Home > Loyal Lawyer(48)

Loyal Lawyer(48)
Author: Jeannine Colette

He glances over to me, and I see the hurt in his eyes that he tries to hide. “Yeah. She did. I’m sure it will be fine.” He leans over to grab his phone from his back pocket. “Check it out. I took a ton of pictures.”

I curl up next to him with my head on his shoulder as he flips through probably a hundred pictures he took—no joke. Each one comes with a story about what was going on and how he felt at that exact moment.

I lift up and kiss his cheek.

“What was that for?” he asks.

“I’m just so happy for you. I love seeing how happy you are.”

He lets out a pleased sigh. “I really am. I had no idea I could love someone so instantly and so much. The second he came out, I wanted to scream and holler and jump for joy, all at one time. It was this rush that I’d never experienced before. Watching someone being born truly makes you feel alive. It’s still amazing to me that I made an actual human being. He’s a part of me.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “It’s mind-blowing, is what it is.”

I lean in even closer. “That’s exactly why I love you.”

He kisses the top of my head and then laughs a little. “It silly how all I can think about is what he’ll be like and all the fun things I can’t wait to do with him. Like throw a ball or take him to his first Phillies game.”

“Hold on there, Dad. He was just born.” I let out a laugh.

He turns suddenly to me, and I grin, not knowing why he jumped like that.

“What?” I ask.

“Dad.” He chuckles to himself. “I’m a dad. Holy cow.”

Elated emotion oozing off of him, and it’s contagious, making me smile too.

“What did your parents say?”

“They’re over the moon. I was so excited they were able to come to the hospital. And you were right. It was worth waiting to tell them the name until the day of. Seeing my dad’s eyes fill with tears like that was definitely a moment I won’t forget. They asked about you too. Said it was a shame you weren’t there to celebrate with us.”

I blow him off. “It’s okay. I’ll have plenty of time. How’s Lauren?”

“She’s a trooper. With him being so tiny, there weren’t any complications or tearing or anything. She still screamed like hell though.”

I playfully hit his arm. “Tiny or not, she pushed a human out of her vagina. Don’t forget that.”

“Never. I’ll never forget the gift she gave me.” He pauses and smiles from ear to ear. “That’s exactly what he is. He’s the gift that the world gave me. Something I hadn’t even known I was missing but, damn, I wanted so much.”

I lay against him as we both stare at the little boy who’s filling his phone screen, the one who made the love of my life a dad.



Chapter Twenty-Two



It’s been a whirlwind week, and I’m not even the one who had a baby. Just being there for Sebastian has been an absolute mixture of emotions. The hospital kept baby Oliver for an extra few days before he went home to Lauren’s house, so I have yet to actually meet him.

Sebastian took a paternity leave and has been at Lauren’s every waking moment. I love that he wants to be a part of these early days, so I’m sitting back while he’s spending these precious moments of the first days of life with his son.

Every night, he comes home, exhausted but full of pictures and stories of how the day went. Hearing him talk about his son is the sweetest, sexiest thing I’ve ever heard from a man. I love listening to his day. I just wish I could be a part of them as well.

While he’s living this dual life, I sit here, trying my hardest to be the supportive girlfriend in his current situation

I’m at my office, making a surprise gift for both him and Lauren because, honestly, I don’t know what else to do, and my orders are all set for the weekend. Of course, I stick to what I know and am in the process of making a huge chocolate bar that’s engraved with his name—Oliver Deveraux Blake. Deveraux is Lauren’s last name. Instead of hyphenating the baby’s last name, Lauren agreed to have his middle name be her last name, and Sebastian was thrilled. Doesn’t hurt that it sounds super regal.

Shawn is just about to head out after packaging the last of the supplies that came in today when he comes over to where I’m finishing off the mold.

“What are you working on?” He leans over the counter to see it better.

I shrug with a sigh. I know this should make me happy, but my emotions are all over the place today. “It’s a surprise for Sebastian.”

“Oh, is that the kid’s full name?” He comes closer to read it. “His middle name is Deveraux?”

“Yeah, it’s his mom’s maiden name.”

“No shit? I dated some crazy broad last year who had the same name. Man, she was a piece of work. Wait.” He grabs the mold and yanks it toward him, where he reads Oliver’s birth date, weight, and both Sebastian’s and Lauren’s name. “Sebastian’s ex is named Lauren?”

His eyes meet mine, and I can see his wheels turning as he waits for my answer.

“Yeah,” I say slowly, confused as to why he’s asking.

“Lauren Deveraux?”

I nod more in question than agreement.

“Are you positive it’s spelled that way?” he asks.

“Seriously? Yes, this is how you spell Lauren. Spelling it L-O-R-E-N is mainly used when the name is for a guy. Lauren is not a name you spell some crazy way.”

He purses his lips. “There is another way. Is she blonde, kind of pretentious, and has a great rack?”

I pause and turn to face him fully. “What are you saying, Shawn?”

“I’m saying, I think you should text Sebastian and ask him if she spells her name with a Y instead of an E. L-A-U-R-Y-N.”

With a huff, I take out my phone and scan my text messages to Sebastian, looking for a time we’ve chatted about her to see how she spells her name. Oddly, I don’t see it at all. We’ve definitely spoken about the woman numerous times, but turns out, she’s never been the fodder for our text conversations. I shoot a text to Sebastian, asking which is the proper spelling. He shoots back a message, and I groan in annoyance.

“Ugh. You’re right. It’s spelled with a Y. I have to remake the mold.” Sliding my phone into my pocket, I take the mold from Shawn’s hands and assess it. “Unless I just forgo the parents’ names. I got the baby’s name right.”

Shawn taps his finger to his lips, his brows deeply furrowed as he stares off in the distance.

“You okay over there?” I ask as I consider cutting the mold. I mean, if her name is spelled wrong, will she really be that upset? It’s an honest mistake.

“Lauryn Deveraux. She’s an advertising executive,” he says almost too himself.

I nod absentmindedly. “I guess so. She’s in corporate. Huh? I didn’t know the spelling of her name or what she does for a living. Does that make me shallow? I guess I should know about the woman who bore my boyfriend’s child.” My words are falling on deaf ears as Shawn is lost in thought. “Are you thinking you dated Sebastian’s son’s mom?”

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