Home > Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(10)

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(10)
Author: Erin Trejo

“To be honest, I think he should be fired,” she adds. Andre back hands her again.

“Deal with this shit,” I snarl in his direction. I turn on my heel and head for the door when she speaks again.

“Aren’t you even a little curious as to how I got onto your property to begin with. I mean, clearly there is a breach.” Her words have me stopping in my tracks. She’s right. One little girl like her shouldn’t have been able to even make it to the door, let alone inside. Slowly I turn just Andre throws a punch. Her head snaps to the side, her long dark hair flying over her shoulder.

“You’re right. Let us discuss that at a later time. Andre, call Hugo and have him set her up a room down here.”

“I can handle that, Boss.” My eyes move from him to her. The way she stares at me, like she’s known me forever, it’s unnerving.

“Clearly you can’t handle it.” The girl smirks before sucking her lips between her teeth trying not to laugh in his face. She’s an odd one, I’ll give her that much. Shaking my head, I start to leave once more.

“Oh, and Andre? Don’t lay another hand on her until I order you to do so.”



Chapter Eleven






“This is how you hold hostages?” I ask glancing around the room.

“There’s a bathroom in there. Sheets are clean. There are cameras all over the room, some are obvious, others are not. I wouldn’t try to leave the room, you won’t get far,” the man I’ve come to know as Hugo tells me.

“You’re just going to leave me in the luxury suite for the night?”

“Technically its day and yes. When Lorenzo wants you, he will send for you. Until then, this is your room.” This is insane. I don’t get it. The other places I’ve broken into have beat me, tried to rape me and starved me and now this guy is putting me up in a room that is nicer than any hotel I’ve ever slept in.

“Can I order room service?” I jokingly ask. Hugo turns to face me, his eyes so dark I can barely tell their color.

“If you are hungry, press that button. Someone will bring you something.”

“What the fuck? Are you kidding me?” I’m mad. I’m used to the pain. I’m used to being hit and tortured, not having things handed to me. What the hell is wrong with these men? Where are the badass mafia men that supposedly live here?

“If you don’t need anything else, I’ll be going. The door locks from the outside and there are numerous guards on the hall.” I snort out a laugh.

“Smart. Don’t tell me how many because if I decide to break out of here, I will kill them all.” My tone turns deadly as I watch Hugo. He watches me back, his eyes studying me and trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth. None of the men I saw coming in here were him. I would know that face and that voice anywhere. Sitting in this room isn’t going to find him either. I need to get out of here and roam freely.

“Give it your best shot,” Hugo chuckles before leaving the room. I hear the clicks as they lock up behind him and I smirk. They took my gun but didn’t find my phone. Too bad for them. Pulling it out, I open my app and check things out. He upped the security already. Smart move, Mr. Ricci.

Walking into the bathroom, I look for something I can use as weapon. Without my gun, I can’t shoot to kill. There is nothing. I pull out every drawer but I find nothing.

“Well shit. We’re going to have to do this the old fashioned way,” I mumble to myself. Stepping back into the bedroom, I note the cameras I can see. I wave at a few but they obviously aren’t watching them. They would have seen my phone and came back in here. Moving to the bedside table, I pull the lamp wire from the socket and snap the cord off. Doing the same with the other, I know I’m going to have to fight at least one of them if what Hugo said was true.

I walk to the door and try the handle, smiling at myself when it doesn’t move. I wouldn’t want to do this the easy way anyhow. Pulling my phone free, I hack into the security system once more. It takes me a second but I find the locks. Rolling my eyes at how easy it was, I unlock my own door. Digital locks. Not smart. No voices can be heard as I slide the phone back into my pocket. The one wire ready, the other in my front pocket, I slowly pull the door open. Peeking out, I see one man looking down, probably at his phone. I make my move. The man never sees me coming. I leap onto his back, securing the wire around his neck as I lean back and pull with all my strength. He flails around, slamming into the wall but I don’t let go. My body thumps and slams but eventually all the fight leaves him as his body falls to the ground. Before I had the chance to let go, I’m pinned under him.

“You big giant fucker,” I hiss as I shove his body off mine. When I can finally stand, I glance around not seeing another guard. Lies, Hugo. It was all lies.

I find the stairs easily since I paid attention when I was brought down here. Pulling the door open, I nearly scream when a gun is pressed to my forehead. Where the hell did he come from? Lorenzo stands there, his gun on me and a small smile on his face.

“That was interesting.”

“I didn’t think so. Hugo said there was more than one man,” I inform him.

“There were. After I saw you with your phone, I knew you were up to something.”

“And you let me kill one of your men?” I ask a little confused by that.

“He wasn’t useful to me anymore. You actually did me a favor,” he says keeping his eyes on mine. I start to take a step to the side but his gun follows me. Lorenzo tsks as I watch him.

“Well, I provided a service, maybe I should be paid,” I tell him licking my lips. How can a mafia boss look as good as him? His short dark hair is long enough to run my fingers through but that beard and those eyes, damn he’s good looking. None of the other assholes I’ve been in contact with were this hot.

“Paid? Maybe whomever hired you to break into my home will provide that payment.”

“No one made me. I did it on my own.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I step forward and press the cold metal to my flesh. I gasp at the contact while Lorenzo watches me intently.

“What is it you want?”

“I’m looking for someone.”

“Who would that be?” He asks, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I don’t know.” He chuckles and lowers his gun, slipping it into the back of his dress pants.

“You don’t know. You break into my home, fuck with my security, kill my man and you don’t know?” The way he roars the words sends a shiver through my body. I nod my head slowly debating killing him next but that wouldn’t be smart. He’s a boss and there’s no way I could get out from under that one alive. So instead, I give him the truth.

“Yes. Yes to all of that. I don’t have a name, I know a face and a voice.”

“And what exactly did this face and voice do to you?” He asks stepping closer to me. My heart beats faster as the stale liquor on his breath hits my skin.

“He took away my everything.”

“Not good enough. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you here and now,” he demands. His hand comes up faster than I can blink wrapping around my throat. I’m backed against the wall, pinned by him.

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