Home > True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(51)

True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(51)
Author: Jennifer Ryan

“That’s for sure. Everything I ever wanted, I found in you.”

“Oh Jon, I feel that way, too.”

“I try not to regret my time with Steph because it gave me Emmy, but it’s damn hard.”

“She’s the best of what you two had. Totally worth it, if you ask me.” Though she wondered how long Jon and Emmy could endure Steph’s bad behavior before things came to a head and ended in an all-out fight.

“I just wish Steph and I could have a nice, normal friendship, so we could parent Emmy together instead of always being at odds.”

“Stop trying to get her to change and expecting her to be someone she’s not. Find her strengths, work with those, and compensate for her weaknesses. Emmy will be better off for it.”

“I love that you’re always thinking of Emmy and what’s best for her. I wish I could put you first all the time, the way you put her first.”

“Jon, I understand that she needs you to make her your priority. That’s how it should be. She’s lucky to have a wonderful dad like you.”

“Emmy and I are lucky to have you.”

Her heart overflowed with . . . love. She loved him. Admitting it to herself, knowing it absolutely solidified all those dreams she couldn’t wait to make a reality. With him.

She didn’t want to think about him moving back to California. Or what she’d do if faced with the decision to stay or go with them.

She hoped it didn’t come to that. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Not soon enough, but I’ll take it.”

“And Jon . . .”


“Everything is going to be all right.” If they loved each other, they could work anything out. It sounded easy, but she knew it would be very hard if they were faced with a possible separation.

She hoped Steph turned things around and stayed here in Montana where she could support Emmy on her own, live a good life, and be someone new if that’s what she truly wanted.

“As long as you and I stick together, I know that’s true.”

They said their goodbyes, and she hung up feeling a lot better and lighter for talking to him, but also worried about what came next. She couldn’t wait to see him tonight. Emmy would be with her mom; they’d have dinner and time to talk, then they could reconnect in a whole other way when they were in each other’s arms. They had the whole night to explore the love growing and strengthening between them.

She made a mental list of what she’d like to take with her. Something sexy, and naughty, to wear for him. The strappy black lace thong and bra set she ordered online that arrived the other day made the top of her list. She had some extra bathroom essentials she could leave at his place.

Their place?

That sounded good to her. But how long would that be if Steph wanted to move back to California?

One step at a time, the cautious part of her warned.

If she wanted to spend the night with him, and turn that into every night, she needed to get back to work so she could leave early and they could continue their conversation. But first, she went to the refrigerated cabinet, took out two salads, and brought them upstairs to her place. Later, she’d pack her bag, grab the salads, and head to his place where they’d talk about the future she hoped they had together.

Yep, that felt right. It felt perfect.

And a little scary, because with Steph involved, nothing felt certain.



Chapter Twenty-Two


Jon made his way through the grocery store aisles, picking up the steaks, potatoes, and other groceries he needed at the house. He couldn’t wait to see Trinity tonight. They needed the alone time to reconnect.

He hated dropping the bomb on her that if things went south with Steph he might have to move back to California. He didn’t want to. In fact, raising Emmy on the ranch, running cattle, being with Trinity, and helping her with Almost Homemade sounded like a damn good life to him.

If only Steph would . . .

He let that thought go. There were too many things he hoped Steph would do.

He picked up a couple bottles of wine and a case of beer and headed for the checkout, grateful he managed to do all his shopping without running into Steph. He hoped she was holed up in the back office and he could get out of here without a confrontation.

But Steph didn’t stop him before he checked out; the store owner, his buddy Henry, did.

“Jon. I was hoping I’d see you soon.” Henry glanced around like he was looking for someone.

Jon had a feeling they were both avoiding the same woman. “It’s good to see you. How’s business?”

“We’re the only store in town, so great.”

“What’s your take on Almost Homemade?”

“I like their concept. It’s something I’ve wanted to add to the store here so shoppers can pick up quick and easy ready-made meals. We have some in the deli, but nothing like what they’ve done.”

“Ever thought about partnering with them?” It was part of the proposal he’d put together for Trinity and Adria. No harm in laying the groundwork now. Even if Trinity didn’t go along with his plan, he could connect her with Henry and they could work something out.

“Yes. In fact, it’s part of why I wanted to hire a new manager here.” Henry inherited the family business, but he didn’t want to run the stores on a daily basis. He loved being a veterinarian, not a businessman, which was why he’d approached Jon to buy him out.

Henry’s eyes filled with frustration. “Part of the directive I gave Stephanie is to connect with Almost Homemade and follow up on the proposal they delivered to us.” He tapped Jon on the shoulder. “I’m still waiting to hear from you about buying this place.” Henry held up his hand. “I know. You’re still settling in. You’ve got plans to be a rancher. You could manage this place with your eyes closed. But I can’t keep up with my day job and the stores. Which leads me to why I stopped you. Stephanie, well, it’s been challenging working with her.”

Great. This was the last thing he needed. “How so?”

Steph was more than qualified to do the job. She’d managed a small clothing store before the move. She knew how to schedule shifts, direct her employees, and find solutions to problems. Mostly she knew how to delegate so she did as little of the actual work as possible but still looked good because tasks got done.

Henry’s eyes filled with concern. “She’s late more often than not, which sets a bad example for our employees. While she does her work, she’s not very conscientious about it. It’s sloppy and lacks attention to detail.”

Just like keeping her apartment clean.

“It’s like she doesn’t care.”

Jon thought that about her all the time. And in relation to Emmy, it made him sad.

“I see it. The employees feel it. I’m not sure she’s the right fit.”

“Listen, Henry, I appreciate that you gave her the job to begin with, but I don’t expect you to . . . give her special treatment. It’s up to her to earn and keep the job.”

And if she lost it, that might be another reason for her to move back to California, complicating his life even more, and possibly making him lose Trinity. The thought broke his heart and made it hard to breathe.

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