Home > All In (Complicated Parts #3)(108)

All In (Complicated Parts #3)(108)
Author: Ashley Jade

“Well, aside from missing you, Becca hasn’t been around much. And I don’t just mean her usual coming home at two a.m. routine. She’s leaving for days at a time now.”


“I’m sorry, Preston, but I’m gonna need to call CPS soon. Becca might not be abusing him, but she’s definitely neglecting him. And while I love babysitting Jameson, I can’t afford to take any more days off from school. I care about him, but I’m not his mother. I deserve to have a life, too.”

She’s right. Unlike me, who wants the responsibility of taking on Jameson full time, Charlotte didn’t ask for this. What she once assumed was going to be a simple weekend job babysitting a neighbor’s kid has turned into something that’s taking over her life.

Which makes what I’m about to ask her next even more fucked up.

“I understand. But I need you to hang in there for a little longer.”

Once CPS gets involved, it’s out of my hands. I can’t let that happen.

At least with Charlotte I know Jameson is being well taken care of.

“Why? Where have you been? I’ve tried calling you a few times, but you haven’t picked up.”

All valid questions. However, I don’t want to go into specifics because I don’t think telling her I’m currently in rehab will convey that I have shit under control. If anything, it will only push her to call CPS that much more.

“I’ve taken on a new job as my brother’s agent, so I’ve been really busy. I’m sorry I haven’t touched base, but I can Venmo you some money.” Because fuck knows Becca’s not paying her enough. If she even is anymore. “I just need you to stick it out a little longer.”

“For how long?”

I’m halfway through the program, so I’ll need at least another month and a half.

“Two months.”

“Two months?” she shrieks. “I can’t deal with this for another two months.”

“I know.” A throbbing headache is starting to form between my eyes. “But I’m begging you.”

“What happens after two months?”

Good question. Aside from kidnapping him—something I’ve seriously considered given Becca probably wouldn’t even notice—I’m at a loss.

“I’m working out a plan.”

Am I telling her the truth? No.

I’m just hoping to buy myself extra time so I can come up with something.

“Anyway,” I say before she can question me about this nonexistent plan. “Text me your Venmo info. I’ll send you money in a little bit.”

I can tell she wants to argue, but I also know how much she cares about Jameson. She doesn’t want to have to call CPS if she can help it.


“Thanks, Charlotte. I owe you. Give Jameson a big hug for me.”

By the time we hang up, my headache has turned into a full-blown migraine.

I open the medicine cabinet so I can take an aspirin…but another bottle snags my attention.

I recognize them because they’re the same prenatal vitamins Becca used to take.

I scan my brain, trying to come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation for these pills.

Maybe Breslin’s pregnant. She does have double the odds.

However, when I turn the bottle around…it isn’t Breslin’s name I see.

It’s Kit’s.

Blowing out a heavy breath, I brace myself against the sink.

I believed Kit when she told me it was a false alarm…because she’s never lied to me about anything serious before.

Until now.

Question is why the fuck did she lie to begin with?

I know she’s not cheating on me—and if she was, it would be with a woman—so the baby’s definitely mine.

Motherfucker. I knew something was going on with her.

White-hot panic impales me. I’m torn between wanting to run out of here as fast as I can so I can head to the nearest casino and wanting to wake her up so she can give me the answer to this burning question.

I’m fucking pissed that she lied.

I was being dead serious when I told her I didn’t want children. Not only because of my own fucked-up childhood, but I’ve all but lost one already.

I can’t go through that kind of pain again.

And if something ever happened…during labor…during anything.

I’ve got nothing left in me that would prepare me to endure that kind of loss again. I’m completely tapped out.

But then I think about Kit being the mother of my child—not a vindictive woman who would use our baby as a bargaining chip—and it feels different.

Still scary as fuck…but it doesn’t feel wrong.

The opposite actually. It feels right.

Like something clicking and falling into place.

Even though I’m fucking terrified I’m going to be the world’s worst father—especially with how I fucked everything with Jameson up—I also know this kid has one hell of a safety net.

Because Kit will be the best mother.

I just need her to tell me why she lied.

Then I can assure her that we’re in this together.

For better or worse.

Till death do us part.



Chapter 71






I’ve just finished taking off my dress when Preston walks out of the bathroom.

I’m grateful my back is to him as I quickly tug on a pair of leggings and a baggy T-shirt.

I know I need to tell him the truth.

And as much as I’d like to prolong it to avoid potential heartbreak…I can’t.

Not only am I not getting any smaller, I hate lying to him.

I just have to brace myself for the worst.

When I turn around, I find him staring at me…his expression unreadable.

“How did you manage to get out for the funeral?”

His eyes don’t leave mine when he speaks. “Brad convinced the team to give me a day pass.”

Bet he doesn’t think he’s such a douchebag now.

“How much longer do you hav—”

Words jam in my throat when he pulls my prenatal vitamins out of his pocket.

“Why do you have these?”

Oh, God. I can practically taste his anger.

“Why were you snooping around the medicine cabinet?”

Granted he lives here…but still.

“Answer the question, Kit.”

I can’t.

Not because he doesn’t deserve to know, but because I can’t handle him screaming that he doesn’t want our baby again.

Ignoring him, I grab my purse off the dresser.

Then I take out my checkbook and a pen.

I met with Barry yesterday and aside from Reggie making out with a cool million, my Nanna left all the money to me like she said she would. He’ll be officially processing everything tomorrow.

I quickly make out a check for the two million I promised Preston and sign my name.

This baby doesn’t have to be his. I can do it on my own.

It will hurt like hell because I will never love another person the way I love Preston. Not even close.

And God knows I will miss him every single day of my life.

But at least I’ll get to keep some part of him.

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