Home > True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(49)

True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(49)
Author: Jennifer Ryan

“It’s in your favor that despite the fact you don’t have to pay child support because you have equal time with Emmy that you pay for Steph’s apartment. It shows you’re generous, and that even if the judge didn’t give you full custody, but majority days of the week, you would be willing to forgo any child support from Steph, which could be a hardship for her, especially if you stopped her rent payments because Emmy lives with you.”

“While I’d love to cut her off, I won’t stop the rent payments until a judge decides the case because I don’t want to look vindictive.”

“Steph is already playing that card. She claims you want to keep Emmy so you and your new girlfriend—congrats by the way. I hear she’s a great person and really nice and Emmy loves her, which pisses Steph off. Anyway, Steph thinks you’ll get married and take Emmy and she’ll be cut out of the picture, you’ll poison Emmy against her, and she’ll never see her daughter again.”

“While things with Trinity are headed in that direction, I hope, it doesn’t mean we want to cut Steph out. I just want to limit the time she has Emmy alone. At least until Emmy is older and can better care for herself and speak up when she’s not being treated well and get help if she needs it.”

“I’ve seen this a lot, Jon. All I can say is, you need to accept that this is the best Steph can do. She isn’t capable of more. It’s been four years and things have been steadily declining to this point. Some people are great with babies but just don’t have the patience or heart to deal with toddlers and preschoolers. They don’t understand that kids have a mind of their own. Steph is frustrated that raising Emmy is hard work.”

“Then why won’t she let me carry the bigger share of the load?”

“For better or worse, she’s Emmy’s mom, and she doesn’t want to give up her child.”

“So we fight.” He’d do anything for his little girl, including going through this arduous process. And hey, it could be worse. “I am so glad I never married her.”

“If you’re really thinking about marrying Trinity, I’ll send you a prenup.”

Jon didn’t want to think about how that would go down with Trinity. She was already on edge about him coming to her with a business proposal that he hadn’t even explained yet. But the prenup would protect Trinity’s interests, too.

“Fine. What do you suggest I do about Steph?”

“Until a judge rules on the new custody request, stick to the agreement in place, document everything, and hold Steph accountable. If we don’t get full custody, I’ll make our second offer. You take Emmy Monday through Friday. Steph gets Emmy nine to six Saturday and Sunday. No sleepovers, unless you agree to them. You’ll alternate holidays per your original agreement.”

“Even that would be better for Emmy than what we have in place now.”

Elijah agreed with a nod. “I know you don’t want to hear this or for anything else to happen to Emmy, but if it does, it’s more ammunition for us to take to the judge. Neglect and abuse are usually a pattern of behavior. Be vigilant. Keep up your video calls with Emmy after school. Check in on her as often as you can. Don’t let there be an opportunity for Steph to do any harm. Take Emmy every time Steph calls unable to care for or deal with her. Document that. It will show that shorter visitations would be beneficial to her and Emmy.”

He hated that this process took so long. He just wanted Emmy here with him.

“Okay. We wait for the court date. Until then DPHHS will check in with her in two weeks. It seems so far away. And you’ll be here to present the case with the attorney you’re coordinating with here in Montana?”

Elijah nodded. “I’ve handed over all we’ve done here in California. I’ll fly in and attend the hearing as cocounsel.”

He had to pay two attorneys, but it was the safer bet to be sure nothing fell through the cracks.

Elijah knew him and Steph. It would take too long for a new attorney to get acquainted with everything they’d been through in such detail.

Steph would be at a disadvantage there.

“Don’t be discouraged, Jon.” Elijah always seemed confident. “If Steph continues like this, and it looks like she will, you’ll get what you want.”

“I just don’t want things to get worse before that happens.”

“We are doing all we can right now.”

Jon hung up with a heavy heart. Only one person could make him feel better after that exhausting and frustrating call. He picked up his cell and tapped the screen to play the voice mail Trinity left him.

She said few words, but they packed a punch. She sounded unsure and hesitant about reaching out to him when he wanted her to know and feel like she could always count on him. He’d gone about approaching her with his business proposal all wrong. He should have been up front with her about his thoughts and ideas.

Instead, he’d kept them to himself because he wanted to have it all mapped out so she could see what he had in mind and how it would make all her long-term goals for Almost Homemade possible.

He called her back, eager to hear her voice and set this right, but he got her voice mail. Knowing she had a full and busy day didn’t help ease his mind or the disappointment that he didn’t get to talk to her. “Hey, sweetheart. Sorry I missed your call. I was on a video conference with my attorney. About Steph. And Emmy. Let’s just say, it didn’t go the way I wanted. You and I definitely need to talk. I’m sorry I’ve left you feeling like . . . I don’t know what you’re feeling to tell you the truth, but I know it’s come between us and that’s the last thing I want to happen. You’re more important to me than anything, so let’s clear the air and get back to being happy together. I missed you so much last night.”

More than he could possibly say. Enough that it kept him up and made him think about their future and what needed to happen so they could be together all the time.

He thought moving here meant his life would be simpler. When he was with Trinity, it felt that way. Somehow, some way he was going to get everything on track. He didn’t like that Emmy, Trinity, and he were all off in some way. They’d shared so many good times and days together. He wanted more of that.

He wanted more of everything with them.



Chapter Twenty-One


Trinity checked the time on the voice mail Jon had left yesterday. She winced, feeling like shit for not calling him back last night. But last night had been crazy—they’d had an unexpected dinner rush, and she’d stayed to clean up. She had finally made it up to her apartment only to crash on her couch while she waited for dinner to warm in the microwave.

It was still in there in the morning when her alarm went off and she found herself fully clothed, shoes on, still sleeping on the sofa.

In a hurry to open the shop, she’d quickly showered, put on new clothes, and hauled ass downstairs to meet the morning crew to open the store. The early-morning bakers had done their jobs and were headed out when she came down.

The store was humming with activity. Adria was in the office doing paperwork. She promised she’d stay only for an hour, then go home and rest like she was supposed to do.

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