Home > Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(5)

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(5)
Author: Erin Trejo



Chapter Six






“I didn’t plan any of this, Enzo,” he says once more. I know he didn’t. It was her. It was all my sweet little sister. The girl that I thought was innocent or at least partially so.

“I know that. I just want you to be aware of the situation at hand. She wanted you here.”

“You didn’t?” Preacher asks cocking his head to the side.

“No. My plan didn’t go off the way I wanted it to. I still have threats as of now and having you around would only enlighten my father to the fact that there is more going on that he doesn’t know about,” I remind him. He nods his head seeming to understand.

“I love her, Enzo. I won’t say sorry for that but I do. I hate the way shit played out but I wouldn’t change it,” he says. I nod my head knowing that all too well.

“Where is he?” I hear Gaia screaming in the hallway. I take a deep breath as Preacher smiles.

“She sounds happy,” he adds.

“Well, I didn’t actually tell her that I spoke to Grave. She has no idea you are here and I assume she just spotted Switch in the hallway.” Preacher smirks and shakes his head, running his hand over his face.

“Look, Enzo. Before you let that little hellion in here, I just want to say thank you. I’ll do right by her. And anything you need while I’m here, you got it. Grave gave us specific instructions and we are to be of any use possible to you.” That right there is how I know these men are family. They would stand by me even when my own men wouldn’t. They would have my back with no questions asked if I said the word. We aren’t much different in the sense.

“Where the fuck is he?” I hear Gaia scream once more.

“I won’t tell you again to shut the fuck up before I put a bullet in your head.” That was Switch. My eyes find Preacher’s but he just chuckles.

“He’s charming.”

“He’s somethin’. Good guy that won’t take any shit. The past has him fucked up a little more than the rest of us. Doesn’t mean he ain’t good at what he does,” he adds. I nod my head knowing all too well that most of their pasts are haunted and dark.

“Do I need to keep an eye on that one?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“No but if you want a swift kill with no questions asked, he’s your guy.” Preacher smiles at me clearly proud of his brother. I can understand that feeling all too well. Shoving out of my chair when I hear the commotion in the hallway, I move toward the door. When I pull it open and see Switch with a gun pointed at Gaia’s head and her kicking the shit out of him, I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe.

“What is this?” I ask nodding toward the two of him.

“What the hell is he doing here? Don’t you know he kidnapped me?”

“Bet he didn’t know you tried to shoot me in the goddamn head either, did he?” Switch looks deadly as his gaze slips over Gaia.

“Why did you have a gun?” I ask looking to Gaia where she lies on the floor still.

“Oh, you know. It was just something to do.”

“Couldn’t have come up with somethin’ better?” Preacher’s voice booms behind me with authority and a little playfulness. Gaia’s eyes hold mine before she climbs off the floor. Tears begin to fill them before I step to the side. Preacher walks out of the office and Gaia nearly loses her footing. He’s there, scooping her into his arms and cradling her to his chest.

“You’re here. Oh my god, you’re here,” she cries into his chest. My sister, the hard headed little shit that I’ve always known her to be is falling apart in that man’s arms.

“I’m here, darlin’.”

“Well, now that we’ve had that little reunion, when are we leavin’?” Switch snaps. I smirk and rub my hand along my jaw as I take him in.

“Not for some time. Come, let’s talk, Switch.” He nods his head at me and walks past the two of them, shocking me when he lays his hand on Gaia’s shoulder and nods at her. I turn and head back into the office with Switch behind me.

“What is it we’re talkin’ about?” He’s short and to the point. I sit and motion for him to do the same but he doesn’t move. He holds steady, eyeing me with so much intensity I can see why Grave let him transfer.

“You came from Detroit, is that right?” He nods. “Do you like Chicago?”

“I like any place that has a bed to sleep in.” That answers that.

“I see potential in you. Grave sees it as well. I believe that’s why he sent you along with Preacher.”

“What are we doin’ here, Ricci?”

“Lorenzo or Enzo, please. What we’re doing is keeping my sister and Preacher out of sight. My father can’t know she’s alive just yet. That’s why I keep my people close to home.”

“Well, Ricci, are you sure your people are that compliant?” He cocks his head slightly to look at me. He’s gauging me and how I trust my people. I like him.

“I am very sure of that. They are to me what the club is to you.”

“What the hell does that have to do with me?” His tone never changes and that fact is eerie.

“A lot actually. Grave says you often go off on your own missions. My father will never suspect you working for me.”

“Who the fuck said I’d work for you?” I smile at him. He is as hardheaded as Grave said he was.

“It’s an offer of sorts. There are things I need handled that my men can’t get to. I was hoping that you would be interested.” I watch him intently while he nods his head.

“Fine. It’s better than sittin’ around here watchin’ those two fuck.” I may have been inclined to laugh if he weren’t talking about my sister. Instead, I nod my head and stand from my chair.

“I don’t think you will find your time here too unbearable.”

“You don’t know me,” he grumbles and follows me out into the hall. Preacher has Gaia pinned against the wall, kissing like two kids in high school.

“There’s a new rule. None of this when I’m present,” I add. They pull away from each other and Gaia rushes toward me. Her arms fly around my neck as she holds me close.

“Thank you, Enzo. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“Yes, I do. I want you happy Gaia. This isn’t permanent but it’s the best I can do for now.” She pulls back and kisses my cheek before moving back into Preacher’s waiting arms. It’s not easy for me to watch my little sister settle into someone the way she is with him. I’ve been here, holding her, wiping her tears and now another man is taking my place. It feels as if I’m losing my only sanity.

“Well isn’t this all cute and fuckin’ fluffy. Where’s the beer?” Switch asks looking over at me. I motion for him to follow me as we walk away from those two. I have no desire to see them in that state. Instead, I lead Switch through the halls and into the kitchen.

“Anything you want is in there or those cabinets. If you want something to eat just press that button on the wall and Marsha will come make whatever you prefer,” I tell him pointing things out.

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