Home > Mated Enemies(15)

Mated Enemies(15)
Author: Jordan Silver

‘It’s going to be okay…unless you run.’

‘Stop that!’ I have to give it to her, she didn’t let on to the others in the room there with her that we were talking. ‘Wait, are you watching me, listening to me?’ She tried slamming her mind shut and realized for the first time that she was no longer able to keep me out.

I didn’t even know myself that I’d imprinted on her so hard that we’d already reached that stage. Usually that only happens after we’d been intimate with each other. After I cum in her the first time my sperm will leave an indelible mark on her, in her, that will last a lifetime and will only grow stronger each time I take her.

With that I can find her, sense her, anywhere in the universe. She is so fucked! I hung around long enough to make sure she wasn’t going to run. Not that I wouldn’t be able to find her, but I’d much rather not have to go through the trouble of ending a few of her kind to get back what’s mine. Then she’d really hate me.

I heard a chamois cry out in fear somewhere deep in the mountain behind me and saw in my mind a brother lynx on the attack. “Not while I’m here!” He stopped midstride and sniffed the air searching for my scent and once he caught it turned and ran back the way he came. The goat skittered on its legs in fright. “Go and live another day.” She galloped off in the opposite direction and I saw the rest of her herd waiting for her below.






I shut out my surroundings and gazed up at the stars, letting my mind cleanse itself of all clutter. As first meetings go it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been but we still have a long way to go. My greatest obstacle is obviously overcoming her fear, something I don’t yet know the correct path to. Ergo my reason for freezing my ass off in the alps.

I’ve made many a great decision here in the past and was sure something of use would come to me given time, but I don’t have a hell of a lot of that. Five days now and counting. My stupid ass hadn’t taken into account how my body would feel without hers after that little taste. Agony!

Her scent was all over me and once I cleared my head it’s all that was left, the memory of how she felt in my arms, the taste of her lips, the way she smelt, it lingered on the palate. The glorious stars started to blend together the longer I stared, but even as I laid there still upon the hard cold ground, my mind was making plays.

When I took everything apart and put it all back together piece by piece a picture began to form. It didn’t make sense to me that her and I would be paired. As heir to the kingdom, which includes her clans as well, my mate should be someone of the purest breeding. I’d been expecting some pampered princess from an old European line, not the mutt.

But I guess it makes sense that it would be her. I’d delved into her enough to know that she was the heir to the throne of her people’s kingdom though of lesser status than myself. But our pairing had more to do with what had happened in the past, a way to patch things up and bring the different factions back together.

The past fuck-up had made a rift between the lesser kingdoms and us, the rulers over them all. People had taken sides back then and no one can hold a grudge like an immortal with a chip on their shoulder. I guess I’m the damn Band-Aid for their shit.

When looked at like that it made total sense and the more I accepted this the easier it became. In essence it was on the two of us to mend the rift that had been left for so long. Funny, no one had ever mentioned to me that they gave a fuck if we all got along or not. As much of their asses as I’ve kicked over the centuries, huh.

I was still no closer though to an answer of how to get her to come to me on her own. That would be best all around, if she gave in. If I have to hunt her down the time to do that shit would be now. While I still have some control.

Bitch girl was right, she can leave and leave me in a world of hurt, something I might be able to withstand with all my training. But I won’t ever be the same if that should happen. And she wouldn’t be able to have any kind of life if she denies me because I’m programmed to kill any man who goes near her.

My mind turned to other things, like the fact that my parents have been hiding from me. I can still feel the elders coming in and out of my consciousness but even they aren’t saying anything. If their meddling asses are playing the wait and see game then they must believe that it can be done.

I must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I knew it was that time just before the dawn and I awakened with her voice in my head. Shit, I must’ve tuned back in during the night. Either that or the bond had grown stronger after our little scuffle.

I opened my inner eye and saw her, fresh from her bath. Dammit, just a few seconds earlier and I would’ve seen that magnificent body again. No worries, there’ll be time enough for that soon. Right now I watched as she walked around the room talking to someone or something that wasn’t there.

‘What should I do Patrick? I spent the whole night thinking and I’m still no closer to a decision.’ Who the fuck is Patrick and what’s he doing in her room while she’s wrapped in a towel? I sat bolt upright ready to fly through time and space to get back to her.

It’s been a while since I spilled blood, not since the world had calmed down from its many wars. It would also be fucked if I had to spank my wife’s ass before we fucked but shit happens. Anger Lucien, anger! You go anywhere near her now and you’ll fuck up any chance that she might let you have her without putting up a fight.

Then she walked over to a corner of the room near a window and I saw the gilded cage that sat atop a very tall pedestal which was home to the big beautiful bird she kept there. Shit, I’m jealous of a bird. My ego deflated as quickly as it rose and I went back to watching her and listening to her conversation with the bird.

I wasn’t surprised when he answered, but I was by the accuracy of his response. ‘Destiny!’ It’s all he said to her no matter what question she posed. ‘But why? I don’t understand, why would they risk me and who exactly is he?’

I waited for his response and when he told her to stretch out her hand I realized that he wasn’t just using his natural bird sense, but was somehow equipped with something more powerful. Looks like there’s more to my little fairy than it appears.

She opened the cage and let him out and I watched as he landed on her outstretched arm and lowered his head to inhale her scent. His head came up and around and he took flight from her arm and headed for the rafters screeching bloody murder.

‘You’ve done it now girlie, you’re in for it.’

‘Patrick get down here and tell me what you saw.’ She stomped her foot and tried coaxing him down to her. ‘Who is he? If you know you have to tell me.’

‘He is… High immortal, His Majesty Crown Prince Lucien Star of the sky clan…’ She put her hands over her ears and started shaking her head back and forth wildly before he could finish his statement.

I held my breath and waited to see what she would do next. That news could either send her running into hiding like her girl had suggested or it could send her into shock. Either way she’d know that it was pointless to try to hide from me. Maybe from a lesser being she would’ve stood a chance.

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