Home > The Burning Roses (Thornes & Roses #0.5)(6)

The Burning Roses (Thornes & Roses #0.5)(6)
Author: Dani Rene

My mind focuses on what we’re doing tonight. I can’t wait to see the fear in those pretty eyes when we get Mali all alone. I take after Creed more than he can stand. I know my brother is wary of me at times, and I don’t blame him. But there are things in my past that have made me the way I am.

When I came to Thorne Haven, I was a broken kid. I didn’t know how to be around good people. Even now, I struggle when it comes to normal interactions. Perhaps my real folks broke me so bad, I’ll never heal from it.

The nightmares have stopped, but the lingering images that flit through my mind are still there—the scenes I witnessed when I was far too young to know about them. I swing my leg over my bike and start the engine. The roar of the beast between my legs settles my anxiety, and I pull out of the garage before snaking down the long driveway.

Thorne manor isn’t far, and in the dim light of the silver moon, I can see the turrets which peek through the trees. This is a ghost town, not because there aren’t any people living here, but because there are so many secrets hidden amongst the trees, and within the walls of both our homes, they haunt us daily.

I want to dive into the history of the town. I crave to learn just what went on here in the past, but Dad doesn’t want us digging up old wives’ tales. That’s what he said anyway.

When he found me in the library going through the enormous tomes, he told me to focus on school. And since then, he’s moved all the volumes to his office. But what he doesn’t know is I’ll find out what he’s hiding and when I do, I’ll bring it all to light.

It’s not long when I’m pulling up to the front door of the Thorne home and killing the engine. I kick out the bike stand and saunter into the house to find the guys on the patio.

Guests mill around the garden, drinks in hand, all of them our age. Students from the local college, and seniors from the high school, are all mingling with each other. The music is so loud, it thumps through me, gifting me a quick reminder about a time long ago when I hated loud noises.

Shaking my head free of the memory, I head toward Damien and Cass, who are leaning against the far wall, watching Creed chat up Mali. She’s a gorgeous girl, not my type, but she certainly does make my dick throb knowing that soon, she’ll be squealing both in fear and pleasure.

When Creed chose her, I was surprised. He’s always been a redhead man. He loves the fiery girls who challenge him, whereas Mali is more of a gentle soul. I reach my friends.

“Guys,” I greet, shaking their hands. “I see Creed is already diving nose deep in there.” They chuckle when I gesture with my chin toward the two of them.

“He’s been by her side all night,” Cass remarks. “I wonder if she knows who the rose came from.”

Shaking my head, I reply, “He wouldn’t have told her. It’s not as fun when they know who’s chasing them.” Two sets of eyes land on me, and I realize I’ve just said something that shouldn’t be normal. To me, it is, but to them, I sound like a fucking creeper, I’m sure. But they’ve both known me long enough to realize I say shit like this all the time.

“I have to agree,” Damien says, surprising me. He’s always been more aloof than the other two Thorne brothers. I always thought it was because he was older than me. His friendship with Creed is stronger than with the rest of us.

“The thrill is in the unknown,” I say as Finn saunters over with a beer in each hand. He gives me one before slapping my shoulder in greeting. “Finn, are you looking forward to tonight?”

“I’m always ready for some fun,” he informs us, his brows waggling playfully. As the youngest brother, he’s more focused on girls and parties than school. But even so, he aces every exam we write.

I look at him, a smile on my lips. “Do you have anyone in mind for when it’s your turn?”

“Gen’s sister,” he says with a wink. I didn’t realize he was into her. Genevieve is the only girl who ever hangs out with us. Although, I’m almost certain she’s fucked both Damien and Finn. Cassian has never shown any interest in her, but then again, you can’t judge people from the glimpses you get of them.

“She’s hot,” I agree while thinking of the blonde. I always found it strange that Gen was a redhead while her sister had hair made of sunshine. “But I’m ready to see if Gen would be up for this game.”

“You’re taking on the fiery one?” This query comes from Cass; shock painted on his expression. “I didn’t take you for someone who wants older women.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Not always, but she’s definitely someone I’d love to see break. She’s too cold, even though she spits her anger.” They all nod, agreeing because I’m right. She may show off her hard side, but I know there’s a soft, submissive side underneath that. She’s built up these walls around her; it's going to take a strong man to break them down. “Also, it would be so much more pleasurable to see her submit.”

“No doubt about that,” Finn says, “But even in the bedroom, she’s tough as nails, man.” His words only confirm what I already knew, that Finn and Gen have been together.

“Maybe with you,” I challenge with a laugh. “Maybe she needs a real man.” My taunt earns me a punch to the shoulder as we chuckle.

“Fuck you,” Finn retorts playfully. “Those who are all talk have the smallest dicks,” he throws back with another shove.

“Oh yeah? Care to wager on that?” I grab my junk, causing the rest of the guys to guffaw at our display.

“Okay, kids,” Damien says, his voice aloof and cool. “Enough dick swinging. It’s almost time.” He moves toward Creed, leaving us to watch as he whispers in my brother’s ear. They nod, and Creed says his farewell to Mali.

When they rejoin us, there’s a sadistic grin on Creed’s face. “Time to go,” he says, just as Keirin joins us from the other side of the garden. I didn’t even notice our youngest brother there. The six of us look like a pack of fucking wolves.

All in black.

Ready to devour the prey.

Creed’s voice is confident, husky, and excited. “Let’s do this.”









We split up when we reach the woods, each taking our places behind the thick trunks as we wait for our girl to arrive. I say our girl, but she’s mine. But I’m not averse to sharing if it comes to that. I’ve always been open about sex, rather than limiting what I enjoy.

I’ll try anything at least once.

The sound of tires on the ground announces the arrival of Mali. The car door slams shut, and she calls out, “Hello?” Her voice is soft, already filled with apprehension. Earlier, when I was talking to her, I asked if she’d be up for some fun tonight, and when she said she had a date, I had to suppress my smile.

A lie brought her here.

She didn’t know I was the one who sent the rose, and I didn’t tell her. But soon, she’ll learn exactly who’s hiding amongst the trees for her. I wait until she’s deeper into the shadows before I throw a stone toward the entrance of the woods.

She screams, and my dick throbs. One of the other guys does the same, which sends our girl on her way as she races toward the lake, which sits in the center of the trees. And that’s when we make our move.

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