Home > True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(50)

True Love Cowboy (McGrath #3)(50)
Author: Jennifer Ryan

With the store shelves, refrigerated cabinets, and hot counter all stocked and ready for the lunch crowd, she took a seat at one of the tables by the front windows and listened to Jon’s message, hoping he wasn’t upset with her for not calling him back yesterday. He probably thought she was ignoring him. That’s the last thing she wanted him to think. Then again, she’d been very busy yesterday, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have taken the time to call and check in with him like she did most days.

She didn’t like this odd state they were in and wanted to find a way to get back to where they were when everything was so good between them.

She’d never had a relationship like they shared, and she didn’t want to lose it over something they hadn’t even taken the time to discuss.

She could only imagine the drama, uncertainty, and strife he faced now that the Department of Public Health and Human Services had gotten involved with Emmy. Poor Jon. He wanted to do right by his daughter. And Emmy had to be feeling uncertain and confused by all of it.

She tapped the screen for her voice mail. Jon’s deep voice settled her. His message was sweet, his voice filled with longing to be speaking to her instead of leaving her a message.

She really appreciated that and so much more about him.

And she hated that she hadn’t even bothered to check her phone last night. She should have and called him back if only to say she’d missed him yesterday, was too tired to talk, but she’d connect with him today.

She called him now, ready to make apologies and set things right between them.

“Trinity.” He didn’t say hello, just her name filled with relief. “I’m sorry. For whatever it is you’re thinking or feeling about the other day. Really. I’m so sorry. I just want us to get back to where we were.”

All the anxiety in her heart evaporated. “Jon, I’m the one who’s sorry. I worked like a demon yesterday and didn’t see your message until this morning. I passed out last night without even looking at my phone.”

“I miss you. I miss us.”

Her heart melted. “I do, too. I don’t even know what it is that’s come between us. You had something you wanted to say to me and I don’t even know what it is, so why am I holding back?”

“You don’t have to. Nothing about the business proposal is worth losing you and what we have together.”

“You’re not losing me. It’s been a long couple days with work and the thing with Emmy and Steph and I don’t know . . . I’m tired, I guess, but my wanting to be with you hasn’t changed.”

“Then say you’ll come out to the ranch tonight so we can talk in person and put things back to the way we both want them to be.”

She should stay until the shop closed, but she didn’t want this thing with Jon to continue any longer. “I can probably get out of here by five.” If she tried to leave any later, she’d inevitably get caught up in the dinner rush and not escape until closing.

“How about I barbecue steaks? I’ll make some baked potatoes and a salad or something and we’ll have dinner together and talk.”

“You do the steaks and potatoes. I’ll bring the salads.” She could grab a few out of the refrigerator case and hold them in hers upstairs until she left tonight.

“Look at us doing things together again,” Jon teased, but she sensed his relief that they’d see each other soon and work this out.

“I really can’t wait to see you tonight.” She wanted to reassure him. She hoped he heard how much she meant it, so much so her stomach fluttered with anticipation.

“I hope that means you’ll stay. It’s been too long since we’ve been together.”

She really missed kissing him and having his arms around her. “I’ll bring my overnight bag.”

“Maybe you should bring some stuff to leave here.” He waited a beat, then added, “Maybe you should just stay here.”

Her heart pounded in her chest. “That sounds like a bigger conversation.”

“All you have to say is yes.”

She wanted to say it, but she held back because they still needed to get back on the same page. “It’s not a no.”

“Then I’ll do my best to convince you to say yes tonight.”

She wondered if he hoped to get her to say yes to the business deal, whatever it was, too, but didn’t want to get into it right now. They’d see each other tonight, talk, and she’d know exactly what he wanted and where they stood.

“Listen, Trinity, if you need more time, I will wait however long you need to decide, but I want you to know I’m all in. I get that my life is complicated with Emmy and Steph and that’s a lot for you to take on.”

“Jon, I don’t want you to think that because it’s not the case. I mean, yes, the trouble with Steph is . . . difficult, but I love Emmy. You know I love her.”

“You’re everything I want for myself and her.”

And that told her everything she needed to know. “How can I say no to that?” Her heart felt so full to bursting she pressed her hand to her chest.


“I can’t.”

“I know we still need to have that talk. We will. I promise. But I know everything is going to be okay now, so that makes the rest easy.”

She felt the same way. “You said in your message that you spoke to your attorney.”

“Beth from DPHHS interviewed me, Emmy, Steph, the people at Emmy’s school.”

“I had a brief conversation with her. I told her about my interactions with you and Emmy. Basically, I confirmed what you’d already told her.”

“I’m sorry you had to get involved. Steph and I are at the point I hoped we’d never get to, battling for custody instead of working things out together. I knew it would come to this eventually, but when she said she wanted to move, start a new life here, I thought she was ready to make a real change.” Jon sighed. “I’m worried that she’ll want to go back to California. Her lawyer will probably advise her that it’s best for her to show she has family support to help her.”

“Does that mean you’d move back with her?”

Jon didn’t say anything for a long moment. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“But you need to put Emmy first.” She understood, but it would break her heart to lose them both now. She and Jon were just getting started on what felt like something that could be a forever kind of love.

“Yes. She needs me. And I need you. I hope you know that, whatever happens.”

She didn’t really know what to say. Her life was here. Her family was here. Her job. Would she give it all up to be with Jon and Emmy?


“We have a court date coming up in two weeks, along with Beth doing another check-in with Steph. Until then, I keep a close eye on Emmy and Steph and document everything, even though I want to keep her at the ranch with me.” Bitterness filled his voice and every word.

“I’m sorry, Jon.”

“I’ve asked myself the last few days how I could ever be with her.”

“It didn’t last because whatever spark that brought you two together fizzled out because she wasn’t right for you.”

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