Home > The Girl Who Always Wins (Soulless Book 13)(3)

The Girl Who Always Wins (Soulless Book 13)(3)
Author: Victoria Quinn

“That was Bobby. He works with me at the lab.”


He laughed then handed the glass to me. “You need this.”

I pushed it away. “Poison.”

“Baby, come on.” He held out the drink to me again.

I whined like a child. “I don’t wanna…”

He grinned as he watched me, both annoyed and amused.

“Fine.” I took it and downed it. “Can I have my drink now?”

“Okay, it’s time to go.” He paid the tab and circled his arm around my waist to walk me out.

“Are we going to the alleyway?”

“Sure.” He waved goodbye to his guys as he walked me out of the club.

“Good. Because I want all of you.” I clung to him, rubbing my body into his, being sexy and seductive. “Right now.”

“Thank you.” He got me outside and to the street before he waved down a cab.

I looked over his shoulder. “Look, there’s a dumpster right there…”

“Yes, let’s hook up behind a stinky dumpster next to a homeless guy taking a piss.”

“Yeah!” I raised my arms in the air and started dancing.

The cab pulled up, and he opened the back door before he guided me inside, like a cop pushing down the head of a suspect as he got him into the back of the squad car.

I fell back, my head resting on the seat, my eyes suddenly heavy.

He got into the other seat, and the cab drove away.

I scooted over to the center and laid my head on his shoulder, my arm hooking around his waist. I moved in and started kissing his neck, my hand rubbing down to his crotch. My dress rose up until my ass popped up.

“Baby.” He yanked it down then looked at me. “Let’s wait until we get home, alright?”

I pouted my lips in sadness. “You don’t want me?”

He chuckled then looked straight ahead. “No, that’s not the problem.” His hand guided my head to his shoulder, and he rubbed my back.

Putting me to sleep.



I woke up when I felt my body hit sheets.

My eyes opened, and I saw him grab one leg and take off the heel. He did the same to the other. The artwork on the wall told me we were at his place, in his bedroom, and that was why the sheets felt so comfortable.

I watched him with heavy-lidded eyes as he took care of me.

He got to his feet and pulled his shirt over his head before he turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

“I love you…”

He stilled at my words before he leaned over me again. “I love you too…even though you’re fucking crazy.”

“No, I really love you.” I reached for him and pulled him on top of me, my legs circling his waist, my dress pushing up to my hips. My hand cupped his face with weightlessness. As if I were drifting on a cloud, everything was airy, like I could fly right now. “Like marry you and have babies with you kind of love you.”

“I know—”

“No, you don’t.” I gave him a gentle slap to the face. “I thought I loved Mason, but when I saw him at the poker match, I felt nothing. I just wanted him to go away so I could text you back.”

His eyes softened as they looked at me, his muscled body hard as he held himself over me.

“And you’re so hot, too…”

He cracked a smile.

My hands went to his jeans to get them off. “Make love to me.”


“Come on.” I yanked his bottoms off so his dick could appear. “I just said I fucking love you.”

“I know.”

“Then what does a girl have to do to get in your pants?”

“Be sober.”

I released a growl. “Come on, it’s not like you just picked me up at the bar. I’m your baby, aren’t I?”


I slid my panties to my knees then pulled him into me. “Then prove it.”

He couldn’t resist anymore and slid inside me, his thickness stretching me just the way I wanted.

“Yes…” I clawed at his back and pulled him into me. “Just like that.”



My eyes opened to the sunlight coming through the window. “God…what happened last night?” My hand reached out for his warm body beside me, but it wasn’t there. I continued to feel around, searching for an arm or his chest.


I sat up in bed, seeing myself in the dress I’d worn last night, my panties on the floor. The nightstand had a couple pills and my phone. “Oh, thank god.” I grabbed the pills and washed them down with the glass of water sitting there.

Atlas appeared in the doorway, in his sweatpants with slightly damp hair, as if he’d just gotten out of the shower. “Feel like shit?”

I fell back onto the bed and pulled the sheets up before I gave a groan. “Why the fuck is it so bright in here?”

He chuckled then closed the curtains, bringing the room back into darkness.

“How are you fine?”

“Because I drink water in between drinks. Unlike you.” He sat on the edge of the bed beside me, his hand rubbing my shoulder.

“I feel like a train wreck. I don’t want to do anything except lie here.”

“You want some breakfast?”

My eyes flicked back to him.

He smiled.

“What’s on the menu?”

“Pancakes, bacon—”


“Alright. I’ll be back in a few.” He got to his feet and looked down at me. “Need anything?”

“Just you.”

“Well, you can have me afterward.”


Almost an hour later, he opened the door and woke me up. “It’s ready, baby.”

My eyes opened, and I instantly recognized the smell. “Ooh, that smells good.” I got out of bed, wobbled for a bit, and then yanked off my dress before I helped myself to a shirt from his drawer.

He didn’t seem to mind.

I went to the bathroom first—and that was when I saw my face.

“Oh shit. I look like a hag.”

He laughed from the main room. “You look fine.”

“This is not fine.” I used his face wash to get off the terrible makeup and helped myself to his comb to brush out the tangles before I went to the dining room. The food was set up on the table, pancakes, sourdough toast, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, the whole nine yards. I fell into the chair across from him and helped myself to a sip of coffee. “This looks bomb.”

He sat across from me and ate, elbows off the table, watching me as he chewed.

“So…could you refresh my memory about last night? Do anything crazy?”

He chuckled then sliced his fork into his pancake. “A couple things.”

“Uh oh…”

“I was talking to a male colleague, and you basically told him off because you thought he was hitting on me…and that he was a woman. Then you refused to drink water when I cut you off, and when the bar refused to serve you after two, you threatened to call the president of the United States and get it shut down, and then you tried to convince me to do it behind a dumpster next to a homeless guy peeing on the wall.”

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