Home > Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(8)

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(8)
Author: Erin Trejo

Climbing into the car, I sit back in my seat and wait on the two of them to come to terms with my decision. Once they climb in, I smile at them both.


“Fuck you,” Switch grumbles. Anyone else and I would have shot him in the face but Switch is different and I know I have to handle him with a certain amount of care.

“What are we doing? Who are we looking at? There’s any number of people that know that building belongs to you, Enzo.” I nod my head at Hugo before blowing out a breath.

“Security didn’t find a break in.”

“Inside job?” Switch asks tilting his head to the side to look at me. His brows are furrowed as he waits for my answer.

“Seems to be.”

“How many people have key access?” He asks. Inquisitive. This is why I like him already.

“Any number of people. From security to the renovation specialists. They all have access to the building since they have work to do on them. Those three buildings that sit next to each other are all mine. They are going to be renovated and used for to house our lawyers and other businesses.”

“Thought your dad had buildings for that shit?” Hugo chuckles. Switch hasn’t been around long enough to know the in’s and out’s but it’s time now that he learns.

“As you know my father and I don’t see eye to eye. The reason Gaia was with your club in the first place. I’m going to kill him. It’s just taken longer for me to earn the trust of some of his partners,” I inform him. “We needed buildings of our own. I don’t trust those of my father’s.”

“These partners, are they gonna be a problem?” I shake my head and watch him.

“No. They are just a little pricier to buy off. I wanted to form an alliance with them but there are some that are demanding to be paid for their cooperation.” Switch nods his head when Hugo chimes in.

“I said kill them all.” Switch chuckles.

“I like that idea,” he adds.

“First thing you two agree on. The idea of killing them all has crossed my mind but at the same time that would take longer. We don’t have that much time on our hands. I want my father out as soon as possible.”

“Why? What did he do to you?” This again comes from Switch.

“There are so many things but trying to gain a relationship with the Albanian Mafia is the main issue I have.”

“Why?” I shift in my seat as Hugo looks my way. There isn’t an easy answer to his question.

“The Albanian Mafia is responsible for my mother’s death. They are largely involved in human trafficking. What they failed to realize when she was taken is that she was the wife of a Ricci. She was sold into their world to a sick son of bitch in Albania.” Switch nods his head and looks out the window. Not many know the real story behind my mother’s death but I do. I made sure to know so that when the time came and I crossed paths with the bastards, I knew whose head I would I be cutting off.



Chapter Nine






“His security is top notch,” I say excitedly as I look at the computer screen. Tino lounges on the bed next to me, watching my every move but having no idea what I’m doing.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at this. Every time that light blinks, that’s his guys trying to pin down our location,” I say with a grin. Tino tenses next to me as I laugh. “Scared now?”

“What if they find us?”

“You have such little faith in me. Every time they think the location is pinned, I ping pong the signal. They won’t find us,” I tell him with pride. I’m good at what I do. I have no doubts in my skills.

“If it’s that great how to do plan to get in?” I shift so that my back is against the headboard and prop my laptop on my lap.

“Easy. I’ll manipulate the system from my phone. I have the layout of the yard and from here,” I say pointing to the screen, “I can access the back doors.”

“Doors? As in more than one?”

“His house isn’t a normal house. It’s a freaking shelter. He has multiple ways in and out. I don’t know the layout of the house but I can almost guarantee that there are secrets in there as well.” I let my eyes travel over the screen, looking at every possible equation. If one goes wrong, I need a backup. If one door is blocked, I need to know where the others are. The land around the house is more than likely patrolled by his men but that doesn’t mean I can’t get through. If they think there is a breach, they will lock down the house which isn’t what I’m going for. That would make it near impossible for me to get inside. I need a distraction but not one that causes alarm.

“See right here? That’s where I need you to be. Once you’re done, you run. And you keep running until you’re back to the car and get the hell out of there,” I tell Tino. He nods his head as he studies the screen with me.

“You sure you can do this?” Turning my head, I glare at him.

“Are you kidding me right now?” Raising an eye brow, I wait for him to tell me I can’t do it. He knows me better than anyone else and when I set my mind to something, I do it. Tino reaches up and brushes a stray hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering on my cheek.

“If anyone can it’s you. I’m just worried about you is all.”

“Don’t be. I’ll be fine and if I’m not, you promised to take care of them, Tino.” He nods his head before shoving himself up, his lips coming to meet mine. The kiss feels off. I’m not sure what’s bothering me, the anxiousness of tomorrow maybe? Whatever it is, I can feel it and it’s causing this to all feel wrong. I pull my face back and stare at him for a minute. Tino must get it because he nods his head and falls back onto the bed.

“I’ll come for you,” he whispers causing me to crack a smile.

“You won’t.” I close the laptop and toss it on the end of the bed before laying next to him. His hand shifts closer, grabbing mine.

“I will. I will form a fucking army if I have to, Tessa.”

“Which is what you should be doing anyway,” I remind him.

“Not that easy. I mean it. If you’re not back on time, I will come for you.” When I look over, his eyes are on me. There’s heat and lust but there’s also love. No matter what happens to us in the future or if we find our soulmates, Tino and I share a connection that will never be broken. He’s my best friend.

“I know you will. Go to sleep.” Tino nods and closes his eyes but I don’t. I can’t sleep when I know I’m about to do something as big as this. Instead I wait until I hear his breathing even out then I slip out of bed. Grabbing my laptop, I slip out of the room and down the hall. There’s a small café right next to the hotel and that’s where I plan to spend my night.

Once I’m settled with a coffee, I open my laptop and get back to work. I have to plan each move precisely. I can’t risk being caught by one of his men. Not that I wouldn’t fight my way back out, I would but this job is a lot bigger than the others. This one is more important to me. I study the grounds, the layout, the trees that surround the back side of the property. I make mental notes of any points that may be weak spots that I can use to my advantage. Every little detail means something. The aerial view that I have of his property is perfect. The house sits in the middle, a short driveway in the front. There’s a large gate that keeps anyone out but those that belong. A keypad, another pad that scans the retina and a finger print pad are all at the front gate. From what I can gather you only need two of three to get in. I have none.

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