“Ready?” Jethro drawled, drawing my attention to him.

His arms were crossed, and he looked intensely amused, though his smile was small. Somehow, the man had always been able to convey complete ease, confidence, and utter lack of concern in any and all situations by wielding only his small smile. Even while being arrested for grand theft auto. Several times.

“Why’re you doing this, Jethro?” I asked, needing to know. What would compel the oldest Winston brother to help me? The “punk” who’d mistreated his sister and arrested him countless times?

The older man shrugged, almost like he found my question boring. “Oh, you know. I reckoned that watching you squirm might be an entertaining way to spend an evening.”



Chapter 14






“I think it’s really unfair men or people in the world think you can’t be both – you can’t be a sex symbol and a serious businessperson. Who says I can’t be both?”

Eva Longoria



As far as I could tell, the evening appeared to be a smashing success.

“I need some water. Anyone else want something? Wine?” Sienna spun around her kitchen, her eyes on the cabinets, clearly hunting for something.

“No, thank you.” I shook my head, taking a seat at Sienna’s kitchen table and stretching my toes.

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